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West Papuan in Genocide by Indonesian

Sunday 8 March 2020

TPNPB Ngalum Kupel Responsible For the Kiling of TNI Intellegence Disguised as Motorcycle Taxi Driver In Oksibil-Papua

The West Papua National Liberation Armuy Troops at Ngalum Kupel Headquarters on Regional Meeting were discussing the War against Indonesian to demand West Papuan Right of Self Determination (pic Documen of TPNPB-Magnum Kupel)

The Official Press Release by the Central Headquarters Management of West Papua National Liberation Army on March 8th, 2020

The War of National Liberation by the West Papua National Liberation Army will be countinues and fight against Indonesian Rabbers or Thieves Forces throughout West Papua's territory, and the War will cease after Full Free Papua from the Illegal Occupation of the Indonesian Military on the ancestral lands of the Papuan people.

The Central Headquarters Management of West Papua National Liberation Army has received a direct report from Oksibil about the killing of an intelligence member of the TNI on Iwur Street, and this report was reportedly directly by the Commander of the Regional Defense Command XV of Ngalum Kupel, "Brigadier General Lamek Alipky Tablo" on Saturday 8th of March 2020, at 14:31pm Papua time.

West Papua National Liberation Army Headquarters of Ngalu Kupel Region reported that on March 7th 2020, in the evening or midnight around 12:00 Papua Time, TPNPB forces had succeeded were killed an member of the Indonesian Military Intellegence of the TNI who had been disguised as an motorcycle taxi Services.

Naglum Kupel Regional Defense Commander of the TPNPB "Brigadier General Lamek Alipky Tablo" in his report said that the TPNPB troops killed this member of Indonesian Military Intelligence, because we had long since identified it and acted as a motorcycle taxi profesion.
This is in accordance with the target of the Chief of the Ngalum Kupel Regional Command along with his troops who have mapped the movements of the Indonesian Security Forces, who deliberately pose as motorcycle taxi drivers and other activities in the midst of the Citizens.

We have known for a long time that TNI or Polri intelligence disguised as ordinary citizens, in order to obtain information about the position and condition of the Ngalum Kupel TPNPB Troops.

By observing the movement of the intelligence of the TNI or Polces who are imagining this, the Ngalum Kupel Commander of the TPNPB "Brigadier General Lamek Alipky Tablo said that whoever was the Malay Indonesians and also the Ngalum Natives who became Indonesian Intellegence, we were ready to shoot or kill them.
West Papua National Liberation Army Troops at Ngalum Kupel Headquartwrs on Regional Meeting (Pic TPNPB Ngalum)
And we gave a stern warning to Indonesia that after we had Seized 11th TNI-owned Weapons from the Helicopter that we dropped down, then we would be strict and disciplined to control the Ngalum Kupel Defense Region of TPNPB.

It means that anyone with bad intentions enters our territory, then we will shoot dead them. What's more, now we has a strong feeling and guts are also great, after we already have weapons for the struggle from the property of the TNI.

Thus, the TPNPB Ngalum Kupel Forces were ready to support the Staged Revolutionary War and the Total Revolutionary War, according to the agenda and targets of the National Command of the West Papua National Liberation Army.

And also ready to wage a National Liberation War, in order to realize the noble ideals of the Papuan people, namely obtaining the Political Rights of Independence for the Papua Nation.

The leaders of the West Papua National Liberation Army of Ngalum Kupel Regional Defense Command is ready to take responsibility for the Murder incident.

This was a direct report from the Ngalum Kupel Regional Command Headquarters in the Pegunungan Binyang Regency.

The Responsible War of TPNPB in NgalumKupel Region,

Commander in Chief of the Ngalum Kupel Regional Defense Command


Brigadier General Lamek A.Taplo
Operations Commander of Ngalum Kupel Region


Temkon Uomabin

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