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West Papuan in Genocide by Indonesian

Saturday, 24 September 2016

Promises and Commitments by the MSG Chairman (Solomon Islands Prime Minister) Hon. Menasseh Sogavare 2015 Upper West Papua has been Real

 Solomon Islands-Prime Minister Addresses General Debate, 71st Session

In 2015, Chairman of the MSG sent a diplomatic letter to the Government of Republic of Indonesian for a meeting to discuss the issue of West Papua. But the Indonesian government rejected the letter of Chairman of MSG, and Indonesian is not interested to discuss about West Papua issue.

Finally, the Chairman of the MSG is also Prime Minister of Solomon Islands Hon. Menasseh Sogavare issued an official statement that if Indonesian Government does not want to compromise, then Chairman of the MSG will do garner the support of the Member States of the UN around the world and are particularly Melanesian and the Pacific regions in general. 

Chairman of MSG PM Sogavare managed to garner support in the Pacific to provide to support the struggle of West Papuan’s Melamesian’s of their Political Rights to Self-Determination for the People of Melanesians in West Papua.

We remember once, very exhausting diplomatic struggle ever happened at Herytaich Part in Honiara on July 14th 2016, whereby the Republic of Fiji and Papua New Guinea refused ULMWP application to become a full member of MSG. This happens precisely 13:30pm, at  Honiara time.

In this political battle, a war of words has been going on inside the courtroom and outside the courtroom of MSG. What happens there? The Indonesian delegation could not calm and agitated outstanding and prustrated, and still daylight spend Beers and wines in large quantities.
We have witnessed this really happened, and the Indonesian delegation too emotional. 

In ordered by Indonesian delgation, Solomon Islands police then requested to lower the Morning Star flag which supporters of Papuan independence brought, but supporters of Papuan independence of Fiji, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and PNG has said that here is not Indonesian territory, but here the Melanesian regions.

Even Judas Papua Nick Messet threatened to spokesman of ULMWP Mr. Benny Wenda with a statement that I will kill you, it looks very emotional and unethical. This is really happening in Honiara on July 14th 2016 at 13:00pm.

Eventually, at 14:30pm Honiara time has done a special meeting between the Government of the Solomon Islands, Government of Vanuatu, FLNKS Kannaki and ULMWP. 

In this meeting gave birth to a declaration that, they will be to push up the West Papua issue in various international forum.

After this, the Prime Minister of Solomon Islands (chairman of MSG) Hon. Menasseh Sogavare has made travel were to Vanuatu, Fiji, Kannaki, PNG, Fiji and several Pacific countries.

The result has occurred Coalition meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii in September 4th 2015 and has made a declaration of Pacific Coalition for West Papua (Pacific Islands Coalition for West Papua).

In a declaration of the Pacific countries Coalition for West Papua, the leaders of the Pacific countries agreed that it would be push the Papua  issue to the annual session of the UN Human Rights, as well as the UN General Assembly and to the UN De Colonistion.

Corresponding commitment and promised by Pacific leaders have proven and evident that, leaders of Pacific countries have successfully raised the issue of West Papua at the UN General Assembly Debated on September 21th, 22th 23th and 24th 2016 as well as real. 

That this is the internationalization of the issue of West Papua, after 54th years Melanesians people of West Papua to fight alone or  themselves.
Now the struggle of Melanesians people of West Papua are not alone, but already to joint with the UN member countries from across the Pacific regions.

We believe that other UN members countries will give attention, after a speech by the Pacific Countries Leaders at the UN General Assembly Debated on September 21th 2016 to  September 24th 2016.

On behalf of the nation of Papua Melanesians, we would like to thank you very deeply to all the leaders of Melanesians and the Pacific in general and also to the people of the Pacific countries for the concern, sympathy and support for the independence of West Papua.

