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West Papuan in Genocide by Indonesian

Wednesday 6 February 2019

URGENT-News: Two Indonesian Military Helicopters Return to Air strike BOMBING Attacks at Mapenduma District Today

Photo of Indonesian Soldiers were Attacked Mpenduma District by Hellicopters Air Strikes on February 6st 2019

TPNPBnews: The Indonesian Military uses chemical weapons in armed conflicts to attack residents in Nduga regency highlands of Papua. The world immediately urged Indonesia to stop using the chemical weapons in armed conflict in Papua.

In Mapenduma District on February 6th, 2019, two Indonesian Military-owned helicopters began carrying out BOM attacks from the air at 7:30 a.m., as the TPNPBnews crew reported via telephone this morning. This is the Direct Report from Ndugama, Papua.

In his report which was forwarded to the TPNPBnews admin based on the results of the Baridgen Ekian
us Kogoya Report through HT to the media crew who were waiting at the telephone signal place in the Mapenduma area.

The lack of normal telephone connection due to outreach is from the Genyam capital
of Nduga Regency.

Two helicopters belonging the Indonesian air force returned the BOM
BING five times in Mapenduma village, said the TPNPBnews crew from Mapenduma.

District, Widum and Loama Villages, all in BOMBING five times from the top of the dum. All in Derakma's part, Mapenduma District was shocked by the explosion of the BOMBING Air Strike and had left the house, "said the TPNPBnews crew.
"The TPNPBnews crew continued" After lowering the BOMBING, the helicopter returned to Timika and the direction of Genyam, Capital Town of Nduga Regency, "he said.

The TPNPBnews crew continued the message of
Defence Region Commander (KODAP III) Ndugama “Bridgen Egianus Kogeya, Bridgen Engkianus Kogeya conveyed to the international community throughout the world that for the Nduga region, from Mapenduma, Yila and Bela occurred BAMBING, so please pay serious attention, we have not confirmed the number of victims, and we will check and report later ". The crew said.

TPNPBnews continued received Egianus Kogeya's message.
He also reported,
the addition of Indonesian Military soldiers from Wamena to Yigi District continued to occur, namely land forces. Indonesian Military Forces from Wamena four cars entered in Mapenduma and at 5:00am in the morning to  Yigi District, "he said.

The bombing has been carried out by the Indonesian military and happened in Mapenduma, Nduga Papua. Indonesian Military BOM attacks can occur consecutively in the Nduga region around Mapenduma and Yigi.

Its was started from December 2018 to January 2019 and until February 2019. This air strike of chemical weapons threatens the lives of civilians in the Mapenduma area and its surroundings.

The use of chemical weapons was attacked through Indonesian Military Owned helicopters in Nduga District. This International Society
whom concerned with the humanity must urge Indonesia to stop using chemical weapons in armed conflicts in Papua.

Because Indonesian Military Soldiers use standard weapons not capable of opposing TPNPB soldiers, so the Indonesian Military uses chemical weapons and attacks through the air continue to occur in the Mapenduma region and its surroundings
started from December 2018 to the present.

The use of bomb type chemical weapons in Nduga, did not get attention by all parties. Indonesia
n Medias is very siding with Military Propaganda and Indonesian Police in Papua and also the International medias cannot see this incident and crisis because Indonesia does not allow International Journalists to Papua.

And all of them just close their eyes, while the people are victims of the Indonesian brutality military. We don't care about humanity, so we allow the Indonesian Military and Police to arbitrarily attack civilian settlements in Ndugama, Papua.

Therefore, our West Papua Liberation Warriors called for attention by the International Community and urged the UN Organization Body to immediately enter in Nduga, Papua.

Interview Report of the TPNPBnews crew from Mapenduma, Papua.
Copyright @ TPNPBNews

Translated and Edited by Sebby Sambom
Spokesperson of TPNPB
Former West Papuan Political prisoner
Photo of Indonesian Soldiers gets in Hellicopter to Attacked Mapenduma District by Hellicopters Air Strike

In Indonesian

URGENT-News: Dua Helikopter TNI Kembali Melakukan Serangan BOM Udara Di Mapenduma Hari Ini

TNI menggunakan senjata kimia dalam konflik bersenjata menyerang pemukiman warga di Kabupaten Nduga Papua. Dunia segera mendesak Indonesia hentikan penggunaaan senjata kimia dalam Konflik bersenjata di Papua.

TPNPBnews: Mapenduma 6 Februari 2019, dua helicopter Milik Militer Indonesia mulai melakukan serangan BOM dari udara pada pukul: 07: 30 WIT, sebagaimana awak TPNPBnews melaporkan melalui sambungan telepon pagi ini. Ini Laporan Langsung dari Ndugama, Papua. 

