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West Papuan in Genocide by Indonesian

Monday 13 November 2017


Has published on January 13th, 2013 | Filed under: National News, Calls / Call | Posted by: webmaster


A.      Introduction

Praise the Lord Shield of West Papuans. On orders of the Holy Spirit of God' from the kingdom of Jesus, The West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM) in West Papua by State of Headquarters in Tingginambut, Puncak Jaya, West Papua, under the leadership of Gen. Goliath Tabuni on behalf of West Papuans by the firm issued an official statement to:
The United Nations, the Government  of United States of America, the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the United Nations Members State Governments  around the World, with the argument that a fundamental and very rational.

 b. Legal Basic Struggle of the West Papua National Liberation Army 
1. Whereas, according to Genesis chapter 1 verses 1-31, the land of Papua with all it is God who has created a nation of West Papua inheritance rights and not for the other nations of the earth;

2. Whereas, according to Exodus chapter 2 verses 11 and 12, then the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM) are struggling to release the people of God for (West Papuans) from "Hold, Slaverys, Murders, rapes, robberys, kidnappings, arrests, detentions, deprivations, marginalization as well as extermination, which has been and is being done by the colonial peoples of the Republic of Indonesia;
3.  Whereas, the output is based on article 23 paragraph 1-13, then the rights of the people of West Papua should and must be appreciated by anyone of human on earth, and flatly refused deprived;
4. Whereas, by (United Nations  Declaration) on the rights of human rights (the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights), which has been accepted and endorsed by the UN General Assembly on December 10th, 1948, the rights of the nation of west Papua should and must be respected; 

5. Whereas, according to Article 1, paragraph 1.2 and paragraph 3 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which has been accepted and endorsed by the UN General Assembly on December 16th, 1966, then people of West Papua have the right to Self-Determination through a democratic referendum, dignified and authoritative standards in accordance with international law;
6. Whereas, the popularity, the right of self-determination,  which can be explained on points to five above, the United Nations can reinforce again in the UN Declaration on the rights of Indigenous (Natives people)  (The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples), which has been accepted and ratified on September 13th 2007, the General Assembly of the United Nations which can be defined in article 3 and 4 of this declaration that Every indigenous people shall have the right to self determination;

7. Whereas, by six points at the base of the legal struggle by the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM)  that can be described above, then the (TPNPB-OPM) are fighting for the basic rights of the people of West Papua, which includes, the political right to self-determination, based on international human rights law procedure.
C.  Nature of the Organization of West Papua National Liberation Army

1. Whereas, the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM) is an organization that can been born by the mission of defense of Human Rights, which is primarily for the rights of the people of West Papua;

2. Whereas, the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM) is an organization that can be born by love of God's people who lives underthe pressure and death and extermination, of the crimes by the colonial peoples of the Republic of Indonesia;

3. Whereas, the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OMP) is a liberation organization of West Papua, on the hands of terrorism by the colonial peoples of the Republic of Indonesia.
D.  Nature of Struggle of West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM)

Whereas, the basic nature of the struggle of West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM) is permanent and continuity. That is, the West Papua National Liberation Army keep fighting continued until West Papua full Independence and sovereign, as the other nations on earth.
E. Basic Principles Struggle of West Papua National Liberationa Army

(1). Whereas, because it does not recognize "the annexation of West Papua into the Homeland on May 1th, 1963", by the Indonesian military invasion under the supervision of United Nnation Temporrary Eexecutive Auttority (UNTEA), who have violated the rights of the people of West Papua;

(2). Whereas, for not recognizing "Implementation of 1969 in West Papua," which is basically full of manipulations and manipulation by way of terrors and intimidations against indigenous people of West Papua, through military operations by the Indonesian military, according to a statements Ret. Lt. Sintong in his book entitled "Journey A soldiers Para Commando", which can be issued in March 2009;

(3). Recognizing that the people of West Papua is a family of Melanesian race;
(4). Recognizing that the people of West Papua have no connection whatsoever and nationalism with Indonesia, the majority of Malay Asian clumps, as where it can be said by Papua Police Chief (Inspector General of Police. Bekto Suprato) in his presentation on July 5th, 2011, during the Papua Peace Conference , organized by the JDP in the hall at University of Cenderawasih in Abepura, West Papua;

(5). Whereas, by four points in parts of the basic principles of the struggle of the West Papua National Liberatioon Army above, there is no compromise or any word no word surrender to the colonial peoples of the Republic of Indonesia;

