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West Papuan in Genocide by Indonesian

Saturday 11 November 2017

TPNPB-OPM: Ask to Foreign Journalists & UN Fact Finding Team Also International Red Cross to Tembagapura West Papua

Posted by tpnpbnews, on November 11th  2017

Tembagapura West Papua-The National Liberation Army of West Papua (TPNPB-OPM) Inviting international journalists to Tembagapura, to prove the truth of 1,300 citizens held hostage by TPNPB. And Indonesia opens access International journalist to Tembagapura West Papua, if there is indeed hostage taking on civilians.

Because 1,300 hostages are not true. as Kogoya said via cellular phone, on Thursday evening 9/11/2017.  who told us that "we only do regular swiping, while informing the war plan that the enemy of TPNPB is Indonesian Military and the Polices, our society will not shoot because we are fighting for the people of Papua". related news click here.

As the operations commander of TPNPB-OPM invited foreign journalists and the UN fact-finding team to Papua as a neutral party to prove that hostage taking really happened or it was an issue of Indonesian propaganda, as a strategic issue leading TPNPB to the terrorist list.

But the Indonesian counter-terrorism body has issued a clear statement that
The members of WPNLA climb up the clift
the war made by TPNPB can not be are
categorized as a terrorist, but want to separate from Indonesia is clear, as the purpose of TPNPB for self-determination of the people of Papua.

 "We ask international journalists to enter the field of war with UN fact-finding team, so see for yourself, the issue is Indonesian fraud. we are not hostages of society, we protect them. " specifically via mobile Friday 10/11/2017.

He said that the safety of journalists' safety will ensure that TPNPB as the Papuan military is ready to protect Journalists, Citizens and Red Cross or if there is a UN team as a negotiator to mediate agreements with Indonesia. "We are ready to protect them national or international journalists, they should cover the news on the ground, so do not misunderstand the false news". he said.

TPNPB war purpose of struggle for self-determination right of people of Papua. The single agenda of the struggle of the Papuan people is "Self Determination or Self-determination Right of the West Papuan Nation".

Thus the TPNPB fought under the Provisional Constitution of the West Papua Republic in 1971, on the basis of Chapter V on Defense and Security article 106. Fighting until the freedom of Papuan or full independence.

As the Makodap III Coffee Kali said, "I am in the battlefield of Tembagapura region, I would like to respond to the exposure of TV about 300 hostages, 300 people. That's fake news. Society is all behind me, society is all safe ". While TPNPB is waging war with Indonesians Military and the Polices but every soldier has an obligation to protect civilians.

TPNPB can distinguish between civilians and enemies is the Indonesian military, the target is not the community but the Indonesians Military and the Polices is evident from the implementation of war. Related news click here.

TPNPB has promised a war against the Indonesian military. The target is the closing of Freeport Indonesia Mining Company in Tembagapura, West Papua.

The Indonesian military that maintains the company's access and wants to face TPNPB, the war will not stop if the Indonesian government approves the proposed offer to Indonesia which contains eight points.Read more clicck here.

International and National Public need to know that, war that happened Indonesia Military vs TPNPB in Tembagapura West Papua is purely struggle "right of self determination of nation of Papua". So for the sake of determining the fate of the nation all parties must support in prayer and fasting. Anyone can read Malay Indonesian click here, TPNPB Minta Jurnalis Asing dan Tim Pencari Fakta PBB Ke Tembagapura Papua

Copy right, by tpnpbnews.
Translated, Edited & Republished by,
Sebby Sambom
West Papuans Human Rights Defender
Former West Papuan Political Prisoner

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