Dalam laporannya yang telah diteruskan kepada admin TPNPBnews berdasarkan hasil Laporan Baridgen Ekianus Kogoya Melalui HT kepada awak media yang sedang menunggu di tempat signal telepon daerah Mapenduma. 

Signalnya kurang normal sambungan telepon akibat jangkauan cukup jau dari Ibu Kota Genyam, dari Kabupaten Nduga.

Dua heikopter milik tantara Indonesia angkatan udara kembali BOM lima kali di kampung Mapenduma, sebut awak TPNPBnews dari Mapenduma.

“Kampung Mapenduma, Widum dan Loama, semua di BOM sebanyak lima kali dari dum-dum bagian atas. Semua di bagian Derakma, Mapenduma terkejut dengan bunyi ledakan BOM dan sudah keluar rumah” kata awak TPNPBnews.

Lanjut awak TPNPBnews “Sesudah turunkan BOM, helicopter kembali ke Timika dan arah Genyam”, ungkapnya.

Awak TPNPBnews melanjutkan pesan Panglima KODAP III Ndugama Bridgen Egianus Kogeya, “Kogeya menyampaikan kepada masyarakat Internasional di seluruh dunia bahwa untuk wilayah Nduga, dari Mapenduma, Yila dan Bela terjadi PEMBOMAN maka hal ini tolong diperhatian serius, kami belum pastikan jumlah korban, dan  kami akan chek dan laporkan kemudian”. Kata awak TPNPBnews meneruskan pesan Egianus Kogeya.

Ia melaporkan juga, Penambahan prajurit Militer Indonesia dari Wamena ke Distrik Yigi terus terjadi yaitu pasukan darat. Pasukan Militer Indonesia dari Wamena empat mobil masuk di Mapenduma danpukul 5 pagi ke ara Yigi”, Ungkapnya.

PEMBOMAN telah dilakukan oleh Militer Indonesia kemabali terjadi di Mapenduma, Nduga Papua. Serangan BOM Militer Indonesia dapat berturut-turut terjadi di wilayah Nduga sekitar Mapenduma dan Yigi. 

Dari Desember 2018, Januari  2019 dan sampai pada bulan Februari 2019. Serangan udara senjata kimia ini mengancam kehidupan warga sipil di wilyah Mapenduma dan sekitarnya.  

Penggunaan senjata kimia diserang melalui helicopter Milik Militer Indonesia di Kabupaten Nduga. Hal ini Masyarakat Internasional yang peduli akan kemanusiaan harus mendesak Indonesia untuk hentikan menggunakan senjata kimia dalam konflik bersenjata di Nduga Papua.

Karena bagi Prajurit Militer Indonesia menggunakan senjata standar tidak mampu lawan prajurit TPNPB, sehingga Militer Indonesia enggunakan senjata kimia dan lakukan serangan melalui udara terus terjadi di wilayah Mapenduma dan sekitarnya dari sejak Desember 2018hinggal kini.

Penggunaan senjata kimia jenis Bom di Nduga, tidak mendapat perhatian oleh semua pihak. Media Indonesia sangat berpihak ke Propaganda Militer dan Polisi Indonesia di Papua dan juga media Internasional tidak bisa lihat peristiwa ini karena Indonesia tidak mengijinkan Journalists Internasional ke Papua. 

Dan  semunya hanya menutup mata, sementara rakyat menjadi korban akibat kebrutalan militer Indonesia. Kita tidak peduli kemanusiaan, maka kita membiarkan Militer dan Polisi Indonesia melakukan tindakan sewenang-wenang menyerang pemukiman warga civil di Ndugama, Papua.

Oleh karena itu kami Pejuangan Pembebasan Papua Barat minta perhatian oleh Masyarakat Internasional dan mendesak Badan Organisasi PBB harus segera masuk di Nduga, Papua.
Laporan Wawancara awak TPNPBnews dari Mapenduma, Papua.

Translated and Edited by Sebby Sambom
Spokesperson of TPNPB
Former West Papuan Political prisoner


  1. How many more must become victims of genocide before the international community makes a stand in the name of humanity rather than turn a blind eye countless times in the name of trade and a vote.
    Indonesian military are already responsible for the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of people.
    Why do we continue to tolerate this inhumane behaviour from a member country of the united nations?

  2. Hi Darren Brewer, you are right. We need international community call to UN for urgent action on Humanitarian crisis in Nduga West Papua.
