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West Papuan in Genocide by Indonesian

Friday, 13 October 2017

The Story of Irwanto Mabel in the Free Papua struggle

Photo of Irwanto Mabel with family on West Papuans struggle for Full Independence (pic Doc IrwantoMabel)


By Betsu Logo Gen KNPB (account FB)

I am sad to see this boy with his style !!!!!

He said that at that time there was someone who he considered very honorable to come to visit his hometown, then he and his family with other relatives for the ceremony to welcome cooking in a way cook by means of burning stones, but unfortunately the person did not come the honorable man, at which time he can promised to visit by courier.

Emotion of Irwanto's disappointment was accompanied by his decorative style on the defective body, using clay mixed with water. (see pic above).
Irwanto is indeed a great person, a person who has the advantage of a normal human, Irwanto Mabel is a PAPUA REVOLUTION FIGHTER FROM DEFINITION from disabled, in fact Irwanto is also a true brave warrior and always loudly opposed to Indonesian colonialism in the land of Papua.

He needs to be a subject in this struggle, because he is a disabled person, but he never feels shortcomings and weaknesses in the struggle for Free West Papua, he is always at the forefront with the people in the struggle of Free Papua, he is never concerned with the advantages and greatness of others , but he is great with a very credible instinct, Irwanto always wanted to make something new for others obsessed in the strains of his handicap style.

Irwanto has limitations, but he has advantages that are unmatched by other players. Irwanto Mabel has always been active in the struggle of independent Papua, he has also raised the fighting spirit for the young generation of Papua in the territory of traditional land of Walak tribe,  namely iluga, woroga, tanama, kalarin, tagapaga and surrounding areas.

Healthy and normal people are mostly unconcerned about the struggle of Free Papua, but this defective Irwanto Mabel is very concerned about the fate of the West Papuan people.

Playing guitar, singing and creating songs for the struggle of independent Papua can not be banned by other normal people. We family very appreciate and love him.

Irwanto is very good at playing guitar, as like a normal organg. This is the talent God gave to Irwanto Mabel to work for the West Papuan people.

Wife is very supportig, therefore we need to write a story about his wife. The story of the Papuan woman from the Yali tribe is very interesting, because when married to Mr. Irwanto Mabel, his wife once said that your soul is for the Papuan people, but your hand is disabled belongs to me.

Many women in Papua see you they are ignorant and do not care about Irwanto because you are handicapped, but with faith in God I choose you to be your wife and we will fight together for the Papuan nation free from colonialism by Indonesia. This is a true story, in Mr. Irwanto Mabel's family life.

The next story will be written on the following episode about,
Irwantho Mabel, Edition, 07/10/2017 by Betsu Logo Gen KNPB.

Translated, edited & Republished by,
Sebby Sambom
West Papuan Human Rights Defender
(Former West Papuan Political Prisoner)
Photo of Irwanto Mabel West Papua Freedom Fighter


Kisah Irwanto Mabel Dalam Perjuangan Papua Merdeka

Oleh: Bestu Logo Gen KNPB (FB Account)

Saya sedih lihat anak ini punya gaya!!!!!
Katanya waktu itu ada seseorang yang dia anggap sangat terhormat mau datang ke kampung halamannya, lalu ia bersama keluarga dengan sanak saudara lain buat acara penyambutan masak dengan cara barapen namun sayang saking tidak kunjung datang orang terhormat itu, pada waktu yang ia dapat janji kunjungan melalui kurirnya. 

Emosi kekecewaan Irwanto terlampias dengan gaya hiasnya pada tubuh yang cacat itu, dengan menggunakan tanah liat dicampur air. Irwanto sesungguhnya orang hebat, orang yang mempunyai kelebihan dari manusia normal, Irwanto Mabel adalah seorang AKTIVIS REVOLUSI PAPUA MERDEKA dari pecandang cacat, sebenarnya Irwanto juga adalah pejuang sejati yang sangat berani dan selalu lantang menentang kolonialisme Indonesia di tanah Papua. 

Ia perlu dijadikan sebagai suatu subjek dalam perjuangan ini, sebab ia seorang pecandang cacat, namun ia tidak pernah merasa kekurangan dan kelemahan dalam perjuangan, ia selalu berada di garis depan bersama rakyat dalam perjuangan Papua Merdeka, ia tidak pernah perduli dengan kelebihan dan kehebatan orang lain, tetapi ia sungguh hebat dengan naluri yang sangat kereatif, Irwanto selalu ingin membuat sesuatu yang baru buat orang lain terobsesi dalam alunan gaya cacatnya. 

Irwanto punya keterbatasan, tapi ia punya kelebihan yang tak tertandingi oleh para pesain lain.  Irwanto Mabel selalui aktif dalam perjuangan Papua merdeka, dia juga telah membangkitkan semangat juang bagi generasi muda Papua di wilayah tanah adat suku Walak, yaitu wilayah iluga, woroga, tanama, kalarin, tagapaga dan sekitarnya.
Orang yang sehat dan normal kebanyakan tidak peduli dengan perjuangan Papua Merdeka, namun Irwanto Mabel yang cacat ini sangat peduli dengan nasib bangsa Papua Barat. 

Bermain gitar, bernyanyi dan menciptakan lagu untuk perjuangan Papua merdeka tidak dapat disangi oleh orang normal lain. Kami keluarga sangat hargai dan mengasihinya.

Irwanto sangat lihai bermain kita, sama seperti organg normal. Ini talenta yang Tuhan berikan kepada Irwanto Mabel untuk berkarya bagi bangsa West Papua. 

Istri pun sangat mendukungnya, oleh karena itu kita perlu menulis kisah tentang istrinya. Kisah wanita Papua asal suku Yali ini sangat menarik, karena waktu menikah dengan tuan Irwanto Mabel, istrinya pernah mengatakan bahwa jiwamu untuk orang Papua, tapi tangan mu yang cacat itu milik saya. 

Banyak wanita di Papua melihatmu mereka cuek dan tidak peduli dengan Irwanto karena engkau cacat, tapi dengan iman dalam Tuhan saya memilih engkau menjadi istrimu dan kita akan berjuang bersama untuk bangsa Papua bebas dari penjajahan oleh Indonesia. Ini kisah nyata, dalam keluarga tuan Irwanto Mabel.

Cerita selanjutnya akan di tulis pada episiode berikut tentang,
Irwantho Mabel, Edisi, 7/10/2017

Translated, edited & Republished by,
Sebby Sambom
West Papuan Human Rights Defender
(Former West Papuan Political Prisoner)