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West Papuan in Genocide by Indonesian

Wednesday 18 March 2020

TPNPB-OPM Refuses Allegations of Burning Church Buildings in Opitawak That Has Been Accused by the Indonesian Military

Photo of Indonesian poor propaganda and discredited to West Papua National Liberation Army of OPM (pic Supplied)

Official Press Release by the West Papua National Liberation Army on March 18th 2020

The War of National Liberation, by the West Papua National Liberation Army will be carried out throughout West Papua's territory, and the War will cease after Papua is fully independent from the illegal military occupation of Indonesia on the ancestral lands of the Papuans people.

Central Headquarters Management of West Papua National Liberation Army has received an Official Statement from the General Operations Commander of  TPNPB-OPM “Major General Lekagak Telenggen on March 18th 2020, which "Refusing Indonesian Military Allegations of Burning the Papua Kingmi Church Building", in Opitawak Village, Tembagapura District West Papua.

In this regard, we, the Leaders of the West Papua National Liberation Army, told the public nationaly and internationaly that what had been alleged to us by the Indonesian Military and Police was not true.

Therefore, we once again convey to all parties that we TPNPB-OPM are fighting not for to burn houses of Indigenous Papuans, and also we are fighting not for to burn church buildings, but we are fighting only for the Right to Independence for the Papuan Nation.

In accordance with the basis and ideology of our struggle, we are the Leaders of the West Papua National Liberation Army through the General Operations Commander, Major General Lekagak Telenggen "firmly rejecting the Allegations", which have been issued by the Indonesian National Police namely "the official statement of Public Relations of the Papua Police Headquarters" on March 17th 2020.
This statement was made by the Indonesian Police in Papua, which stated that the TPNPB-OPM under the leadership of the Telenggen Lekagak had burned the Kingmi Church Building in Opitawak Village, Tembagapura District, Timika Regency of Papua Province.

In response to this Statement of the Indonesian Police, the West Papua National Liberation Army Leaders to onsidered that this was poor propaganda by the Indonesian Police and Military with the aim of covering up their committed crimes against to Indigenous people of Papuans, and this was also truly a very embarrassing and Public fraud.

Major General Lekagak Telenggen also added that the Colonial Government of the Republic of Indonesia needed to know that the root of the problem that existed in Papua, namely the Right to Independence of the Papuan Nation which had been eliminated by the Government of the United States of America, the Government of the Netherlands, the Government of Indonesia and the United Nations in 1963.

On this basis, the West Papua National Liberation Army has risen and stood up to fight for the Papuan People's Rights of Independence.

Therefore, we submit that the "National Liberation War" that has been and is being carried out by the National Liberation Army of West Papua in all areas of West Papua is Only to Obtain Independence from the hands of the Colonial Government of the Republic of Indonesian.

So we are not going to burn this Church buildings, or burn people's houses, or kill Papuan Residents, or aim at indigenous Papuans, or terrorize indigenous Papuans.

But our War of TPNPB-OPM is very clear that we are fighting only for Free Papua itself, and are separate or free from oppression and new occupation by the Colonial Government of the Republic of Indonesia.

And we are fighting with our people, we are also fighting because there is an Aspiration of the Papuan People from Sorong to Samarai that wants Papua to be independent.

Separated from New Oppression and Occupation, by the colonial Government of the republic of Indonesia.

Recall that the Netherlands once formed the State of Papua and its embryo announced has been December 1, 1961, but Indonesia with greedy robbed us of our rights.

Therefore we West Papua National Liberation Army Fighters together with the people of the Papuan Nation have been and are struggling for last 58th years, and we are struggling and will continue to fight until Papua is fully independent and sovereign as an independent nation.

Indonesian Society and International Community Need to Know that the Church is the basis of our war, we are not without a war, and don't play with us, said Lekagak.

If the Indonesian Government through its Security Forces to burn the Church Building is not new, we are bored and the Papuan people are bored and fed up with the Indonesian government's poor propaganda, through the Indonesian Military and Police.

