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West Papuan in Genocide by Indonesian

Thursday 16 November 2017

TPNPB-OPM: Been Shot Indonesian Military Helicopters Double With the Pilot & Crew in Sinak, Papua 2013

Photo of  the National Liberation Army of West Papua been shot the Indonesian National Army Helicopter in 2013

Is it true that the West Papuan National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM) ever been shot the Helicopter belonging the Indonesian Army?

People around the world need to know that the West Papuan National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM) has shot a helicopter belonging the Indonesian Military in 2013 ago in Sinak District, Puncak Jaya Regency Papua Province.

To prove it please follow the archive news the video links below:
Helicopter Shotout, TNI Evacuation in Papua Forced by Land, (Heli ditembak, evakuasi TNI di Papua lewat darat

TPNPB-OPM: We Shot Dead 15th Indonesian Military Members Not Eight 


PUNCAK JAYA PAPUA MEDIA ALERT: The West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM Shots dead 13th Indonesian Nattional Army members on Thursday February 21th 2013 at Sinak Distric, and Two TNI Members in Tingginambut, Puncak Jaya Papua. Anyone can read malay Indonesian please click here, TPN-OPM Tembak 13 TNI Kemarin di Sinak, Dua Anggota TNI di Tingginambut, Puncakjaya Papua

The National Liberation Army of West Papua an Free Papua Organization (TPNPB-OPM), Shot dead the 13th TNI Members from Sinak Koranmil, Kodim 1714 / Puncak Jaya in Tanggulinik Village, Sinak District, Puncak Jaya Regency (Thursday 21/2/2013) at 10.30 am  yesterday.

Thirteen of TNI members who were successfully shot dead by West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM) in Sinak were on their way to Sinak Airport to pick up the radio from Nabire.

The thirteen of TNI members were killed are “ Sertu Udin, Sertu Frans, Sertu Romadhon, Pratu Mustofa, Sertu Edy, Praka Jojon, Praka Wempi and six others were unidentified. Related news please click here, Heli TNI Ditembak di Papua - (tvOneNews, 27 Februari 2013)

Timthumb.php, Some newspapers and Indonesian TV News reported that TPNPB-OPM shot 8th TNI members in Puncak Jaya, West Papua is a fraud. It was said by one of the TPNPB members when reporting the event to the WPNLA admin, from the plateau after he got the Telkomsel network signal, via his cell phone.

 That "we was shot 13th  TNI members people in Sinak and in Tingginambut 2th  members of TNI". Asked related, shootings at Sinak and in Tingginambut on whose command? "Yes we shot TNI members  in Sinak and in Tingginambut on the orders of Commander-in-Chief of TPNPB-OPM Gen. Goliath Tabuni "said a member of TPNPB whose name would not publish it. Related news click more here, Heli TNI AD Ditembak di Papua

Two TNI members burned by TPNPB-OPM in Tingginambut District of Guragi village, Punjak Jaya Regency on Thursday (22/2/2013), at 09.00 am, were TNI Task Force on behalf of Pratu Wahyu Bowo killed with gunshot wounds to the chest and neck. The only one, is injured (Danpos Task Force) on behalf of Lettu Inf Reza who was shot in the left arm.

Related information was also reported by one of the residents in Mulia town of Puncak Jaya Regency. Asked how the evacuation process of TNI members? "Victims from Tingginambut are being treated in Mulia Hospital. The wounded people are still in a coma, will surely die. This morning 13th bags of corpses were sent from Sinak to Mulia to be evacuated to Jayapura,  Capital city Papua Province, he said.

Additional from sources interviewed by WPNLA Admin via mobile phone. said that the temporary situation in Mulia "even today we are not safe in the town here we are afraid, more the people in Tingginambut and Sinak they all flee to the forest. Because, TNI, Brimob are pursuing TPNPB-OPM members, so all the people are afraid and to run to the forest, "said a resident in Mulia.

Furthermore, one of the TPNPB members who reported the incident to the WPNLA Admin said that, "Commander Murib said that TNI and BRIMOB members were trying to catch us, meaning we were ready to shot and TPNPB-OPM troops would not resign, TPNPB would survive and oppose Indonesian Military or the Police ", He concluded.

The source said, "Commander Murib" means that says "Commander of Operation Bridgen Lekagak Gemanus Telenggen. Add another source, "this morning we shot helicopter pilots from the mountain". The helicopter that we fired belonged to the TNI, during the evacuation of the victims.

