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West Papuan in Genocide by Indonesian

Monday, 18 July 2016

International Solidarity Rally for ULMWP Become a full membership of MSG

International Solidarity for ULMWP become a full membership of MSG (Honiara July 14th 2016)

For one week over the Solomon Islands in Solidarity for Free West Papua hard works in the hope that it ULMWP will become a full membership of MSG, but the status of ULMWP postponed again. 

By looking at this situation, the supporters of Papuan independence was disappointed  or everyone was disappointed. Even so, patiently and with an open heart receives the results of the trial MSG decision dated July 14th, 2016.
Solomon Islands Police Commissioner Speaeach on West Papua March on July 14th 2016 in Honiara, Solomon Islands
By looking at these conditions, all supporters of Papuan independence both from the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Fiji, PNG and Kannaki committed that will fight alongside our Melanesia brothers and sisters in West Papua.

This commitment comes from the Government of Solomon Islands, Government of Vanuatu and FLKNS Government of New Caledonia. This has been done through the signing of the Agreement between the Leaders, that is, from Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, FLNKS and ULMWP.
International Solidarity for ULMWP become a full membership of MSG (Honiara July 14th 2016)
 In this signing has been agreed that the Right to Self-Determination for Melanesians people in West Papua will not stop, but will continue until the Melanesians  people in West Papua gained full independence from the hands of the Colonial Government of the Republic of Indonesia.

West Papua Rally has been done by the International Solidarity, coordinated by the Solomon Islands in Solidarity for Free West Papua has been successful.

MSG Chair Secretary Speeach on West Papua March at SMI Part Honiara, Solomon Islands on July 14th 2016
Long march for ULMWP support that has been done by the International Solidarity in Honiara, Solomon Islands has received attention and recognition by all leaders of the Pacific States, which is also located in Honiara to follow the Pacific Islands Development Forum summit.

Pacific Leaders recognize professionalism and long march that has been done by the International Solidarity for Papua (ULMWP) under the coordination of the Solomon Islands in Solidarity for Free West Papua.
International Solidarity for ULMWP become a full membership of MSG (Honiara July 14th 2016)
Chief of Police (Commissioner of Police) in Honiara also recognizes the rally was really peaceful and professional, it is said by the Commissioner of Police (Mr. Frank Prentegast).

Indonesian may be arrogant and have said that they managed to block ULMWP, and finally ULMWP failed to become a full member at MSG. Even so, ULMWP and the State Support namely Vanuatu, Solomon Islands and Kannaki will keep fighting together for the right of self-determination for the Melanesians people in West Papua.
Director of PIANGO (Emely Tautuaraga speeach on West Papua March on July 14th 2016 in Honiara, Solomon Islands
Indonesian does not have the right to remedy a Membership of MSG, since Indonesia is not a clump of Melanesians. Only representatives of the nation of Papua Melanesians (ULMWP) eligible to be a Membership of MSG, because the people of West Papua is a family of Melanesians. It arrives it should be understood by all parties.

This report from Honiara, Solomon Islands.

Writed, Edited, Translated and publishing by,
Sebby Sambom
West Papuan Human Rights Defender
(Former West Papuan Political Prisoner)

Bishop Peter Speeach on West Papua March at SMI Part in Honiara, Solomon Islands on July 14th 2016
International Solidarity Rally for ULMWP become a full membership of MSG

Selama satu minggu lebih Solomon Islands in Solidarity for Free West Papua kerja keras dengan harapan bahwa ULMWP akan menjadi anggota penuh MSG, tetapi status ULMWP ditunda lagi. Dengan melihat situasi ini, para pendukung Papua merdeka pun kecewa.Atau Semua orang kecewa.  Sekalipun begitu, dengan sabar dan dengan hati yang terbuka menerima hasil keputusan sidang MSG tanggal 14 Juli 2016.

Dengan melihat kondisi ini, semua pendukung Papua merdeka baik dari Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Fiji, PNG dan Kannaki berkomitmen bahwa akan berjuang bersama saudara-saudari Melanesia di Papua Barat. 

Komitmen ini juga datang dari Pemerintah Solomon Islands, Pemerintah Vanuatu dan FLKNS dari Kaledonia Baru. Hal ini telah dilakukan dengan penandatangan Perjanjian di antara Pemimpin, yaitu dari Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, FLNKS dan ULMWP. 
West Makira Province youth singin on International Solidarity for ULMWP become a full membership of MSG (Honiara July 14th 2016) at SMI Part in Honiara, Solomon Islands
Dalam penandatanganan ini telah disepakati bahwa Hak Penentuan Nasib Sendiri bagi orang Melanesia di Papua Barat tidak akan berhenti, tetapi akan berlanjut terus hingga orang Melanesia di Papua Barat memperoleh kemerdekaan Penuh dari tangan Pemerintah Kolonial Republik Indonesia. 

West Papua Rally yang telah dilakukan oleh Solidaritas  Internasional, yang dikoordinir oleh Solomon Islands in Solidarity for Free West Papua telah berhasil dengan baik. 

Long march dukungan ULMWP yang telah lakukan oleh Solidaritas Internasional di Honiara, Solomon Islands telah mendapat  perhatian dan pengakuan oleh semua pemimpin Negara-Negara Pasifik, yang juga berada di Honiara untuk mengikuti KKT Pasific Islandss Development Forum.
Hon. Derreck Manuary and Roland Seloso Speeach on West Papua March on July 14th 2016 at SMI part Honiara SI
Para Pemimpin  Pasifik mengakui profesionalisme kerja dan aksi long march yang telah dilakukan oleh Solidaritas Internasional bagi Papua (ULMWP) dibawah koordinasi  Solomon Islands in Solidarity for Free West Papua. 

Kepala Polisi (Komisioner Polisi) di Honiara juga mengakui rally yang benar-benar damai dan professional, hal ini dikatakan oleh Komisioner Polisi (Mr. Frank Prentegast). 

Indonesia boleh sombong dan telah mengatakan bahwa mereka berhasil blok ULMWP, dan akhirnya ULMWP gagal menjadi anggota penuh di MSG. Meskipun begitu, ULMWP dan Negera Pendukung yaitu Vanuatu, Solomon Islands dan Kannaki akan tetap berjuang bersama untuk hak Penentuan Nasib Sendiri bagi orang Melanesia di Papua Barat. 

Indonesia tidak mempunyai hak untk menjadi Anggota MSG,  karena Indonesia bukan merupakan rumpun Melanesia. Hanya wakil bangsa Papua Melanesia (ULMWP) yang berhak menjadi Anggota MSG, karena orang-orang Papua Barat adalah rumpun Melanesia. Hal ini ysng perlu dipahami oleh semua pihak. 

Demikian laporan dari Honiara, Solomon Islands. 

Writed, Edited, Translated and publishing by,
Sebby Sambom
West Papuan Human Rights Defender
(Former West Papuan Political Prisoner)

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