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West Papuan in Genocide by Indonesian

Friday, 6 March 2020

The Naglum Kupel Region of TPNPB Responsible for the Shooting of Indonesian Military Trucks in Oksibil-Star Mountains Regency of Papua

The West Papua National Liberation Army at Naglum Kupel Headquarters in Pegunungan Bintang Regency, Higkands of West Papua, and the photo taken on March 2020. (Pic doc TPNPB Ngalum Kupel)
The National Liberation War by the West Papua National Liberation Army will be countinues and fight against Indonesian Rabbers or Thieves Forces throughout West Papua's territory, and the War will cease after Full Free Papua from the Illegal Occupation of the Indonesian Military on the ancestral lands of the Papuan people.

Central Headquarters Management of West Papua National Liberation Army has received an official report from the Commander of the Ngalum Kupel Defense Regional Command XV “Brigadier General Lamek Alipky Tablo” on Tuesday 3th of March 2020, and in his report Lamek Alipky Tablo said that they were responsible for firing the Indonesian Military Trucks Convoy in the Seram District of Bakon Oksibil, Papua.

This shooting was carried out by the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM) from the Ngalum Kupel Headquarters in Star Mountains Regency on Monday 2st of  March 2020, at 3:00 pm, Oksibil time, and the Commander of the West Papua National Liberation Army at Ngalum Kupel Headquarters stated that they are responsible.
TPNPB Commander of Ngalum Kupel Region, Bridgen Lamek Alipky Tablo also said that this shooting had been carried out by the TPNPB Troops under the leadership of the Ngalum Kupel Regional Commander Bridgen Lamek Alipky Tablo him self and the Field Operations Commander “Nason Mimin” on the roadblock in okbape Village, oksop District then were shot the TNI trucks vehicles, and killed one of the Indonesian Military member  and 3 others are critical at Hospital.

And the PIS of West Papua National Liberation Army reported that those injured were being treated at the Oksibil Regional General Hospital, in Star Mountaint Regency.

And they are members of the Indonesian Security Forces who wear thugs that we shoot, so the Indonesian government does not hide the facts.

The West Papua National Liberationa Army at Naglum Kupel Headquarters will issue an official statement for the War with Robbers and Thieves Troops, namely the Indonesian Military and Police after this statement, therefore the TPNPB of  Ngalum Kupel Region call to the Indonesian Government that "Ngalum Kupel in the Star Mountaint Regency is ready in a manner of Personnel and Logistics for the War.

Thus, this statement was delivered by the Commander of  West Papua National Liberation Army of Ngalum Kupel Region “Bridgen Lamek Alipky Tablo” directly from the Star Mountains Regency of PapuaProvince, and announced by the Management of the Central Headquarters of West Papua National Liberation Army.

And forward on to all Journalists from various media around the world, by the West Papua National Liberation Army Spokesman Mr. Sebby Sambom. Thank you for your attention and good cooperation, God bless us all.
The Commander in Chief of West Papua National Liberation Amry in Ngalum Kupel Region of Papua Brigadier General Lamek Alipky Tablo Left and the Deputy Commander in Chief Right, (pic Document TPNPB Ngalum Kupel)
In Malay Indonesian as follow....!!!

TPNPB Naglum Kupel Bertanggungjawab atas Penembakan Truk Di Oksibil Kabupaten Pegunungan Bintang Papua 
The National Liberation War by the West Papua National Liberation Army will be countinues and fight against Indonesian Rabbers or Thieves Forces throughout West Papua's territory, and the War will cease after Full Free Papua from the Illegal Occupation of the Indonesian Military on the ancestral lands of the Papuan people.

Management Markas Pusat, Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat telah terima laporan Resmi dari Pangliam Komando Daerah Pertahanan XV Ngalum Kupel Brigadier General Lamek Alipky Tablo pada hari Selasa Tanggal 3 Maret 2020, dan dalam laporanya Lamek Alipky Tablo mengatakan  bahwa mereka bertanggungjawab atas tembak Konvoi Truk Militer Indonesia di Distrik Seram  Bakon Oksibil, Papua. 
Penembakan ini telah dilakukan oleh Pasukan Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat (TPNPB-OPM) Ngalum Kupel di Kabupaten Pegunungan Bintang  pada hari Senin tanggal 2 Maret 2020, pukul 15:00 sore waktu Oksibil, dan Panglima Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat Wilayah Ngalum Kupel menyatakan bahwa mereka bertanggungjawab.
Panglima TPNPB Ngalum Kupel Bridgen Lamek Alipky Tablo juga mengatakan bahwa Penembakan ini telah dilakukan oleh Pasukan  TPNPB dibawah Pimpinan Panglima Komando Daerah Pertahanan Ngalum Kupel Bridgen Lamek Alipky Tablo dan dan Komandan Operasi Nason Mimin di pertigahan jalan okbape dan oksop terhadap mobil truk TNI , dan menewaskan satu anggota TNI dan 3 lainnya kritis (tidak ada harapan).
Dan PIS Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat melaporkan bahwa yang mengalami luka-luka sedang dirawat di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Oksibil, Kabupaten Pegunungan Bintang.
Dan mereka itu adalah anggota Pasukan Kemanan Indonesia yang berpakain Preman yang kami tembak, jadi Pemerintah Indonesia jangan sembunyikan fakta. 
TPNPB Naglum Kupel akan keluarkan pernyatan Resmi untuk Perang dengan Pasukan Perampok dan Pencuri yaitu Militer dan Polisi Indonesai setelah pernyatan ini, oleh karena itu TPNPB Ngalum Kupel sampaikan kepada Pemerintah Indonesia bahwa “TPNPB Ngalum Kupel di Kabupaten Pegunungan Bintang telah siap secara Personil dan Logistik untuk Perang. 
Demikian, pernyataan ini disampaikan oleh Panglima TPNPB Ngalum Kupel Bridgen Lamek Alipky Tablo langsung dari Kabupaten Pegunungan Bintang, Papua, dan diumumkan oleh Manajemen Markas Pusat, Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat.  
Dan ditreuskan kepada semua journalis dari berbagai media di seluruh dunia, oleh juru Bicara TPNPB Tuan Sebby Sambom. Terima kasih atas perhatian serta kerja sama yang baik, Tuan meberkati kita semua. 

Publish by Admin

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