However, because TPNPB-OPM shots helicopter pilot, so it does not evacuate through air using helicopter, then the helicopter goes back to Mulia.

The shoting of 15th members of the Indonesian Military is time the attitude of Commander-in-Chief of TPNPB-OPM Gen.Goliath Tabuni  that he was inaugurated as High Commander of the TPNPB-OPM on December 11th 2012 in Tingginambut, West Papua.

In his speech "I was appointed as high commander of West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM) according to the result of TPNPB-OPM High Level Conference in Biak on 1th to 5th May 2012, and ready to lead The National Command of TPNPB-OPM and ready to implement the Revolution of Stages or Total Revolution in order to obtain the Right of Self-Determining or the West Papuans Political Rights of Self Determination) for the Nation and the People of West Papua.

In accordance with the Resolution of the TPNPB-OPM Summit in Biak, I as High Commander-in-Chief of TPNPB-OPM is ready to take responsibility and Ready to do the revolution of the stages and will proceed with the total Revolution, while organizing and improving the TPNPB-OPM structural according to International standards.

TPNPB-OPM assume that all Indonesian people who have been and are looking for food and steal the wealth of indigenous Papuans are the invaders and the enemy of the people of West Papua.

On this basis, West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM) is ready to clean thoroughly from the ancestral land of the Papuan people.

The West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM) also warned Malay Indonesians in Papua to immediately roll Mattres and return home, because TPNPB-OPM is ready to implement the Revolution of Stages and Total Revolution.

Thus the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM) statement on the incident of shooting of TNI/ POLRI members by TPNPB-OPM under Command Gen. Goliath Naman Tabuni. Thank you for your attention.

Translated, edited and republished by,
Sebby Sambom
West Papuan Human Rights Defender
Former West Papuan Political Prisoner
(Spokeperson of TPNPB)
Photo Helikopter Milik TNI Angkatan Darat yang pernah  Ditembak di Sinak oleh TPNPB-OPM 2013