The international community is now actively participating in the Indonesian State's game against the struggle of the people of West Papua, therefore the Indonesian Military and Police will not hide anymore, because the actions of your crimes will be known to the public nationally and internationally.
We have worldwide struggle and the International Community is following the situation of armed conflict and brutal actions carried out by the Indonesian Military and Police in Tembagapura, in Intan Jaya, in Ndugama, in Puncak Papua, in Puncak Jaya, and throughout the territory of West Papua.

And 5,000 Indonesian Security Forces personnel have been moved to the world 's largest American gold mine area in Tembagapura, Papua and this mobilization of Indonesian Security Forces in large numbers is being watched and by the international community throughout the world.

And the War Declaration issued by the TPNPB and OPM Leaders with the agenda of closing the Freeport Gold Mining Company in Tembagapura is already worldwide, therefore whatever the Indonesian Government accuses us of TPNPB is not right, said Lekagak Telenggen when issuing the statement via Satellite phone directly from Tembagapura, West Papua.

Correct news and reports are that only members of the Indonesian military and police forces are always burning houses of indigenous Papuans, even church buildings, and also school buildings, and this they have started to do from 1963 to the present this year 2020 in all West Ppaua territories.

God of Papuans, Papua Natures and the spirit of Ancestors of the Papuan Nation became silent witnesses.

The Indonesian Military and Police Crimes against Humanity in Papua must be stopped immediately, in order to respect Human Rights and Dignity. And for the sake of Humanity, we cannot allow humanitarian crimes to be perpetrated by the Indonesian Military and Police in Teriritory West Papua, but the UN must take urgent action.

To support the TPNPB-OPM leadership's rebuttal and rejection of the Indonesian Allegations, the TPNPB-OPM Spokesman Mr. Sebby Sambom has answered the questions of several journalists they have asked about this.

And there are journalists who have published the response of TPNPB-OPM Spokesman Mr. Sebby Sambomba. Please click the link here, Jubir TPNPB-OPM: Tuduhan Kami Membakar gereja Di opitawak Itu Untuk Memojokan Kami and the archive may follow at the bottom of this.

Please follow the archive of TPNPB Spokesman Mr Sebby Sambom's response below:

We respond simply. We are suspicious and believe that the burning of the Church Building in Opitawak Village was a game of the Indonesian military and police, and it was the Indonesian military and police who burned it. Yes, the TNI / Polri burned its.

The aim of the Indonesian Military and Police is only to corner the "National Liberation War Goals" carried out by the TPNPB-OPM Forces, so burning community houses and Church buildings is a crime by the members of the Indonesian Military and Police.

And games like this, Indonesian Military and Police Members always do and this is not the first time, but from the 1960s until now Indonesian military and police members always do it.

And we don't bother anymore, because the crimes humanity by Indonesian military and police officers in Papua have been witnessed by Indigenous Papuans and also by non-Papuans who have lived in Papua for 58th years.

And the Indonesian Military and Police Leaders are accused us of TPNPB-OPM, so we conveyed to the Indonesian Government that it must be proven legally, and its proof was supplemented with strong Evidence and Witnesses.

Remember that with the legal process, there will be real who is right and who is wrong.

So if you want to determine the perpetrators of the burning of buildings or church buildings, Indonesian Government  must allow the Independence Team to enter the investigation, namely the UN Human Rights Commission together with the National Human Rights Commission of Papua.

Therefore, the Indonesian Military and Police Leaders should not accuse, and also Indonesian media not publish unilateral news. By Sebby Sambom, TPNPB-OPM Spokesman.

Related News on Indonesian Medias Published as follow,  
This is the TPNPB-OPM Official Statement on Rejection of the Statement of the Indonesian Military and Police Leaders who accused us of burning down the Church Building  in Opitawak, and this TPNPB-OPM official statement was made public in the mass media by TPNPB Spokesman Mr. Sebby Sambom. Thank you for your attention.

Tembagapura-West Papua on March 18th, 2020

On behalf of the TPNPB-OPM Commander in Chief,

General Operations Commander of TPNPB-OPM


Major General Lekagak Telenggen

Publish by Admin

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