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West Papuan in Genocide by Indonesian

Monday 26 August 2019

Governor Powes Parkop speech on Papua New Guineans Protest of Indonesian Rasial Discrimination to West Papuans on August 24th 2019

NCD Governor of Capital City of  Port Moresby PNG speech on Papua New Guineans Protest of Racial discrimination to West Papuans Melanesians by Indonesian Citizens and Government,  on August 24st 2019. Pic Doc Kenn Mondiai

This speech was delivered in front of the demonstrators who protested against racism against Melanesians people in West Papua, which has been and is being stigmatized by the Indonesian Society and Government for least 57th years.

The demonstration which is the attitude of the Racism Protest has been carried out in Port Moresby, the capital city of the State of Papua New Guinea by all levels of society and led directly by Governor Powes Parkop.

In his speech the Governor of the PNG State Capital Hon. Powes Parkop said that "I am not afraid of anyone in my position and attitude towards support for the Free Papua Struggle for independence from Indonesian brutally Armed".

Please follow this link video here .... !!!  Powes Parkop 2018 8 24 West Papua
PNG Citizens Buried Indonesian National Flag on Racial Discrimination protest in Port Moresby, the Capital City of Papua New Guinea (PNG), pic Kenn Mondiai
Indonesia as follow…!!!

Pidato Gubernur Powe Parkop Pada 24 Agustus 2019 

Pidato ini telah disampaikan dihadapan para demonstrans yang melakukan protes atas rasisme terhadap orang Melanesia di Papua Barat, yang mana telah dan sedang distigmakan oleh Masyarakat dan Pemerintah Indonesia selama 57 tahun. 

Demosntrasi yang merupakan sikap Protes Rasime ini telah dilakukan di Port Moresby, Ibu Kota Negara Papua New Guinea oleh seluruh lapisan Masyarakat dan dipimpin langsung oleh Gubernu Powes Parkop.  

Dalam pidatonya Gubernur Ibu Kota Negara PNG Hon. Powes Parkop mengatakan bahwa “Saya tidak takut kepada siapapun dalam posisi dan sikap Saya terhadap dukungan atas Perjuangan Papua Merdeka”. 

Silakan ikuti video ini….!!! Powes Parkop 2018 8 24 West Papua
The PNG Citizens Protest of Indonesian Racial Discrimination against to West Papuans Melanesian, Port Moresby August 24st 2019, pic Kenn Mondiai
 Publish by Admin

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