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West Papuan in Genocide by Indonesian

Wednesday 25 March 2020

TPNPB Official Website Lunching on 47th Anniversary of TPNPB and Brief History of WPNLA Establishment

The West Papua National Liberation Army of OPM Official Website Lunching today on March 26th 2020, by Management
Establishment History of West Papua National Liberation Army (WPNLA) of OPM

National Command of the National Liberation Army of West Papua an Free Papua Organization Headquarters inform the public about the establishment history of the West Papua National Liberation Army (WPNLA) TPN OPM and later in commemoration of the 47th anniversary of the National Liberation Army of West Papua on March 26th 1973 to March 26th 2020).

, the Basic Law of Establishment of the National Liberation Army of West Papua of the Free Papua Organization in the NATIONAL COMMAND 2012.

Based on the Constitution or the Interim Constitution of the Republic of West Papua on July 1st
1971, consisting of VIII Chapters and 129 Articles, then in Chapter V On Defense and Security Affair, and in Article 105, Paragraph 1, which states that the Establishment of Security Forces of West Papua will consist of voluntary military service and the military shall be established by Law, and in Section 2, which states that it is a Forces of the Republic of West Papua is the army, Navy and Air Forces.

Under Article 105, on the date March 26rd
, 1973 have formed the National Liberation Army abbreviated TPN, which consists of the High Commander I Chief, Commander of Regional and staff as well as soldiers who still survive to this day in the headquarters of their respective areas.

Based on Chapter VIII On Rules, Transition, Amendment, Supplement and Cover, then on Article 121, which states, "As a result of the proclamation of July 1st
1971, the Government of the preceding legislation referred to in article 106 immediately formed an army for the liberation of the country with the President's decision ".
Based on Chapter VIII of Article 123 On Amended, then on Article 123 Paragraph 1, which states that "In order to change this Constitution should be clearly pointed letter, paragraph, article, paragraph or section which was about to be changed or added as well as informing the reasons for change in writing, and in Section 2, which states that "Amended draft Constitution submitted to Senate ever necessary senate 2/3 the number of members present.

Based on Article 129 Paragraph 1, which states that "This Constitution shall come into force on" Independence Day "on July 1, 1971", and in Section 2, which states that "if and to the extent prior to the time referred to in paragraph (1) has been carried out action to establish a tool Republic of West Papua-tool equipment, the provisions apply retroactively to the day of the relevant actions performed.

The photo of West Papua National Liberation Army summit at Perwomi Headquarters of Biak Island-Papua, Pic TPNPB
From the above explanation it is evident that although the Free Papua Organization and its Military Wing is West Papua National Liberation Army was formed, on March 26th, 1973, but the reality of the military command of TPN West Papua throughout Papua is vastly different.

The difference is meant here is that too many people who claim themselves as the High Commander and leader of the military command of the local area, the lack of similarity hierarchy between the military command of
TPN West Papua in all regions of Papua, there are many names regional commander as the commander and the commander in chief, lack equality rank, position area commanders there are generals, lieutenant generals, major generals and brigadier general, there is no similarity in the format of administrative paperwork military organization of TPN West Papua, and the absence of similarities in the numbering system registration number of both leaders and members of the TPN west Papua in all regions of Papua.

Because of these differences into consideration for young people of Papua to how to organize the military who have a unity of command hierarchy and management both military procedural organizational work in order to gain international recognition.

Thus, it should form an integral part of the National Command of the National Liberation Army of West Papua as an act of self-defense to resolve all military issues of
TPN West Papua, as well as the creation of a military organization reform of TPN West Papua have one unified National command.

Second, the implementation of the Basic Law on West Papua National Liberation Army (TPN-OPM) summit  in Biak Island 2012
The implementation of the Basic Law of West Papua National Liberation Army Summit in 2012 by:
1. Resolution Results of
First Congress of the National Committee of West Papua (KNPB);
2. Recommendations that have been received West National Commitee (KNPB) Consolidation Working Team of the whole by Region Command of West Papua National Liberation Army (
TPNPB-OPM) from all over West Papua;
3. Recommendations that have been received Work Team by
Regional Defense Command of  West Papua National Liberation Army (TPN-OPM) from all over West Papua;
4. Results of Pre-Summit of West Papua National Liberation Army (
TPNPB-OPM) in Maribu on February 15th 2012;
5. The First Congress of West Papua National Committee gave birth to five Resolutions, and on the point 3th urgent military defenc
e to immediately unite and to make improvements in order to drive the agenda towards the referendum.
This is the International War Humanitarian Law Handbook that was distributed to the TPNPB-OPM delegation during the TPNPB Summit in Biak, West Papua in 2012, and this book became the basis for the TPNPB Fighters so that during the War according to the rules, pic document of  TPNPB Headquarters
The following results of the first Congress resolution of West Papua National Committee:
Port Numbay resolution, November 22th 2010

Focus Program is the main of West Papua National Commitee (KNPB) is status of West Papua through political and legal process. To encourage the settlement process legally and politically, nationally lowering on KNPB political program and organization.

