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West Papuan in Genocide by Indonesian

Sunday 28 April 2019

Bridgen Ekianus Kogeya: We Have Shot 6th People of Indonesia Military Members But The Other Bodies Have Not Been Evacuated

The photo of West Papua National Liberation Army Personnel Led by Bridgen Ekianus Kogeya (pic Komnas TPNPB Doc)
KOMNAS TPNPB Press Release on April 29th, 2019

TPNPBNEWS: Today, April 26th, 2019, the last report of the Ndugama War condition was started from 23th to 24 of April 2019 TPNPB forces were killed 6 members of the TNI or Indonesian Military Personnel, including 2 women members of the TNI killed in Yal District and 4 people were injured in the Nitkuri District and one Hellicopter Unit type of Bell 421 helped were hit 3 bullets.

Meanwhile two injured members were reported evacuating to Timika and the others were still confined by the KODAP III Ndugama TPNPB-OPM Forces.

To evacuate through inaccessible roads because the roads are buried by landslides, two points in the Mbua Districts and Helli are damaged, especially when the natural weather is temporarily not permitted.

Therefore, how many members of the Indonesian Military died their bodies have not been evacuated.

By looking at this condition, we TPNPB-OPM KODAP III Ndugama conveyed to the TNI/POLRI better to give up, rather than many members of the Indonesian military and police being victims of the TPNPB shooting.
In this case, we also need to convey that we TPNPB-OPM are fighting to save the people and land of our ancestors.

And we believe that we are fighting for the truth, so even in war we will win, while the Indonesian Military and Police come as Robbers and Thieves, so Ndugama's nature is not on your side. On this basis, we will remain opponents of Indonesian Thieves and Robbers who came to Papua to steal our natural wealth while killing the owner of this Paradise Land.

Such is the report from the Regional Commander of  Bridgen Ekianus Kogeya to the TPNPBNEWS Crew through his telephone connection.
Reported by TPNPB Courier and forwarded to all worldwide Journalists by Spokesman of TPNPB Mr. Sebby Sambom.

Photo of Indonesian Military Personnel Were Shot by West Papua National Liberation Army in Ndugama Papua
Indonesian Malay as Follow….!!!!

Ekianus Kogeya: Kami Sudah Tembak Anggota TNI 6 Orang Tapi Mayat Yang lain Belum Dievakuasi 

Siaran Perss KOMNAS TPNPB Per 29 April 2019 

TPNPBNEWS: Hari ini tanggal 26 April 2019 Laporan kodisi terakir Perang Ndugama dari tanggal 23-24 Pasukan TPNPB berhasil menewaskan 6 orang anggota TNI, di antaranya 2 orang wanita anggota TNI tewas di Distrik Yal dn 4 Orang luka_luka di Distrik Nitkuri 1 bua Helli Bell 421 terbolong kena 3 peluru. 

sementara itu 2 anggota yang terluka di laporkan evakuasi ke timika dan yang  lain masih terkurung oleh Pasukan TPNPB-OPM KODAP III Ndugama. 

Untuk evakuasih melalui jalan darat tidak bisa karena jalan tertimbun oleh tanah Longsor, dua titik di Distrik Mbua dan Helli mengalami kerusakan, apalagi untuk sementara waktu cuaca alam tidak di ijinkan

Oleh karena itu berapa anggota Militer Indonesia yang tewas mayat mereka belum di Evakuasi

Dengan  melihat kodisi ini  maka kami TPNPB-OPM KODAP III Ndugama sampaikan kepada pihak TNI/POLRI lebi baik menyerah saja, daripada banyak anggota militer dan Polisi Indonesia menjadi korban Penembakan oleh TPNPB.

Dalam hal ini, kami perlu sampaikan pula bahwwa Kami TPNPB-OPM berjuang untuk selamatkan Rakyat dan Tanah moyang kami.  

Dan kami percaya bahwa kita berjuang untuk kebenaran, sehingga dalam perang pun kami pasti menang, sementara Militer dan Polisi Indonesia datang sebagai Perampok dan Pencuri maka alam Ndugama pun tidak di pihak anda. Dengan dasar ini maka kami akan tetap lawan Pencuri dan Perampok-Perampok Indonesia yang datang ke Papua untuk Mencuri kekayaan alam kami sambil membunuh pemilik Negeri Paradise ini.  

Demikian laporan Dari Panglima Daerah Egianus Kogeya Kepada Awak TPNPBNEWS melalui sambungan telpnnya.

Dilaporkan oleh Kurir TPNPB dan diteruskan kepada semua Journalist di seluruh dunia oleh Jubir KOMNAS TPNPB Tuan Sebby Sambom.

1 comment:

  1. Kamu nggak pernah bisa aku usir dari pikiranku. Ya udah mungkin tempat kamu memang disana.
