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West Papuan in Genocide by Indonesian

Friday, 16 September 2016

UrgentNews: Indonesian Security Forces Have Been Doing Shooting Against KNPB Activists in Yahukimo and 5 People Activists Are suffered gunshot wounds 1 has Shot Dead

Photo Ilustrated of Indonesian Security Forces


Urgent Action for save the people please…!!!

Reports directly from Yahukimo on September 17th 2016 that there had been shooting in Yahukimo by the Indonesian Security Forces against the activists of the National Committee of West Papua.

As a result of firing by security forces of Indonesian, five people activists of KNPB had been shot and wounded.

Five activists who had been shot was still being treated at the General Hospital of Yahukimo regency. Location shooting of the incident: Old Regent Office.

Seeing this, civil society in Yakuhimo protest at the police station in Yahukimo.
Emergencies, please to attention by all those who care about humanity. And a full report will follow later.

Indonesian security forces have been shelling against to the KNPB Activists who have made the distribution of leaflets, which it calls for demo on dated 19th  of September 2016 in all the land of Papua, which will be coordinated by the KNPB.

Seeing this situation, KNPB Activists in Yakuhimo ask attention by all parties, especially by the people of International community. 

We ask for the attention because the Indonesian Security Forces are doing brutaly actions against to the people and KNPB Activists.

Five KNPB Activists have arrested today in Yahukimo on September 17th 2016

Name of arrested:
(1).Ruben wakla; (2).Arpius Magayang; (3).Yenny Mamberasar; (4). Annike Mohi; (5).Yoas Payage; (6). Anito Soll; (7). Laki Balingga; (8).Werson Suhn; (9).Kais Soll; (10). Budiman Wakla; (11). Yowel Soll; (12). Anis Pakage.

Thus, the latest report from Yahukimo. This report has been sent by the West Papuan Independence Activist (BS) to the Admin of ssambom blogspot.

Edited, Translated and Publishing by
Sebby Sambom

West Papuan Human Rights Defender
(Former West Papuan Political Prisoner)

UrgentNews: Aparat Keamanan Indonesia Telah Melakukan Penembakan Terhadap Activists KNPB di Yahukimo dan 5 Orang Activis Luka Lembak  dan 1 Orang dilaporkan Meninggal

Laporan langsung dari Yahukimo pada tanggal 17 September 2016, bahwa telah terjadi penembakan di Kabupaten Yahukimo oleh Aparat Keamanan Indonesia terhadap aktivis Komite Nasional Papua Barat. 

Akibat dari penembakan oleh Aparat Keamanan Indonesia ini, lima orang aktivis  KNPB kena tembak dan mengalami luka-luka. 

Lima aktivis yang kena tembak ini masih dirawat di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kabupaten Yahukimo. Lokasi peristiwa penembakan: Kantor Bupati Lama. 

Melihat kejadian ini, masyarakat civil di Yahukimo melakukan aksi protes di kantor Polisi Kabupaten Yahukimo.

Keadaan darurat, mohon perhation oleh semua pihak yang peduli kemanusiaan.  Dan laporan lengkap akan menyusul.

Aparat Keamanan Indonesia telah melakukan penembakan, terhadap activists KNPB yang telah melakukan pembagian selebaran, yang isinya seruan untuk demo tanggal 19 September 2016 di seluruh tanah Papua, yang akan dikoordinir oleh KNPB. 

Melihat situasi ini, Activists KNPB di Yahukimo minta Perhatian oleh semua pihak, yang terutama oleh masyarakat Internasional.Permintaan Activist ini karena Aparat Keamanan Indonesia sedang melakukan aksi brutal terhadap rakyat dan activists KNPB.

Demikian, laporan terkini dari Yahukimo. Laporan ini telah dikirim oleh Activist Independence Papua Barat (BS) kepada Admin ssambom blogspot. 

Edited, Translated and Publishing by
Sebby Sambom
West Papuan Human Rights Defender
(Former West Papuan Political Prisoner)

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