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West Papuan in Genocide by Indonesian

Wednesday 1 June 2016

West Papuan Demo Support ULMWP for Full Member of MSG in Port Moresby

West Papuan at PoM support ULMWP for full member of MSG (pic Doc Sebby Sambom)
Papuans who live in Port Moresby has done a demo to  support ULMWP to become a full member of MSG on Wednesday June 1rd, 2016. The demonstration was coordinated by PNG Unon for Free West Papua under the leadership of Mr. Jeffry P. Bomay. 

All ACP delegation from the States of Africans, Caribian and Pacific have passed this way and they have witnessed.
After three hours of demos, PNG police were asked to Papuan demonstrators to leave the place because Indonesian are furious there. PNG police said  that the political climate is very warm due, because Papua issue could be discussed at a summit of ACP  today. Please show some photos below: 
West Papuan at POM support ULMWP for Full member of MSG (Pic Doc Seeby Sambom)
West Papuan Demo at POM to Support ULMWP for full member of MSG (Pic Doc Sebby Sambom)
West Papuan Demo at POM support ULMWP for full member of MSG (pic Doc Sebby Sambom)
 By Sebby Sambom
West Papuan Human Rights Defender
(Former West Papuan Political Prisoner)

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