Acknowledgements Nation of Papua Melanesians thanks to:

1. Chairman of the MSG (PM Solomon Islands Hon. Menasseh Sogavare) together with the Government of Solomon Islands and the People's of Solomon Islands and also the Solomon Islands in Solidarity for Free West Papua;
2. The Prime Minister of Vanuatu, Charlot Salwai Tabimasmas and the People's Vanuatu and also Vanuatu Association for the Free West Papua;
3. The  Government of Fiji and People's Fiji and and also Fiji Solodarity for the Free West Papua;
4. The  Government of PNG and People's of PNG and also PNG Solidarity for the Free West Papua;
5. The FLNKS leadesr and People’s of Kannaki and also Kannaki Solidarity for the Free West Papua;
6. The Government of Nauru and People's of Nauruan and also Nauru  Solidarity for the Free West Papua;
7. The Government of Tonga and People's Tonga and also Tongan  Solidarity for the Free West Papua;
8. The Government of Tivalu  and the People's of Tuvalu and also  Tuvalu Solidarity for the Free West Papua;
9. Government of the Marshall Islands and the People's of Marshall Islands and also the Marshall Islands Solidarity for the Free West Papua;
10. PIANGOS and the International Coalition for West Papua;
11. All the Government members of the Pacific Islands Forum and the People of Pasific regions;
12. All United Nations member governments worldwide sympathy and support of the Free Papua Movement.

Thus gratitude of the nation of Papua Melanesians, God bless all States supporting Free West Papuan. Amen.

Links of Pacific Leaders Speech at the UN General Assembly Deabted on September 21th to 24th  2016 should follow the below:

Writed, Translated, Edited and publishing by,
Sebby Sambom
West Papuan Human Rights Defender
(Former West Papuan Political Prisoner)

Marshall Islands - President Addresses General Debate, 71st Session

Janji dan Komitmen Ketua MSG PM Solomon Islands Hon. Menasseh Sogavare 2015 Atas Papua Barat Telah Nyata

Dalam Tahun 2015, Ketua MSG mengirim surat diplomatic kepada Pemerintah Indonesia untuk melakukan pertemuan guna membahas masalah Papua. Namun Pemerintah Indonesia menolak Surat Ketua MSG, dan Indonesia tidak tertarik membahas isu Papua. 

AKhirnya, Ketua MSG yang juga PM Solomon Islands Hon. Menasseh Sogavare mengeluarkan pernyataan resmi bahwa jika Indonesia tidak mau kompromi, maka Ketua MSG akan lakukan menggalang dukungan Negara-negara Anggota PBB di seluruh dunia dan yang terutama Melanesia dan wilayah  Pasifik pada umumya. 

Ketua MSG PM Sogavare berhasil menggalang dukungan di Pasifik untuk memberikan dukungan atas perjuangan Hak Politik Penentuan Nasib sendiri bagi Orang Melanesia di Papua Barat. 

Kami ingat sekali, perjuangan diplomasi sangat melelahkan pernah terjadi di Herytaich Part pada tanggal 14 Juli 2016, dimana Negara Republik Fiji dan Papua New Guinea menolak applikasi ULMWP untuk menjadi anggota penuh MSG. Hal ini terjadi tepat pukul 13:30 waktu Honiara. 

Dalam pertarungan Politik ini, perang mulut telah terjadi di dalam ruangan sidang dan diluar ruangan sidang MSG. Apa yang terjadi disana? Delegasi Indonesia tidak bisa tenang dan gelisah yang luar biasa serta prustrasi, dan masih siang bolong habiskan Bir and Anggur dalam jumlah yang banyak. 

Kami telah menyaksikan hal ini sungguh-sunggu terjadi, dan delegasi Indonesia terlalu emosional.  Kemudian meminta Polisi Solomon Islands untuk turunkan Bendera Morning Star yang pendukung Papua merdeka bawa, namun pendukung Papua merdeka dari Fiji, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu dan PNG bilang bahwa disini bukan Indonesia punya wilayah, disini wilayah orang Melanesia. 

Bahkan Yudas Papua Nick Messet ancam Jubir ULMWP tuan Benny Wenda dengan pernyataan bahwa Saya akan bunuh anda, hal ini terlihat sangat emosional dan tidak beretika. Ini benar-benar terjadi di Honiara. 