(6.) Whereas, therefore the West Papua National Liberation Army together with the people of West Papua still struggling continues to gain independence from the colonial hands of the Republic of Indonesia.
F. Basic Implementation of the Revolutionary Struggle of West Papua National Liberation Army

1. That the Lord Jesus is the Supreme People separatist of WORLD that separated the earth from blinking into the light, then the West Papua National Liberation Army are struggling to honor of his works;

2. Whereas, the Lord Jesus also was a leader of the True Revolutionary EXEMPTION of Human beings on earth, then the West Papua National Liberation Army carry out the revolution by following his example, to free his people (of West Papuans) on hand of colonialism by colonial Government of the Republic of Indonesia;

3. Whereas, West Papua National Liberation Army respect both the law of the Lord Jesus, then have been, and continue to carry the struggle through guerrilla  revolution and the total revolution later, for to bring it out of West Papua to sovereign by the hands of colonial Government of the Republic of Indonesia.
G. The Official Statements of West Papua National Liberation Army

Whereas, with a very basic arguments of the "points A to F" above, the West Papua National Liberation Army on behalf of the people of West Papua stating:

(1). That, urged the United Nations to immediately review the top mistakes that have been maded in the process of annexation of West Papua from United Nations Temporrary Executive Auttority (UNTEA) to Colonial Government of Republic of Indonesia, since the New York Agreements on August 15th, 1962 and the surrender of the administration of West Papua to Indonesia on May 1th, 1963 and the implementation of  PEPERA 1969 (An Act of Free Choice) it we called that AN ACT OF NO CHOICE)  in the warmth on the study of Dutch academics (Prof.PJ Drooglever) with his book entitled "the An Act of Free Choice in West Papua 1969" and immediately implement the referendum for the people of West Papua, according to legal procedures with the International standart;

(2). That, urged the Government  of United States of America is now (under the leadership of President Barak Hussein Obama), to immediately assess fault Leaders predecessors in their political maneuvers, which sided with favorable Indonesia and sacrificed the rights of the people of West Papua in political conflict dispute of west Papua, between the Dutch Government and the Government of Republic of Indonesia of the years 1962 to 1969;

(3). That, urged the Dutch government to immediately take action and provide support in the struggle of the people of West Papua, which is being driven by IPWP through politics and ILWP through legal channels, the peak will organize Summit by International Lawyers for West Papua in London, UK, with the central theme "International Conference of ILWP the Road to independence of West Papua";

(4). That, urge the new Indonesian government (under the leadership of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono), to immediately assess fault Leaders predecessor, which has been able to claim that West Papua is the integral unity that is inseparable from the Homeland, which come at a cost and or ignore the rights of the people of West Papua, for the sovereign as the other nations on Earth. In this case confirmed again that the wise and discerning the Indonesian government  should and must apologize to the people of West Papua, and further provides a full sovereign independence. With this goodness, the Government of Indonesia will be appreciated by UN Member Governments and the international community. Remember that, this is very important for the creation of world peace and the dignity of the Indonesian nation;

(5). Whereas, if the statements which points 1 to 4 shall be implemented by the respective Governments as well as by the United Nations, the West Papua Nationaal Liberation Army of West Papua together with all components of the people of West Papua ready to carry out a total revolution and prepared opponent  to the Indonesian Military and Police (TNI/POLIRI), Lord Jesus became the basis for the people of West Papua shield in battle, Amen.

Bintang Papua Media Alerts:  This statement Once loaded in Bintang Papua Media on Octobert 7th ,2011, with the title, "Goliath Tabuni Cs, Ready to Declare 'War' Opponentwith the Indonesian Military and the Polices (TNI/Polri)". Please click: Goliath Tabuni State Ready to Fight War against Indonesian Military (TNI and Polri)

Likewise an Open Letter and Official Declaration of West Papua National Liberation Army of West Papua is made and issued from the West Papua National Liberation Headquarters in Tingginambut, Puncak Jaya, West Papua, on behalf of the people of West Papua, to be attentive and be implemented. Thank you for your attention 
Tingginambut on July 29th, 2011

Commander for the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPN PB),
 Free Papua Organization (OPM) (the West Papua Liberation Organization)
Translated by Sebby Sambom, Spokesman of (WPNLA) OPM TPNPB

High Commander of West Papua National Liberation Army (WPNLA) OPM TPNPB)

Gen.Goliath Tabuni
NRP. 7312.00.00.001

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