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West Papuan in Genocide by Indonesian

Thursday 2 June 2016


KNPB Activists Has Captured and Arrested by Indonesian Security Forces in Wamena on May 31rd 2016
   Wamena-KNPB News 30-05 / 2016
In essence KNPB Wamena and the PRD region has managed to do a peaceful demonstration, but the Indonesian Security Forces with burutal arrested and tortured of protestors. Therefore, we convey to the world that absolutely no democratic values ​​worldwide and particularly in Papua Wamena or central highlands of West Papua. To deal with demonstrators, security forces have been doing terror and intimidatated excessive.

Before the demo dated May 31th, 2016, the Indonesian Security Forces have arrested 51 people of KNPB Activists. This they did in a way, a surprise attacked on the KNPB Wamena secretariat.
KNPB Activists at Police Station in Wamena Papua on May 31th 2016

Interest Indonesian security forces to thwart Demo is dated May 31th, 2016. By looking at the security forces of brutal actions, then Mr. I Numa Mabel have done to lead mass protests leading to the police station in Wamena from Hom-hom.

But the masses were on their way to the Wamena Police Station been obstructed by both police officers and the Indonesia military Joint Forces. As a result of this ambush, there has been a clashed between Massa demonstrators by Indonesian Security Forces.

 In this conflicting 10 (ten) KNPB Activis had been beaten and tortured by the Indonesian Security Forces. Later they were taken to the Jayawijaya police station in Wamena, Papua.
Baroy Sambom Suffering on Totured by Indonesian Polices in Wamena west Papua
Then to 10 (ten) KNPB Activists was taken to the police station by Jayawijaya Dalmas car, then  they are combined with other KNPB Activists who had been arrested by police this before. The names of KNPB Activists who have been arrested and tortured by security forces of Indonesia as the following:

1) Baroy Sambom, 2) Irwantho Mabel, 3) Samuel Mabel, 4) Akim Bahabol, 5) Mother Mary Awom, 6) Andi Kenelak, 7) Sonni Yual. According to the victims and witnesses that they were beaten battered. Photos bias seen in this report.
By looking the situation endangering the convenience of people of Papua, we KNPB Activists as victims beg International attention. The situation in West Papua is urgent, therefore, beg International intervention in West Papua immediately as well as soon.
Baroy Sambom is still suffering on Totured by Indonesian Polices in Wamena, West Papua
Witnesses and victims of KNPB Activists ask to Melanesian countries that ULMWP accepted as a full member of the MSG. Just because we support ULMWP, Indonesia catch us and torment us. Therefore, once again begging ULMWP accepted as a Full Member of MSG. Thank you.

Report by Baroy Sambom, from Wamena on June 1th 2016
West Papua Independence Activist

Edited, Translated and Publishing by
Sebby Sambom
An West Papuan Human Rights Defender
(Former West Papuan Political Prisoner)



Wamena-KNPB News 30-05/2016
Pada  intinya  KNPB and PRD  wilayah wamena  sudah berhasil lakukan demo damai, namun Aparat Keamanan Indonesia dengan burutal melakukan penangkapan dan penyiksaan terhadap demonstran. Oleh karena itu, kami sampaikan   kepada dunia internasional   bahwa benar-benar tidak ada nilai demokrasi  di seluruh Papua dan khususnya di wamena  atau pengunungan tengah Papua. Untuk menghadapi demonstran, aparat keamanan telah melakukan terror dan intimitasi yang berlebihan. 

Sebelum demo tanggal 31 Mei 2016, Aparat Keamanan Indonesia telah menangkap 51 orang Activis KNPB. Hal ini mereka lakukan dengan cara, melakukan serangan mendadak di secretariat KNPB di Wamena. Tujuan Aparat keamanan Indonesia adalah untuk menggagalkan Demo tanggal 31 Mei 2016.

Dengan melihat tindakan Aparat Keamanan yang brutal ini, maka Tuan I Numa Mabel pimpin massa telah lakukan aksi protes menuju ke kantor Polisi di Wamena dari Hom-hom. Namun massa yang hendak menuju ke Kantor Polisi Wamena di hadang oleh Aparat Gabungan baik Polisi dan militer Indonesia. 

Akibat dari penghadangan ini, telah terjadi benrokan antara Massa Demonstran dengan Aparat Keamanan Indonesia. Dalam bentrok ini sepuluh activis KNPB telah dipukul dan disiksa oleh Aparat Keamanan Indonesia. Kemudian mereka dibawa ke Polres Jayawijaya, wamena, Papua. 

Kemudian ke sepuluh Activist KNPB  ini telah dibawa ke Polres Jayawijaya dengan menggunakan mobil dalmas, selalunjut mereka digabungkan dengan Activis KNPB lain yang sebelumnya telah ditangkap Polisi.
Nama-nama Activis KNPB yang telah ditangkap dan disiksa Aparat Keamanan Indonesia sebagai berikut:
1)      Baroy Sambom, 2) Irwantho Mabel, 3) Samuel Mabel,4)  Akim Bahabol, 5) Ibu Maria Awom , 6) Andi Kenelak, 7) Sonni Yual. Menurut laporan korban dan saksi bahwa mereka dipukul  babak belur. Photos bias lihat dalam laporan ini.

Dengan melihat siatuasi yang membahayakan kenyamanan orang Papua ini maka, kami activis KNPB sebagai pihak korban mohon perhatian Internasional. Situasi di Papua sangat urgent, oleh karena itu mohon intervensi Internasional di Papua Barat. 

Saksi dan korban Activists KNPB minta kepada Negara-negara Melanesia agar ULMWP di terima sebagai anggota Penuh MSG. Hanya karena kami mendukung ULMWP, Indonesia tangkap kami dan siksa kami. Oleh karena itu, sekali lagi mohon supaya ULMWP di terima sebagai Anggota Penuh MSG.

Laporan:  Baroy sambom
Activist  Independence Papua Barat

Edited, Translated and Publishing by
Sebby Sambom
An West Papuan Human Rights Defender
(Former West Papuan Political Prisoner)

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