Akhirnya, pukul 14:30 waktu Honiara telah lakukan pertemuan khusus antara Pemerintah Solomon Islands, Pemerintah Vanuatu, FLNKS Kannaki dan ULMWP. Dalam pertemuan ini melahirkan satu deklarasi, yang mana akan bawah masalah Papua di berbagai Forum Internasional. 

Setelah ini, PM Solomon Islands (ketua MSG) Hon. Menasseh Sogavare telah melakukan travel Ke Vanuatu, Fiji, Kannaki, PNG, Fiji dan beberapa Negara Pasifik.
Hasilnya telah terjadi pertemuan Koalisi di Honolulu,Hawai pada awal Bulan September 2015, dan telah melakukan deklarasi Koalisi Pasifik Untuk Papua Barat (Pasific Islands Coalition for West Papua). 

Dalam deklarasi Koalisi Negara-negara Pasifik untuk Papua Barat, pemimpin dari Negara-negara Pasifik sepakat bahwa akan bawah masalah  Papua ke Sidang Tahunan HAM PBB, juga Sidang Majelis Umum PBB serta ke De Colonisas PBB. 

Sesuai komitmen dan janji pemimpin Pasifik ini telah terbukti dan nyata bahwa, pemimpin Negara-negara Pasifik telah berhasil mengakat isu Papua di PBB.  

Bahwa ini adalah Internasionalisasi isu Papua, setelah 54 tahun orang Melanesia di Papua Barat berjuang sendiri. 

Sekarang perjuangan Orang Melanesia di Papua Barat tidak sendirian, namu bersama Negara-negara anggota PBB dari seluruh wilayah Pasifik. 

Kami yakin bahwa Negara-negara anggota PBB lain akan memberikan perhatian, setelah mendengar pidato Pemimpin Negara-Negara Pasifik dalam Debated Sidang Umum PBB pada 21 September 2016 sampai 24 September 2016. 

Atas nama Bangsa Papua Melanesia, kami sampaikan terima kasih yang sangat mendalam kepada semua Pemimpin Melanesia dan Pasifik pada umunya dan juga kepada rakyat Pasifik atas perhatian, simpati serta dukungan bagi  Kemerdekaan Papua Barat. 

Ucapan Terima kasih bangsa Papua Melanesia kepada:

1.  Ketua MSG (PM Solomon Silands Hon. Menasseh Sogavare) bersama Pemerintah Solomon Islands dan Rakyat Solomon Islands serta Solomon Islands in Solidarity for Free West Papua;
2.    PM Vanuatu, Carol Salato dan Rakyat Vanuatu serta Vanuatu Assosiation for Free West Papua;
3.    Pemerintah Fiji dan Rakyat Fiji serta Fiji Solodarity for Free West Papua;
4.    Pemerintah PNG dan Rakyat PNG serta PNG Solidarity for Free West Papua;
5.  Pemerintah Pemimpin FLNKS dan Rakyat serta Kannaki Solidarity for Free West Papua;
6.     Pemerintah Nauru dan Rakyat Nauru serta Nauru Solidarity for Free West Papua;
7.     Pemerintah Tonga dan Rakyat Tonga serta Tongan Solidarity for Free West Papua;
8.     Pemerintah Tivalu dan Rakyat Tuvalu serta Tuvalu Solidarity for Free West Papua;
9. Pemerintah Marshall Islands dan Rakyat Marshall Islands serta Marshall Islands Solidarity for Free West Papua;
10.  PIANGOS dan International Coalition for West Papua;
11.   Seluruh Pemerintah anggota Pasific Islands Forum dan Rakyat;
12. Seluruh Pemerintah anggota PBB di seluruh dunia yang simpati dan mendukung Papua Merdeka. 
Demikian ucapan terima kasih bangsa Papua Melanesia, Tuhan berkati semua Negara yang mendukung Papua Merdeka. Amen. 

Link-Link Pidato Pemimpin Pasifik Dalam Sidang Umum PBB September 2016 boleh ikuti dibawah ini:

Writed, Translated, Edited and publishing by,
Sebby Sambom
West Papuan Human Rights Defender
(Former West Papuan Political Prisoner)    

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