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West Papuan in Genocide by Indonesian

Thursday 16 November 2017

Indonesian Troops Using Rocket Bomb were Attack the Headquarters of TPNP-BOPM this Morning in Tembagapura West Papua

The photo of Indonesian Troops Attacked TPNPB-OPM Headquarters using lands launcher rockers Nov 17st 2017t
The report direcly from Tembagapura through WPNLA Staff and has Posted by tpnpbnews on Friday November 17th 2017.

Field  Operation Commander of the National Liberation Army of West Papua (TPNPB) Mr. Gusby Hunggi Waker from Tembagapura, West Papua reported that, this morning the Indonesian Military & Police attacked TPNPB Defense Headquarters using rocket weapons. 

This land rocket attack is not balanced with the enemy weapons force for the Indonesian Military and Police, rather than West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) weapons only have the type of ordinary weapons. 

Indonesian troops has begun an attack using a rocket lighter. It was reported by Field Operation Commander of TPNPB in Tembagapura (Gusby Waker).
The rocket attack from the Indonesian Military and Police was waged in the target position of TPNPB, but temporarily there were no casualties for the TPNPB soldiers. "started from 8 am to 9 am they (Indonesian Military and Police) red, shoot a rocket bomb, to where we live, and we have a war now", he said, this morning on November 17th 2017 via telephone call.
The victim was not there yet, he said "Rocket fire in a row and all our soldiers take a position for the counter-opponent", he said. 

Photo of fire fumes that have been generated by rockets who have been fired into the headquarters of TPNPB by Indonesian troops on 17/11/2017

The National Liberation Army (TPNPB) has taken a secure position from the Indonesian military rocket attack. It is expected that the Indonesian military in this resistance does not balance the power and equipment between the enemies of both combatant parties. 

The International Humanitarian Regulation has regulated the war, with regard to the strength of weapons required to be balanced.
But the Indonesian military has used rocket tanks, these attacks are harmful to citizens and West Papuan National Liberation Army soldiers. 
A rocket explosion if not mistakenly targeted could cost civilians, during this time in the medias called West Papua Naational Liberation Army hostage citizens without facts.It false and liying.

Precisely Indonesian Military and Police conduct examination and interrogation of local civilian villages of Kembeli and Banti, District of Tembagapura, West Papua. 
West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) very well understands and deserves, International humanitarianism law in war. Because international humanitarianism is a regulation of war, more specifically about War of National Liberation.

In this case, Indonesian has excessive use of power. The rocket tank attack has started, unbalanced with the power of West Papua National Liberation Army, the West Papua National Liberation Army requesting the help of the International Intervention should take place. 
Therefore, to United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) that urges to the United Nation to send a peacekeeping troops to West Papua for interference and must be implemented immediately.
West Papua National Liberation Army is fighting for Papuan rights enclude the right of self-determinatio, then International Intervention in this case by UN should happen.
West Papua National Liberation Army as stated by Komnas HAM, that the Indonesian red cross to Tembagapura refused firmly. Komnas HAM gave legitimacy to the Indonesian military for air and ground assault using rocket bombs.  

Therefore, West Papua National Liberation Army rejects all statements contrary to West Papua National Liberation Armys attitude. Anyone can read Malay Indonesian please click here, TNI & Polri Menggunakan Bom Roket Serang TPNPB Pagi Ini di Tembagapura
Translated, edited & republished by
Sebby Sambom

West Papuan Human Rights Defender

Former West Papuan Political Prisoner

(Spokesperson of TPNPB)

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