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West Papuan in Genocide by Indonesian

Monday, 16 September 2019

Statement by Anti-Racism Post Students Throughout the Archipelago and Yahukimo Regency September 16th 2019

Melanesians People of West Papua in Yahukimo Protes against Racial Discrimination By Indonesianon Sept 16th 2019  and demands for West Papuans Right of Self Determination (Pic  doc EP were sent to Sebby Sambom)
This statement were issued by all University students and also high school  students from Yahukimo Regency on September 16th, 2019. Please follow the statement.

Decisive Statement:
1. Students who have returned to the Land of Birth of Yahukimo will not go or return to Java Island and any other Islands of Indonesian Archipelago;
2. The Government of Papua stops Selling People and Papuan Students to make projects for the benefit of enriching themselves;
3. Heal the wounds of the People by granting the Political Rights of Self Determination for the Papuan Nation;
4. Prioritize all Education activities throughout Papua, before the Racism problem is resolved;
5. Immediately determine and ratify that August 16th 2019 is a day of harassment of the rights and anti racism of the Papuan people;
6. The Government of Papua is requested to hold an open dialogue with the community, students, activists, churches leaders, Customery Council figures and TPNPB-OPM, KNPB, and elements of interest;
7. Monkeys cannot live with humans, so Humans who come in the forest of Yahukimo Monkey Immediately lift their feet;
8. All forms of any offer by the Colonial Government of the Republic of Indonesia, on behalf of the Papuan Nation We are the people of Papuans in the Regency of Yahukimo Reject;
9. The fake tribal chief over the scenario of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia yesterday to Jakarta We are the Papuan People in Yahukimo curse and reject the Name of God of the Papuan people, also again We convey that "Cursed THEM", up to Seven descendants;
10. We pray together to commemorate the anniversary of the Papuan nation as the Monkey Nation on August 16th , 2019.
Thus we release this statement from the Students Refugee Post and Learning Center of Yahukimo Regency in Dekai, in order to be noticed by all parties. Thank you for the good cooperation. Video pof Yahukimo Protest please click here, 
Dekai, September 16th, 2019
Responders: Protest Field Coordinator on September 16th, 2019.
Demo Masyarakat Papua di Yahukimo Tolak rasisme dan Tuntut Papua Merdeka dari Kolonialisme Indonesia (pic EP)
In Indonesian Malay as follow...!!!
Pernyataan Posko  Anti Rasisme Mahasiswa & Pelajar se Nusantara Kabupaten Yahukimo 16 September 2019

Pernyataan ini dapat dikeluarkan Oleh semua Mahasiswa dan Pelajar asal Kabupaten Yahukimo pada Tanggal 16 September 2019. Silakan ikuti Pernyataan nya. 

Pernyataan Tegas:
1.      Mahasiswa yang sudah Pulang kembali ke Tanah Kelahiran Yahukimo tidak akan pergi atau kembali lagi ke Pulau Jawa;
2.      Pemerintah Papua stop Jual Rakyat dan Mahasiswa Papua jadikan projeck untuk kepentingan memperkaya diri sendiri;
3.      Menyembuhkan luka Rakyat dengan memberikan Hak Politik Kemerdekaan bagi Bnagsa Papua;
4.      Pendingkan seluruh aktivitas Pendidikan di seluruh tanah Papua, sebelum masalah Rasisme diselesaikan;
5.   Segera tetapkan dan  sahkan bahwa tanggal 16 Agustus sebagai hari pelecehan hak dan anti Rasisme bangsa Papua;
6. Pemerintah Papua diminta untuk  mengadakan dialog terbuka bersama   Masyarakat, Mahasiswa, Aktivis, Pelajar, Tokoh Gereja, Tokoh seat dan TPNPB-OPM,    KNPB, dan Unsur-unsur yang berkepentingan;
7.      Monyet tidak bisa hidup bersama manusia, sehingga Manusia-manusia yang datang di hutan Monyet    Yahukimo Segera angkat kaki;
8.      Segala bentuk tawaran apapun oleh Pemerintah Kolonial Republik Indonesia, atas nama Bangsa Papua Kami Rakyak Papua di Kabupaten  Yahukimo Tolak;
9.      Kepala suku palsu atas skenario NKRI yang kemarin Ke   Jakarta itu Kami Rakyat Papua di Yahukimo  Kutuk dan tolak  dalam Nama Tuhan bangsa Papua, Denali lagi Kami sampaikan bahwa “TERKUTUKLAH MEREKA”, sampai Tujuh turunan;
10. Kami Doakan bersama Memperingati hari jadinya  bangsa Papua sebagai Bangsa Monyet tanggal 16     Agustus 2019. 

Demikian Pernyataan ini Kami keluarkan dari Poko Pengungsian Mahasiswa dan Pelajari Asal Kabupaten Yahukimo di Dekai, guns menjadi perhatian Oleh semua pihak. Terimakasih atas Kerja sama yang baik. 

Dekai,16 September 2019                      
Coordinator Lapangan Protes Tanggal 16 September 2019

Publish by Admin

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