First, KNPB Politics Program is the achievement of the ideals of the people of West Papua, the Free Politics through the most democratic and dignified through referendum.

Second, the program is the West Papua National Commitee (KNPB) as a media organization encourage the formation of the West Papua National Council as a representative body, as well as a symbol of unity in the struggle to drive the formation of interim government after the referendum.

Listening and deepen the overall discussion in the congress, which was held on 19th to 22th November 2010 at the Harapan Village, Jayapura, West Papua, first congressional forum of West Papua National Committee [KNPB] produce resolutions which is the unity of attitude and determination of the entire delegation of Papuans the committee's regions and representative organizations of struggle, namely:
1. Immediately resolve the political status of West Papua through the referendum as the solution of the most democratic and dignified;
2. Immediately do internal strengthening the struggle of people of West Papua through the union and improvements in military defense, civil and International diplomat in the political programm and organization of West Papua National Commitee (KNPB);
3. Referring to point 2, we urge the military defense to immediately unite and to make improvements in order to drive the agenda towards the referendum;
4. Referring to point 2, all elements of the struggle immediately to encourage the formation of the National Council as a symbol of national unity towards a referendum solution for West Papua problem solving;
5. Referring to point 2, immediately stop the debate and mutual enmity among foreign diplomats and immediately united in campaign work and diplomacy in order to encourage the process of settlement through legal and political channels.
Similarly, this resolution was issued in an attempt to organize an internal struggle for the ideals of the people of West Papua independence.

SET: PORT Numbay
SECRETARY: Jefri Tabuni
This is a photo of the Pre-Summit of West Papua National Liberation Army  in Maribu on February 15th  2012, pic TPNPB
The West Papua National Commitee (KNPB) has successfully mediated the West Papua National Liberation Army, of the Free Papua Organization to did Reorganization of the Military Wing of  OPM the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM) summit in Biak Island, West Papua in 2012.

The West Papua National Commitee (KNPB) are people media organization, and haved been successful mediated the National Liberation Army  of West Papua (TPNPB-OPM) united in one command. Therefore, Indonesia should not be allergic to West Papua National Commitee (KNPB) struggle.

The West Papua National Commitee (KNPB) can also be mediation between the Indonesian Government and the West Papua National Liberation Army )TPNPB-OPM), in order to the negotiating table for the sake of the completion of the political status of West Papua issue is resolved.

And the West Papua National Liberation Army has been to united, and are now all in one Command under Chief Commander Gen. Goliath Tabuni.

The West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM) ready always to protect the people and Estate of Papua native in the lands of Paradise, in whatever condition West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM) ready.

All Papuans who fought under the umbrella of "the West Papua National Liberation Army" is "part of West Papuan Human Rights Defenders". Wants or.... do not want .... like it or not .... Indonesia should acknowledge this.
And this is a photo during the TPNPB National Work meeting at the Wanum Headquarters on September 28, 2012,
TPNPB-OPM Official Website Launching Agenda

On the commemoration of the 47th Anniversary of TPNPB we the Central Headquarters Management of West Papua National Liberation Army launched the TPNPB-OPM official website.

In this case we need to convey to all parties that before the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM) had an official website, namely but our website was blocked by the Indonesian Government's Authority in 2015.

And after five years we TPNPB-OPM don't have a website, so in 2020 there is a generous philanthropist who helped establish the Official TPNPB-OPM website with the name, "".

If tomorrow we do not display the website to the public, it means that after the announcement of the launch we will display it according to the preparations from the admin that we have mandated. Therefore, We hope that we are patient and wait.

Thus, Thank you for the good cooperation in terms of the sake of  the West Papuan Political Rights. God bless us all. Free Papua. Amen. By Manager of West Papua nationalLiberation Army of OPM. And forwarded to Journalists by TPNPB-OPM Spokesman, Mr Sebby Sambom

Thus, a brief history of the founding of the West Papua National Liberation Army. Hopefully this brief history can be beneficial to all parties. Thank you for the good cooperation in terms of the sake of realizing the Political Rights of West Papuans. God bless us all. Free West Papua. Amen.

Wraited and Translated by,
Sebby Sambom
Former West Papuan Political Prisoner and
(Spokesman of  WPNLA of OPM) Present

Publish by Admin

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