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West Papuan in Genocide by Indonesian

Monday 7 January 2019

URGENT News: Lasted Nduga Situation on January 4th 2019

The description photo of the condition of the community which was also suspected of being displaced in Nduga areas Papua
Report directly from TPNPB Courier
Need Urgent Action immediately !!!


The Mapenduma community are fled to the forest and their condition is currently at risk of death. They have difficulty in foods ingredients and other needs including medicines.

They live in the forest by eating wild foods, namely leaves and wild fruits that grow in the forest.

The number of refugees is more childrens and womens. They survive in the forest and only consume the foods in the form of wild leaves.
Evacuation occurred from December 5th, 2018 until now the community has survived in the forest because of fear of the Indonesian military forces who are carrying out military operations in the Nduga Papua region.

To see this condition, please see this video in the link here Nduga Community Condition in the jungle at hiding place. This is a fact. This evacuation is not only in Yigi and its surroundings, but several districts, including the Mapenduma District.

Whereas in the Mapenduma area refugees occurred from December 17th, 2018, where Indonesian Military and Police forces were deployed from helicopters in the area.

Until now the people chose to stay in the forest, because of the trauma of the military operations that the Indonesian Military had made before in 1996 in Mapenduma. They have bitter experiences, so they are physiologically acute trauma.

According to a report from Mapenduma that on December 28th, 2018, two Local Parliament (DPRD) members to Mapenduma used the plane and they saw the village there was empty, and there were no communities.

In Mapenduma there are only Indonesian Military and Police. In the report of the TPNPB courier, the Nduga PLocal Parliament (DPRD) member (L.G) who went to Mapenduma was his own initiative, because he was worried about the fate of his people in the region.

The Nduga Local Parliament (DPRD) member (L.G) said that, so I have been to the field in the village there, a little initiative for the people to use Air aircraft on December 28th, 2018 and in Mapduma District, Mebrok District, Paro District there are no people, the people all run into the forest.

And only a village head who still survives lives in Mapenduma village with members of the Indonesian military and police there.

The village head's message to the DPRD (LG) members that the community is very traumatized so if there are any Government officials who come to Mapenduma and order my people to return to their District or residence, but I want to say that they will not return, because you already know Indonesian Military disease from the past.

The village head mentioned continued to the DPRD member (LG), you already know, since Kopasus under the leadership of Prabowo Subianto, the community had fled to the forest in 1996.

The village head's last message, that therefore the people who had fled to their forests could go back to their villages when the Indonesian military and police were withdrawn from the entire Nduga region.

He added, if the Indonesian Military and Police were not withdrawn from the Nduga region, then the people would not return. Except the Indonesian Military and Police were withdrawn from the territory of Nduga, West Papua.

Based on this report, the TPNPB requested the Organization of the United Nations Organization to deal with Refugees must immediately urge the Colonial Government of the Republic of Indonesia and enter Nduga West Papua to help Indigenous Papuans in Ndugama.

We hope that the United Nations takes steps to send the Humanitarian Team in the Nduga Region, which is an area of ​​armed conflict. This team includes the international red cross.

Thus, this report is a fact faced by the Nduga Community in the area that is being occupied by the Indonesian Military and Police. And the source of this report is also by the Nduga Local Parliament (DPRD) member on behalf of L.G, so that this report has legal power and responsible.

Forwarded to all journalists and observers of human rights around the world by TPNPB spokesman Mr. Sebby Sambom on January 5th, 2019.

Thank you for your kind attention and good cooperation.
The description photo of the condition of the community which was also suspected of being displaced in Nduga areas Papua

Laporan langsung Dari Kurir TPNPB  

Need Urgent Action immediately!!!

Masyarakat Mapenduma mengungsi ke hutan dan kondisi mereka saat ini hidup dalam resiko kematian. Mereka mengalami kesulitan untuk bahan makanan dan kebutuhan lainnya termasuk obat-obatan.

Mereka hidup di hutan dengan makan makanan liar, yaitu daun-daunan dan buah-buahan liar yang tumbuh di hutan.

Jumlah penwgungsi lebih banyak anak-anak dan perempuan. Mereka bertahan hidup di hutan hanya mengkonsumsi makanan berupa daun-daunan liar.

Pengungsian terjadi dari sejak tanggal 5 Desember 2018 samapai kini masyarakat bertahan di hutan karena ketakutan terhadap Pasukan militer Indonesia yang sedang lakukan Operasi militer di Wilayah Nduga Papua.

