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West Papuan in Genocide by Indonesian

Saturday 11 November 2017

8 Terms Can stop the war in Tembagapura West Papua

Posted by tpnpbnews, November 10th 2017

This is West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) bid to Indonesian Government:
The National Liberation Army of West Papua (TPNPB), issued an offer contents of agreement to Indonesia.
Eight points of this agreement bid, agreed by Indonesian Government then West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) will stop the war. 

The bid of agreement for Indonesian government approval is as follows:

1 Freeport Indonesia Mining . Company in Tembagapura, West Papua must be "Close";
2. Pull out the Indonesian organic and non-organic military forces from the area of ​​West Papua, then replaced by UN security forces;
3. The Government of Republic of Indonesia Approves the Implementation of An act of Free Choice of Self-Determination for Indigenous people of West Papuans;
4. The Indonesian Government of the Provinces of Papua and West Papua dismissed and the no government status, fully surrendered to the UN trust government;
5. The negotiator in this Agreement is a Papuan military representative of the TPNPB, the Civilian Movement of the Interior and the ULMWP Foreign Diplomat;
6. The signing of this Agreement is mediated by neutral parties and the UN, not the JDP or the Indonesian government;
7. Other matters concerning the timing of the referendum and negotiators can be submitted later, if Indonesian Government approves the bid of this agreement;
8. West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) rejects bid of any form other than those listed on the Seven items of this bid. If the Indonesian government does not approve this bid then, TPNPB will not stop the war. 

The war against the Indonesian military in Papua will do until the top of this bid  is approved.

Eight Points of this bid can be delivered directly by mobile phone from Tembagapura, West Papua to TPNPB crew on November 10th, 2017.

Anyone can read Malay Indonesian please click here, 8 Syarat Dapat Hentikan Perang Di Tembagpura West Papua

Copy@right tpnpbnews, 

Translated, edited & Republished by,
Sebby Sambom
West Papuans Human Rights Defender
Spokesperson of TPNPB
Former West Papuan Political Prisoner

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