TPNPB-OPM: Pernah Tembak Helikopter  Militer Indonesia Dobel Dengan Pilot & Crew 
Apakah benar bahwa Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat (TPNPB-OPM) pernah tembak Helikopter milik Tentara Indonesia?  
Masyarakat di seluruh dunia perlu ketahui bahwa Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat (TPNPB-OPM) pernah Tembak Helikopter milik Militer Indonesia pada tanhun 2013 silam di Kwiyawage West Papua.
Untuk membuktikannya silakan ikuti berita archive dibawah ini:
TPNPB-OPM: Kami Tembak Mati 15 Anggota TNI Bukan Delapan
Puncak Jaya Papua: TPN-OPM Tembak 13 Anggota TNI Pada Kamis 21 Februari 2013 di Sinak, dan Dua Anggota TNI di Tingginambut, Puncak Jaya Papua.
Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat-Organisasi Papua Merdeka (TPN-OPM), Menembak mati 13 Anggota TNI dari Koranmil Sinak, Kodim 1714/Puncak Jaya di Kampung Tanggulinik, Distrik Sinak, Kabupaten Puncak Jaya, (Kamis 21/2/2013) pukul 10.30 wp kemarin.
Tigabelas anggota TNI yang berhasil ditembak mati oleh TPN di Sinak adalah saat menuju Bandara Sinak untuk mengambil radio dari Nabire.
Tigabelas TNI yang tewas diantaranya: Sertu Udin, Sertu Frans, Sertu Romadhon, Pratu Mustofa, Sertu Edy, Praka Jojon, Praka Wempi dan enam lainnya belum diketahui identitas.
Timthumb.php, beberapa Surat kabar maupun Tv dikabarkan bahwa TPN-OPM tembak 8 anggota TNI di Puncak Jaya adalah penipuan. Hal dikatakan oleh salah satu anggota TPNPB saat melaporkan peristiwa tersebut kepada admin WPNLA, dari dataran tinggi setelah ia mendapatkan signal jaringan telkomsel, melalui telepon selulernya. 
Bahwa “kami tembak anggota TNI di Sinak 13 orang dan di Tingginambut 2 anggota TNI”. Ditanya terkait, penembakan di Sinak dan di Tingginambut atas Komando siapa? “ ya kami tembak TNI di Sinak dan di Tingginambut atas perintah Panglima Tinggi TPN-OPM Gen. Goliath Tabuni” kata anggota TPN yang namanya tidak mau dipublikasi itu.
Dua anggota TNI yang dikabarkan ditembak oleh TPN-OPM di distrik Tingginambut Kampung Guragi, Kabupaten Punjak Jaya pada (Kamis 22/2/2013), pukul 09.00 wp adalah Satgas TNI atas nama Pratu Wahyu Bowo tewas dengan luka tembak di bagian dada dan leher. Satunya, korban luka-luka Danpos Satgas atas nama Lettu Inf Reza yang tertembak di lengan bagian kiri.
Informasi terkait juga dilaporkan oleh salah satu warga di Mulia kota Kabupaten Puncak Jaya. Ditanya, bagaimana proses evakuasi mayat anggota TNI? “Korban dari Tingginambut sedang dirawat RS di Mulia. Korban luka para masih koma, pasti akan meninggal. Pagi ini 13 kantong mayat dikirim dari Sinak ke Mulia untuk dievakuasi ke Jayapura, ujarnya.
Tambahan dari sumber yang diwawancarai Admin WPNLA via telpon seluler. mengatakan bahwa situasi sementara di Mulia “ saat inipun kami tidak aman di kota disini kami takut, lebih para lagi masyarakat di Tingginambut dan Sinak mereka semua mengungsi ke hutan. Karena, TNI, Brimob sedang kejar TPN-OPM, jadi semua masyarakat takut lari ke hutan”, kata seorang warga di Mulia.
Selanjutnya, Salah satu anggota TPN yang melaporkan peristiwa kepada Admin WPNLA mengatakan bahwa, “Komandan Murib bilang kalau anggota TNI dan BRIMOB berusaha kejar kami, berarti kami siap tembak dan pasukan TPN-OPM tidak akan mundur, TPN akan bertahan terus dan lawan TNI/POLRI”, pungkasnya.
Kata sumber, “Komandan Murib” artinya yang mengatakan “Komandan Operasi Lekagak Gemanus Telenggen. Tambah sumber lagi, “pagi ini kami tembak pilot helicopter dari gunung”. Helicopter yang kami tembak adalah milik TNI, saat melakukan evakuasi korban tersebut.
Namun karena, TPN-OPM tembak Pilot Helikopter, sehingga tidak jadi evakuasi melalui udarah menggunakan helicopter, maka helicopter tersebut kembali ke Mulia.
Penembakan 15 Anggota TNI kali ini merupakan, Sikap Panglima Tinggi TPN-OPM Gen.Goliath Tabuni, bahwa berdasarkan dirinya dilantik menjadi Panglima Tinggi TPN-OPM pada 11 Desember 2012 di Tingginambut.
Dalam pidatonya “ saya diangkat sebagai panglima tinggi TPN-OPM sesuai hasil Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi TPN-OPM di Biak pada 1-5 Mei 2012, dan siap memimpin TPN-OPM serta siap melaksanakan Revolusi Tahapan ataupun Revolusi Total guna memperoleh Hak Politik Menentukan Nasib Sendiri (Self Determination) bagi Bangsa dan Rakyat Papua Barat.
Sesuai Resolusi KTT TPN-OPM di Biak, saya sebagai Panglima Tinggi TPN-OPM siap bertanggungjawab dan Siap lakukan revolusi tahapan dan akan dilanjutkan dengan Revolusi total, sambil mengatur dan membenahi structural TPN-OPM sesuai standar Internasional.
TPN-OPM anggap bahwa semua orang Indonesia yang telah dan sedang cari makan dan mencuri kekayaan orang asli Papua adalah penjajah dan Musuh Rakyat bangsa Papua Barat. Dengan dasar itu, TPN-OPM siap membersihkan secara menyeluruh dari tanah leluhur bangsa Papua.
TPN-OPM juga memperingatkan kepada orang Melayu Indonesia yang ada di Papua segera gulung Tikat dan pulang kampung, karena TPN-OPM siap melaksanakan Revolusi Tahapan dan Revolusi Total.
Demikian pernyataan TPN-OPM atas insiden penembakan terhadap anggota TNI/POLRI oleh TPN-OPM dibawah Comando Gen. Goliath Naman Tabuni. Terima kasih atas perhatian Anda. Sumber:…

Translated, edited and republished by,
Sebby Sambom
West Papuan Human Rights Defender
Former West Papuan Political Prisoner
(Spokeperson of TPNPB)

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