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West Papuan in Genocide by Indonesian

Monday 28 January 2019


Indonesian Military Member Who Was Shot Dead by TPNPB in Mapenduma, Nduga-Papua on January 28st 2019

TPNPB was responsible for the attack accompanied by the shooting of members of the TNI who carried out the deployment of military forces in the District of Mapenduma, Nduga Regency, Papua Province.

Today Monday, January 28
th, 2019 the TPNPB-OPM courier reported directly from Ndugama that at the Nduga Regency pioneer airfield, I witnessed itself the Indonesian military carrying out the most sophisticated Military Warfare Supporting Equipment.

The Indonesian military dispatched war equipment in
Mapenduma district-Nduga, which also engulfed two helicopters belonging to the police. Delivery of this war equipments through the Timika route to Ndugama.

We said that the round trip helicopter was twice this morning on January 28th, 2019. To prove it, see the photo below.

Then this afternoon Mr. Regent Nduga with the delegation took down the street in Mapnduma District, Nduga-Papua Regency, it turns out that from morning until noon at around 11:00
am in Mapnduma it was already on standby One be it TNI or TPNPB.
When the Regent ascended to Mapenduma to bring food and Indonesian Military members picked up the Regent's entourage, suddenly members of the TPNPB under the leadership of KODAP III Regional commander Bridgen Egianus Kogoya and Commander of field Operation Peme Kogeya left the headquarters and immediately carried out attacks on the Indonesian Military.

In this attack, TPNPB had succeeded in shooting dead one member of the
Indonesian military and one more member of the TNI wounded.

The victim was immediately evacuated and sent to the Mimika district by plane by the Indonesian military, and by means under terror of the  pilot and the muzzle and also the regent in the Indonesian military. The District Head of Nduga Yairus Gwijangge was also evacuated to Timika on the same plane, with threats. This is a TPNPB Courier report that can be trusted and responsible.

Therefore the TPNPB National Command through the Spokesperson issued a press release to be known by all parties that TPNPB was responsible.

And also need to know that TPNPB will not stop war for opponents of TNI and Polri Members who come to Papua, because for
the  TPNPB there is no place for Indonesian Military and Police to carry out illegal activities throughout the West Papua territory.

Because TPNPB-OPM stood up and fought to save the Papuan nation and people from occupation by the colonial government of the Republic of Indonesia.

Thus, broadcasting this press conference TPNPB National Command issued officially from the Central Headquarters to become a concern by all parties.

Reported by TPNPB Courier
and forwarded by Spokesperson of TPNPB Mr. Sebby Sambom

The Injured of  Indonesian Military Members in Mapenduma District, Ndugama, Papua on January 28st 2019


TPNPB bertanggungjawab atas Penyerangan disertai penembakan terhadap anggota TNI yang melakukan pendoropan pasukan militer di Distrik Mapenduma, Kabupaten Nduga, Papua. 

Hari ini senin tanggal 28 Januari 2019 Kurir TPNPB-OPM melaporkan langsung dari Ndugama bahwa di lapangan terbang perintis Kabupaten Nduga saya menyaksikan sendiri dimana militer indonesia melakukan Pendoropan peralatan perang militer, yagn paling canggih.

Militer Indonesia melakukan pengiriman alat perang di kabupaten Nduga melaluhi dua unit helikopter milik polri. Pengiriman alat perang ini melaui jalur timika sampai ke Ndugama. Kami pandau bahwa Helikopter pulang-pergi sudah dua kali pagi ini tanggal 28 Januari 2019. Untuk membuktikannya silakn lihat photo dibawah. 

Kemudia tadi siang Tuan Bupati Nduga dengan Rombongan bawa turun bama di Distrik Mapnduma, Kabupaten Nduga-Papua, ternyata dari pagi sampai dengan siang kurang lebih pukul 11.00 di Mapnduma sudah siaga satu Baik itu TNI maupun TPNPB. 

Ketika Bupati naik ke Mapenduma untuk membawa bahan makanan dan anggota Militer Indonesia menyemput rombongan Bupati, tiba-tiba anggota TPNPB dibawah pimpinan panglima KODAP III Bridgen Egianus Kogoya dan Komandan Operasi Pemne Kogeya keluar dari markasnya dan langsung lakukan serangan terhadap Militer Indonesia.
Dalam penyerangan ini, TPNPB telah berhasil Menembak mati satu orang anggota militer dan satu orang anggota TNI lagi luka luka. Korban langsung di kirim ke kabupaten Mimika dengan menggunakan Pesawat oleh militer Indonesia, dengan cara dodong Pilot dengan moncong senjata dan juga Bupati pun di dodong olrh militer Indonesia.  Bupati Kabupaten Nduga Yairus Gwijangge juga ikut di evakuasi ke Timika dengan pesawat yang sama, dengan penuh ancaman.  Ini adalah laporan Kurir TPNPB yang dapat di percaya dan bertanggung jawab. 

Oleh karena itu TPNPB Komando Nasional melalui Juru Bicara mengeluarkan siaran perss guna dapat diketahui oleh semua pihak bahwa TPNPB bertanggungjawab. 

Dan juga perlu ketahui bahwa TPNPB tidak akan berhenti perang untuk lawan Anggota TNI dan Polri yang datang ke Papua, karena bagi TPNPB tidak ada tempat untuk Militer dan Polisi Indonesia beraktivitas illegal di seluruh wilayah teritori West Papua. 

Karena TPNPB-OPM berdiri dan berjuang untuk selamatkan Negeri dan Rakyat bangsa Papua dari penjajahan oleh Pemerintah Kolonial republik Indonesia. 

Demikian, siaran perss ini TPNPB Komando Nasional mengeluar secara resmi dari Markas Pusat guna menjadi perhatian oleh semua pihak. 

Dilaporkan oleh Kurir TPNPB dan diteruskan oleh JUBIR TPNPB Tuan Sebby Sambom  

The Indonesian military carried out the War Equipments Drooping in Mapenduma, Ndugama Papua on January 28st 2019

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