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West Papuan in Genocide by Indonesian

Thursday 17 January 2019


Indonesian Military Opeation in Nduga region highlands of West Papua (pic doc Courier TPNPB) on January 16st 2019


Direct reports from the Ndugama region that were conveyed to all parties, and which were mainly to the TPNPB-OPM Diplomators in Overseas.
This report is a direct report from Ndugama via cellular telephone around 06:31a.m Papua time on January 16th, 2019.
In this case the West Papuan National Liberation Army (TPNPB) courier reported that the last situation until this moment was the funding of the Indonesian military and police forces in the Mbua, Yigi and surrounding areas using 30th Strada cars with complete war equipments.
The Indonesian military and police forces headed for the Nduga region from 09:00am Papua time, but we cannot confirm that whether TPNPB can be blocked or not is unclear.
And the civilians who have fled out have not yet reached to Wamena, so what is the condition of the people in refugee camps in the jungle, he said via cell phone.
The second report is on January 15th, 2019 were Drooping Indonesian military and police forces from Jakarta arrived at Wamena Airport, in the Central highlands of West Papua with the aim to the Ndugama, Lani Jaya and Puncak Jaya Papua regions for the war against the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB ).

Therefore, we convey to the TPNPB-OPM gratification abroad please monitor us in the field or domestically, especially the Ndugama, Lani Jaya and Puncak Jaya Regions.

Another report was a shootout between the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) and the Indonesian Security Forces taking place in Yambi, Papua's Puncak Jaya. In this case the full report will follow.

West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) General Operations Commander in Kimagi Headquarters, Yambi Puncak Jaya, was surrounded by Indonesian Military and Police Forces using 30th cars and two hellopters and from the air deploying troops by Hellicopters, but the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) managed to shoot one member of the Indonesian Military or Police. And until now the Indonesian military or police corpse who have been shot by the TPNPB Military have not been taken by the Indonesian Military.

And also the TPNPB Courier from the Ndugama region reported via his cellphone that there were 8
th Indonesian Military and Police posts in the Ndugama region. The Indonesian military and police are in large numbers, and the people are very scared.

This is the latest
West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) report on January 16th, 2019, and thank you for your good cooperation. God bless us all. Amen.

Source: by TPNPB Courier direct from Ndugama, Papua
Edit and publiching by Spokesperson of TPNPB

TPNPB Soldiers are ready to fight against Indonesian troops on Defence their Lands and People



Laporan langsung dari wilayah Ndugama yang disampaikan kepada semua pihak, dan yang terutama kepada DIPOLMAT TPNPB-OPM di Luar Negerei.

Laporan ini adalah merupakan laporan langsung dari Ndugama via telp seluler sekitar pukul 06:31 waktu Papua pada tanggal 6 Januari 2019.

Dalam hal ini kurir TPNPB melaporkan bahwa situasi terakhir sampai detik ini pendropanPasukan militer dan Polisi Indonesia di Wilayah Mbua, Yigi dan sekitarnya menggunakan 30 Mobil Strada dengan peralatan perang lengkap.

Pasukan militer dan Polisi Indonesia ini menuju wilayah Nduga dari pukul 09:00 waktu Papua, tapi belum dapat kami pastikan bahwa apakah dapat di halangi oleh TPNPB atau tidak nya belum jelas.

Dan rakyat sipil yang mengungsi keluar juga belum sampai ke wamena, maka seperti apa keadaan masyarakat di pengungsian di hutan rimbah ujarny via telp seluler.

Laporan yang kedua yaitu pada tanggal 15 Januari 2019 Drop Pasukan militer dan Polisi Indonesia dari Jakarta langsung tiba di Bandara Utara Wamena, di Pegunungan Tengah Papua dengan tujuan ke wilayah Ndugama, Lani Jaya dan Puncak Jaya Papua untuk perang lawan Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat (TPNPB).

Oleh sebab itu, kami sampaikan kepada dipolmat TPNPB-OPM diluar negeri tolong memantau kami di medan atau dalam negeri, khususnya Wilayah Ndugama, Lani Jaya dan Puncak Jaya.

Laporan lain adalah baku tembak antara Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat (TPNPB) dan Pasukan Keamanan Indonesia sedang berlangsung di Yambi, Puncak Jaya Papua. Dalam hal ini laporan lengkap akan menyusul.

Markas Komandan Operasi umum TPNPB Kimagi, Yambi Puncak Jaya di kepung Pasukan Militer dan Polisi Indonesia dengan menggunakan 30 mobil dan dua hellicopter dan dari udara turunkan pasukan, namun Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat (TPNPB) berhasil menembak mati 1 orang anggota Militer atau Polisi Indonesia. Dan sampai saat ini majat anggota militer atau Polisi yang telah di tembak oleh Militer TPNPB belum di ambil oleh pihak Militer Indonesia.

Dan juga Kurir TPNPB dari wilayah Ndugama melaporkan via telp seluler nya bbahwa ada 8 pos Militer dan Polisi Indonesia di wilayah Ndugama. Militer dan Polisi Indonesia dalam jumlah besar, dan masyarakat sangat ketakutan.

Demikian laporan terbaru TPNPB per 16 Januari 2019, dan terima kasih atas kerja sama yang baik. Tuhan memberkati kita semua. Amen.

Source: by TPNPB Courier
Edit and publiching by Spokesperson of TPNPB

This photo shows that indigenous Papuans in Ndugama fled to the forest because of fear of brutal military and police actions

1 comment:

  1. The Indonesian Republic’s claims over West Papua are built on decades of lies, fraud and undemocratic practices. If thoroughly exposed, the Indonesian Republic does not have any basis for its on-going claims over West Papua.
