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West Papuan in Genocide by Indonesian

Saturday 11 April 2020

Massive Military Operations by the Government of Indonesia When Papuan People Are Frightened of COVID-19 in Papua and the TNI Were Shot Dead One Civilian and Two Other TPNPB Members

Tandi Kogoya, the member of TPNPB who was shot dead by Indonesian Military on April 10th 2020 (Pic TPNPB-OPM)

The Official Press Release of West Papua National Liberation Army on April 11th, 2020


The War of National Liberation, by the West Papua National Liberation Army will be carried out throughout West Papua's territory, and the War will cease after Papua is fully independent from the illegal military occupation of Indonesia on the ancestral lands of the Papuan people.

Central Headquarters Management of West Papua National Liberation Army has received an Official report which has been confirmed that Two Members of TPNPB and One High School Grade 1 Student were shot dead by the Indonesian Security Forces on April 10th, 2020 in Iwaka Village, Timika Regency of Papua province.

In this morning attack, the Indonesian Security Forces have also arrested a Freeport employee on behalf of Ivan Sambom, and Ivan Sambom is still being detained and is carrying out an examination without the legal counsel. Probably Examination by intimidation, because of the savagery of the Indonesian Police and Army in Papua, that's how it is.

This report has been sent directly by TPNPB leaders Gusby Waker and Yunus Kobogau. Gusby Waker is the Operation Commander of TPNPB at Kemabu Region VIII Headquarters, in Intan Jaya Regency including the Tembagapura Region of Papua.

Report on the shooting of two TPNPB-OPM members and one civilian and the burial process without knowing by the families of the victims by the Indonesian Security Forces in Timika, Papua.

Please follow the report below,

Victim's Identity and Names
1. Name                : Tandi Kogoya
    Age                   : 35th years old
    Profession         : Member of TPNPB Region VIII Kemabu
   Position    : Commander of the Battalion Operation of   

                          TPNPB Region VIII Kemabu Intan Jaya;
2. Name                : Melki MAISENI 16th years old
    Profession         : High School Students
3. Name                : Menderita Walia
    Position: Member of TPNPB at Tembagapura Region

The photo of  Kelli Maiseni a High School student who was shot dead by Indonesian Military on April 10th 2020 in Timika, Papua, when Indonesian Militari Sweeping Operatin in the areas (Pic supplaied_
The attacks and shootings were carried out on Thursday 10th of April 2020 at 3am by the Indonesian Security Forces. As a result of this attack, one civilian on behalf of Melki Maseni was shot dead, and one of TPNPB-OPM leader was shot dead on behalf of Tandi Kogoya. In this attack also a Freeprot Employee on behalf of Ivan Sambom was arrested. And Menderita Walia also was shot dead in Opitawak, Tembagapura District, Papua.

It was reported that initially Indonesian Military dan the Police had conducted a sweep in the residential area of ​​the residents in Iwaka village. In this sweep Indonesian Security Forces have shot dead two of the people we mentioned above.

After shooting dead a civilian and a TPNPB leader, the Indonesian Security Forces took the two bodies to the General Hospital of Timika for Autopsy without informing the victim's family.

Arrived at the public hospital in Timika Regency Hospital, the hospital did an autopsy without the family knowing. And after the family heard the information that the bodies of the two shooting victims were in the mortuary at the Timika General Hospital, and then the family went to see the bodies at the hospital but the Indonesian Security Forces blocked all access to the family not to see the corpse.

Although the victim's family protested to return the corpse to be buried by the victim's family, but the Indonesian Security Forces ignored the family's request.

On Friday 10th of April 2020, with close supervision by the Indonesian Security Forces or TNI-POLRI without providing information and coordination to the families of the victims, then the Indonesian Military and Police Forces secretly prepared the Casket and carried out the burial or burial process in the public graveyard at SP3 in Timika, Papua.

This funeral was carried out by the Indonesian Military and Police Forces without presenting the victim's family in the funeral process.
Response of the TPNPB Operation Commander for the Regional Command VIII of Kemabu-Intan Jaya, “Gusby Waker” to the shooting incident may follow the below:

I, as the Operation Commander of Kemabu Regional Command VIII, bring warriors in the battlefield. Reporting about all the events that happened was true and had been carried out by the Indonesian Security Forces (TNI-POLRI) during the Operation in Iwaka village, Timika Regency, against TPNPB Members.

Gusby Waker added that I as the Operations Commander of Kamabu-Intan Jaya Region admitted that they were TPNPB-OPM Members and were responsible for the deaths of the two best TPNPB-OPM soldiers in the battlefield.

Gusby Waker also added, Although in the Evacuation Process and the funeral process was not carried out professionally in accordance with the Declaration of Humanitarian Law on Intrenational War by the Indonesian Military and Police Forces, but we TPNPB Military understood and acknowledged the reality carried out by the Indonesian Government in this case the Indonesian Military and the Police are unprofessional.

Gusby Waker message that in battle we must be professional because we are a state war between the Papuans Nation and the Indonesian Gaovernment. So loyal soldier who died must be returned to the nation and their families.

Because we TPNPB in every battle after killing the enemy is never under a corpse and buried or burned. So we consider that the Indonesian Government and its Security Forces are people who do not respect the International Humanitarian Law on War, and they are very barbaric.

That's all for our report from Intan Jaya Operations Commander Gusby Waker who was in a battlefield in Timika, West Papua.

Another report has been confirmed that the General Operations Commander of TPNPB-OPM Major General Lekagak Telenggen confirmed the report, and he said that TPNPB lost the best Soldiers.

On this basis Lekagak Announces National Grief for the Papuan Nation, for the death of TPNPB's Best Warriors. Because TPNPB forces are defending the basic rights of the Papuan people and protecting the people of Papua.

Seeing this brutal situation, we from the Central Headquarters Management of West Papua National Liberation Army call to the UN Secretary General and the Governments of UN Member States that the Government of Indonesia through the Indonesian Security Forces is still carrying out massive Military Operations in the Ndugama Region, Intan Jaya, Timika, Tembagapura and Oksibil Pegunungan Bintang Regency in the territory of West Papua, when people have to be on the lookout for Corona Virus attacks.

Military Operations by the Government of Indonesia through the Security Forces is very scare following and terrorizing the indigenous Papuans in the Region we mentioned above, and this was actually carried out by the Government of Indonesia, but the UN did not give a warning to Indonesia and said nothing.

Thus this Press Release was issued by the Central Headquarters Management of West Papua National Liberation Army, based on the results of the confirmation on the battlefield. And TPNPB-OPM Headquarters Management is responsible for this report.

Then it was announced publicly by West Papua National Liberation Army Spokesman Mr. Sebby Sambom. Thanks you for the attention and good coorporation. 

Publish by Admin

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