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West Papuan in Genocide by Indonesian

Wednesday 29 June 2016

Ones Suhuniap: Indonesian Government Decide Internet Network in Papua Per June 2016

Ones N Suhuniap (General Secretary of KNPB)


(Proof of crime and Indonesia colonialism in Papua) I wrote that all the democratic space and the struggle of the people of Papua continued to be silenced in the name of the country and on behalf  of the Homeland of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) maintain the social media such as facebook and other social media as a place or an alternative democratic space for the people of Papua to expression with the help of internet.

After the reform of the Indonesian people because they were relieved of their rights, the voice of the oppressed can be channeled through democratic space, but for the people of Papua nothing changes, it seems the old regime and the new order still exists in Papua.  

Silencing Democracy space, the people of Papua struggle ongoing of the people of Papua in Papua.  The last few years of silencing political rights, democratic rights, the right expression continue to be silenced in the name of Homeland or NKRI (Republic of Indonesia).

Here I want to point out is about silencing little and isolated areas of Papua watchlist International society in all aspects of special first democratic space and the struggle of the people of Papua demanded the right of self-determination for the people of Papua.

The last few years we follow silencing the democratic space, restricting access for foreign journalists and banning or revocation of licenses to foreign NGOs in Papua.Right to free speech in public in the guarantee law number 9 of 1998 and legislation Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia an Article 28 paragraph 1 and 2 letters A through J letter of expression silenced.

Article 32 of the Law of Human Rights which said that everyone has the right freely get information restricted. International covenant on civil and political rights are not respected by the State of Indonesia in west Papua.Internet access is now a solution for the people of Papua distribute opinions through social media is threatened to be closed by the colonial government to  the Republic of Indonesia. Are Some times I follow, as a political issue in Papua is opened in the international community, some of the crime scene of the Republic of Indonesia in Ppapua occurred, the internet network is violated.

Telkomsel always apologized to the people of Papua that opik undersea cables break, so the network is violated. This happened several times in Papua, but the reason or cause interruption of the optical cable had not been communicated openly to the public in Papua. The question is why the same thing happen in Papua, why not tackle the causes of Telkomsel optic cable cuts?

How many days terkhir Internet network is violated since Saturday last 19th of June 2016 in Papua, and according telkomsel Internet network will be violated until the next two months because of an optical cable in sliding broke up he said.

Is it true submarine optical cable broke? If it is true what causes it? Telkomsel had to convey this teransparan and open causes optic cable disconnection always occurs in this Papua.I saw that the internet is a network termination only mute struggle of the people of Papua and Papua said that the space limit any state crimes in west Papua.

For this intrnet network disconnection occurs third issue of human rights violations in Papua highlighted in the UN Human Rights Council and ahead of the MSG summit session on July 14, 2016 in Honiara, Solomon Islands.The Government of the Republic of Indonesia was panicked at the people's movement in Papua and west Papua issue at international level so deliberately disconnect internet access.

Because they fear crimes of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia in west Papua opened at the international.We were surprised and shocked by this because something like this would happen three countries feel threatened, then it certainly will be decided by the colonial government of Republic of  Indonesia in Papua and internet network to isolate by colonies government of Republic of Indonesia.

Why is that? Since Saturday dated June 19th, 2016 telkomsel violated either telephone or internet, Papuans have difficulty in obtaining information via telephone and internet. To call can be active again, but internet access was violated even telkomsel will drop up to two months.

If this is the case means that there is a serious threat to the people of Papua. Why? Because at a time when internet access is lost then the torture, killings, arrests and violence on a massive scale will occur in Papua. Therefore, to all those component who and care about humanity in Papua should seriously look into this situation.

Because politically I see this part of the isolation and silencing of democratic space and information from monitoring by the international community.Because in the near future the people of Papua will conduct national action to support the members of ULMWP be full of MSG by MSG summit on July 14th, 2016.

This is a serious threat to the movement of the people of Papua because when internet access is lost there will be arrests, totures, terrors and intimidation against activists and even extra justicial killings of people of Papua will happen.

Thus we see the situation objectively and think to find a way out or other alternatives as a means of communication and information in the near future, domestically and abroad.

Reported by Ones N Suhuniap (General Secretary of KNPB)

Edited, Translated and Republishing by
Sebby Sambom
West Papuan Human Rights Defender
(Former West Papuan Political Prisoner)



Indonesia Putuskan Jaringan Internet di Papua Per June 2016


( Bukti kejahatan dan kolonialisme Indonesia di Papua ) Pernah saya tulis bahwa semua ruang demokrasi dan perjuangan rakyat papua terus dibungkam atas nama negara dan atas nama pertahankan NKRI maka media sosial seperti facebook dan media sosial lain sebagai tempat atau ruang demokrasi alternatif bagi rakyat papua menyampaikan pendapat dengan bantuan internet.

Setelah reformasi rakyat indonesia merasa lega kerena hak mereka, suara kaum tertindas bisa tersalurkan melalui ruang demokrasi, tetapi bagi rakyat papua tidak ada perubahan, rasanya resim orde lama dan orde baru masih tetap ada di papua.

Pembungkaman ruang demokrasi, diskriminasi, kriminalisasi perjuangan rakyat Papua terus  berlangsung di papua.     
Beberapa tahun terahir pembungkaman hak politik, hak demokrasi, hak berexpresi terus dibungkam atas nama NKRI. 

