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West Papuan in Genocide by Indonesian

Monday 16 March 2020

Fours TPNPB Members Were Shot Dead by Indonesian Military Forces & Two Others Were Gunshot Wounds

The photo of West Papua National Liberation Army Members were shot by Indonesian Security Forces and the victims still suffering of gunshot wounds (pic document West Ppaua national Liberation Army) taken on 16th of March 2020

Official Press Release by Central Headquarters Management of West Papua National Liberation Army on March 16th, 2020

The War of National Liberation, by the West Papua National Liberation Army will be carried out throughout West Papua territory, and the War will cease after Papua is fully independent from the illegal military occupation of Indonesia on the ancestral lands of the Papuan people.

The Central Headquarters Management of West Papua National Liberation Army has received a direct report from Tembagapura, Timika Regency that the Indonesian Security Forces have shot dead 4 members of the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM) and two others were injured as a result of being shot by an Indonesian Military Forces.

And this report was reportedly, directly by the Commander of the Sinak Regional Command "Bridgen Militer Murib”, via cell phone to the Central Headquarters Management  of West Papua National Liberation Army on Monday, March 16th  2020, at 08:00 am, Papua Time.

In this case the Commander of the General Operations of West Papua National Liberation Army Major General Lekagak Telenggen confirmed this attack and shooting incident, and Lekagak also said that from today 16th of March 2020 we announced the National mourning, for the shooting of 4 of our Members.

Lekagak added that with Respect, We Announce the National Grief over the death of 4 of the best West Papua National Liberation Army Soldiers in the Battlefield, in Tembagapura, West Papua.

The following attacks and shootings of members of the TPNPB Forces here,

On Sunday 15th March 2020 at 1:30 am, Papua Time, 6 members of the West Papua National Liberation Army were attacked by Indonesian military forces, and in this attack 4 members of the TPNPB were shot dead. 

And Lekagak added that they had been killed in the bullets of Indonesian Military forces in Tembagapura, Papua.

This has been reported directly by the Commander of the Sinak Regional Defense Command "Bridgen Militer Murib" via cell phone, which the Murib said that his troops had been killed in the battlefield through the Central Headquarters Management of TPNPB-OPM.

The names of the victims of TPNPB members who had been shot dead by the Indonesian Security Forces ss follows:

A. Victims who have been shot dead by Indonesian security forces,
     1. Major Pensiun Mudah Waker 45 Years
     2. Sergeant Major Moni Waker 30 Years
     3. Major Lani Magai 30 Years
     4. Lieutenant II Lera Magai 28 Years (Woman).
B. Suffers from gunshot wounds,
    1. Lt. Colonel Epina Magai minor injuries
    2. First Lieutenant Sikop Lawiya Magai 29 Years old  
        suffered injuries
C. Lost of TPNPB Assets
1. AK 47 Weapons 1 Shoot
2. M 16 Weapons 1 shoot
3. Modern foldable Aka Weapons 1 shoot

Everything was taken back by the Indonesian Security Forces, from the hands of the West Papua National Liberation Army troops.

And the Chronology of the incident of the Attack on the TPNPB Forces by the Indonesian Security Forces as follows:

On Sunday, March 15th, 2020 at 1:20 a.m. Papua Time, the TPNPB troops were at the BUA River Post, and the Indonesian Security Forces crossed the river and ran through the pipes and attacked the TPNPB Troops.

And as a result of this attack, 4 of the best TPNPB warriors were killed, and 2 others are was injured as a result of being shot by an Indonesian military guns.

Therefore, this was officially announced by the TPNPB General Operations Commander Major General Lekagak Telenggen, through the Central headquarters Management of the West Papua National Liberation Army to be known by all West Papuans and Free Papua Fighters who are domiciled throughout the world, and may also known by Supporters of Free Papua throughout the world.

In the event of this incident, we are the Leaders of the National Liberation Army of West Papua issued a statement that we are responsible for everything that happens, that is good and bad in this struggle,

And based on the events of the attacks and shootings against our members of the TPNPB, then we are the Leaders of TPNPB-OPM, to convey to the colonial Government of the Republic of Indonesia's, and we stated the three points of number on our statements below.

The statement of TPNPB on the events of the Attack and Shooting of TPNPB members is as follows:

1. Our troops have been killed together 3. Automatic weapons are the price paid by already for the independence of West Papua, therefore inevitably the colonial government of the Republic of Indonesia will immediately recognize West Papua's right of independence this year;
2. Government of Indonesia and the United States Immediately stop the Operation of  American Giants Gold and Copper Mine in Tembagapura, West Papua territory in Tembagapura immediately;
3. The death of 4 of the best TPNPB soldiers and 2 guns shot wounded was the war of West Papua Independence, so in the name of the ancestors and of Papuans and on behalf of the people of West Papua we declared that the Freeport Gold Mine in Tembagapura must be immediately close.

This is the Official Report of the West Papua National Liberation Army, and Central Headquarters Management of TPNPB-OPM is responsible for this report.

Forward to all journalists from various media throughout the world, by TPNPB-OPM spokesman Mr. Sebby Sambom.

Tembagapura 16th of March 2020

Responsible for the National Liberation War,

General Operations  Commander, of  TPNPB


Major General Lekagak Telenggen

Publish by Admin

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