Untuk melihat kondisi ini boleh lihat video ini dalam link disini. Ini adalah Fakta. Pengungsian ini bukan hanya di Yigi, dan sekitarnya, namun beberapa distrik, termasuk Distrik Mapenduma.

Sedangkan di wilayah Mapenduma pengungsian terjadi dari sejak tanggal 17 Desember 2018, dimana pasukan Militer dan Polisi Indonesia di terjunkan dari helicopter di wilayah itu. 

Sampai saat ini masyarakat memilih bertahan di hutan, karena trauma akibat operasi militer yang pernah Militer Indonesia buat tahun 1996 di Mapenduma. Mereka punya pengalaman pahit, oleh karena itu secara fsigologis mereka mengalami trauma yang akut.

Meurut laporan dari Mapenduma bahwa tanggal 28 Desember 2018 Dua orang anggota DPRD ke Mapenduma gunakan pesawat dan mereka lihat kampung disana kosong, tidak ada masyarakat satu pun.

Di Mapenduma yang ada hanya Militer dan Polisi Indonesia. Dalam laporan kurir TPNPB menyebutkan bahwa Anggota DPRD Nduga L.G yang ke Mapenduma adalah inisiatif sendiri, karena dia kwatir nasib rakyatnya di wilayah itu.

Kata anggota DPRD (LG), jadi saya sudah ke lapangan di kampung disana, Insiatif sedri demi Rakyat menggunakan pesawat plot Air tanggal 28 Desember 2018 dan di Distrik Mapduma, Distrik Mebrok, Distrik Paro tidak ada masyarakat, masyarakat semuanya lari ke hutan.

Dan hanya seorang Kepala Desa yang masih bertahan tinggal di Kampung Mapenduma bersama anggota militer dan Polisi Indonesia disana. 

Pesan kepala desa ini kepada Anggota DPRD (LG) bahwa masyarakat sangat trauma jadi kalau ada pejabat Pemerintah siapa saja datang di Mapenduma dan peintahkan untuk Rakyat saya kembali ke Distrik atau tempat tinggal mereka, tetapi saya mau sampaikan bahwa mereka tidak akan kembali, karena kamu sudah tahu penyakit Militer Indonesia dari dulu.

Lanjut kepala desa kepada anggota DPRD (LG), kamu sudah ketahui, sejak dulu Kopasus dibawah Pimpinan Prabowo Subianto masyarakat pernah mengungsi ke hutan di tahun 1996.

Pesan terakhir kepala kampung, bahwa Oleh karena itu masyarakat yang mengungsi ke hutan mereka bias kembali ke kampung apabila tarik militer Indonesia dan Polisi dari seluruh wilayah Nduga.

Dia menambahkan, jika Militer dan Polisi Indonesia tidak di tarik dari Wilayah Nduga, maka Rakyat tidak akan kembali. Kecuali Militer dan Polisi Indonesia di tarik drai wilayah teritori Nduga, West Papua.

Berdasarkan laporan ini, maka TPNPB memiinta kepada Orgabisasi Badan PBB yang menangani Pengungsi harus segera mendesak Pemerintah Kolonial Republik Indonesia dan masuk ke Nduga West Papua guna membantu masyarakat Pribumi Papua di Ndugama.

Kami harap bahwa PBB mengambil langkah untuk mengirim Tim Kemanusiaan di Wilayah Nduga, yanag merupakan daerah konflik bersenjata. Tim ini termausk palang merah internasional.

Demikian, laporan ini adalah fakta yang dihadapi oleh Masyarakat Nduga di wilayah yang sedang di duduki oleh Militer dan Polisi Indonesia. Dan sumber laporan ini juga adalah oleh Anggota DPRD Nduga atas nama LG, sehingga laporan ini mempunyai kekuatan hokum dan bertanggung jawab.

Diteruskan kepada semua jurnalis dan pemerhati HAM di seluruh dunia oleh Jubir TPNPB Tuan Sebby Sambom pada tanggal 5 Januari 2019.

Terima kasih atas perhatian dan kerja sama yang baik.  

Lampiran photo2 pengungsi Nduga silakan ikuti dibawah!

nduga Community situation in the Jungle!
The photo of Indonesians Militari Operation in Nduga Territories of West Papua
Kondisi Masyarakat Nduga di Pengungsian

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