Disini saya mau sedikit utarakan adalah tentang pembungkaman dan isolasi wilayah papua dari pantauan masyarakat interbasional dalam semua aspek terlebih khusus ruang demokrasi dan perjuangan rakyat papua yang menuntut hak penentuan nasib sendiri bagi rakyat papua.

Beberapa tahun terakhir kita ikuti pembungkaman ruang demokrasi, pembatasan akses bagi wartawan asing dan pelarangan atau pencabutan perijinan terhadap LSM asing di papua.

Hak menyampaikan pendapat di muka umum di jamin undang-undang nomor 9 tahun 1998 undang-undangDasar Republik Indones pasal 28 ayat 1 dan 2 hurup A sampai huruf J tentang menyampaikan pendapat dibungkam.

Pasal 32 Undang-Undang HAM tentang setiap orang berhak nendapatkan informasi secara bebas di batasi. Covenant  internasional hak sipil dan hak politik tidak dihormati oleh Negara Indonesia  ini di west papua.

Kini akses internet menjadi solusi bagi rakyat papua menyalurkan pendapat melalui media sosial terancam akan ditutup oleh Pemerintahh colonial Republik Indonesia.

Bebera kali saya ikuti, ketika isu politik Papua di buka di mata dunia internasional, beberapa peristiwa kejahatan Negara Republik Indonesia di Ppapua terjadi yaitu jaringan internet tergganggu.
Telkomsel selalu menyampaikan permohonan maaf kepada rakyat Papua bahwa Kabel opik di bawah laut putus, sehingga jaringan tergganggu. Hal ini terjadi beberapa kali di papua, tetapi alasan atau penyebab terputusnya kabel optik tidak pernah disampaikan secara terbuka kepada publik di Papua. Pertanyaanya mengapa hal yang sama terulang di Papua, kenapa Telkomsel tidak mengatasi penyebab putusnya kabel optik ?

Berapa hari terkhir ini jaringan internet tergganggu sejak hari sabtu tanggal 19 June 2016 lalu di Papua, dan menurut telkomsel jaringan internet akan tergganggu hingga dua bulan ke depan karena kabel optik di sorong putus katanya.

Apakah benar kabel optik bawah laut putus ? Jika benar apa penyebabnya ? Telkomsel harus sampaikan ini secara teransparan dan terbuka penyebab terputusnya kabel optik selalu terjadi di papua ini.

Saya memandang bahwa pemutusan jaringan internet ini hanya pembungkaman perjuangan rakyat Papua dan membatasi ruang orang Papua menyampaikan setiap kejahatan negara di west papua.
Sebab pemutusan jaringan intrnet ini terjadi ketiga isu Pelanggaran HAM di Papua disoroti di dewan HAM PBB dan menjelang sidang KTT MSG pada 14 Juli 2016 mendatang di Honiara, Solomon Islands.
Pemerintah Negara Republik Indonesia sedang panik menghadapi gerakan rakyat Papua dan isu west Papua di tingkat internasional sehingga akses internet sengaja di putuskan. Sebab mereka takut kejahatan kejahatan Pemerintah Negara  Republik Indonesia di west Papua di buka di internasional.
Kami tidak heran dan kaget dengan ini karena hal seperti ini tentu akan terjadi ketiga Negara merasa terancam, maka tentu kolonial indonesia akan memutuskan jaringan internet di papua untuk mengisolasi wilayah koloninya.

Kenapa demikian? Sejak hari sabtu tanggal 19 Juni 2016 telkomsel tergganggu baik telpon maupun internet, orang Papua kesulitan mendapat informasi melalui telpon dan internet. Untuk telpon bisa aktif kembali namun akses internet masih tergganggu bahkan nenurut telkomsel akan putus sampai dua bulan kedepan.

Jika hal ini terjadi berarti ada ancaman serius bagi rakyat Papua. Mengapa? Sebab di saat akses internet ini terputus maka penyiksaan, pembunuhan, penangkapan dan kekerasan secara masif akan terjadi di papua.

Oleh karena itu kepada semua pihak yang kompoten dan peduli kemanusiaan di Papua harus serius melihat situasi ini. Sebab secara politik saya melihat ini bagian dari isolasi dan pembungkaman ruang demokrasi dan informasi dari pantauan dunia internasional.

Karena dalam waktu dekat rakyat papua akan melakukan aksi nasional untuk mendukung ULMWP menjadi angggota penuh MSG melalui KTT MSG pada tanggal 14 Juli 2016. Ini ancaman serius terhadap gerakan rakyat papua karena di saat akses internet terputus tentu akan ada penagkapan, penjiksaan, teror dan intimidasi terhadap aktivis bahkan pembunuhan di luar prosedur hukumterhadap  rakyat papua akan terjadi.

Dengan demikian kita melihat situasi ini dengan obyektif dan berfikir untuk mencari jalan keluar atau alternatif lain sebagai sarana komunikasi dan informasi dalam waktu dekat, dalam negeri maupun luar negeri.

Di Laporkan oleh Ones N Suhuniap (Sekretaris Umum KNPB

Edited, Translated and Republishing by
Sebby Sambom
West Papuan Human Rights Defender
(Former West Papuan Political Prisoner)

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