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West Papuan in Genocide by Indonesian

Tuesday 30 August 2016

Five Pictures in the Prayer Ceremonies for the Mission of the Free West Papua

Five pictures in the prayer ceremonies for the mission of the Free West Papua on August 11th 2016 at Wulikain East Sepik Province PNG, by the  National Command of West Papua National Liberation Army
Sebby Sambom, Terryanus Satto, Wimane Sambom & Rivaldo Sambom on West Papuan Ceremonial on the Free West Papua Mission (on August 11th 2016)  at Wulikai, East Sepik Province (Photo Doc SebbyS)

Sebby Sambom when were the arrow a pig in ceremonies in order to  the Struggle Missiono of  Free West  Papua on August 11th 2016 at Wulikain ESP, PNG (Photo Doc Sebbys)
Sebby Sambom after swine arrows a pig for ceremonial in order to Struggle Mission of Free West Papua(Photo Doc Sebbys)
Papuan style Cooking in Prayer Ceremony of Free West Papua Mission (on August 11th 2016) (Phtoto Doc Sebbys)
Wimane Sambom and Rivaldo Sambom on West Papua Mission, on August 11th 2016 at Wulikain, East Sepik Province, PNG (Photo Doc Sebbys)

Published by Sebby Sambom
West Papuan Human Rights Defender
(Former West Papuan Political Prisoner)

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