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West Papuan in Genocide by Indonesian

Sunday 12 November 2017

Chief of Papua Police Issued DPO to 21 Members of TPNPB & TPNPB Also Express Issued DPO to All Indonesian Military and the Police

The Soldiers of West Papua National Liberation Army of OPM (we colled West Papuans Freedom Fighters)

Posted by tpnpbnews  November12st, 2017

The Regional Defense Command (KODAP of West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) of Tembagapura did not flinch with the Chief of Papua Police publishing the List of People Search (DPO) against 21 Members of theWest Papua National Liberation Army ( TPNPB).

This means that the Leader and TPNPB assume that the List of People Search (DPO) or more extreme is called a list which is a strong warning to be made arrest or if necessary shoot in place by the Indonesian Police (Polda Papua) is common for TPNPB soldiers, and do not feel danger therefore as a threat of mental terror alone.

When contacted at Tembagapura via cell phone, they said that "we are not afraid", that is normal for us "said Operations Commander of KODAP Tembagapura via mobile phone on Sunday, 12/11/2017, West Papua time.

Furthermore they say that WAR in Tembagapura is a joint operation of TPNPB, which aims to attack the Freeport Indonesia Mining to  Freeport Indonesia will soon be CLOSED, and then it can be reopened after Free West Papua (Papua Merdeka) is full and sovereign as like  any other nations on earth.

Then they said that join party of TPNPB KODAP III Kali Kopi and KODAP Tembagapura Leader Brigjend Ayub Waker said  WAR with the purpose of demanding, Self-Determination for the Right of the People of  Papuan Nation.

So as a solution has issued 8 points of bid which is a necessity to give birth to an agreement with Indonesia, and should be executed with the involvement of a neutral third party. Please read, 8 Terms Can stop the war in Tembagapura West Papua 
The statement was directly conveyed by the TPNPB Operations Commander of Tembagapura Kodap from Utikini via telephone line, and he stated firmly that "the DPO by Indonesian Papua Police against 21 people only, and the reverse is that of our DPO all members of the Military and Indonesian Police and Indonesian Intelligence are on the list of Our DPO, because if we meet them anytime and anywhere, we will shoot ".

Meanwhile Brigadier General Ayub Waker said that "I have ever issued a DPO to the Indonesian Papua Police when Tito Karnavian is a Chief of Indonesian Police in Papua that time, whoever the police chief remains on my group DPO list", he said from the battlefield, from a different location on Sunday November 12th 2017.

Then He said that "my troops are at war, I ask for additional troops in the other Regions Defense Command (KODAP), they are heading to Tembagapura, the war continues until our Terms bid is approved by the Colonial Government of the Republic of Indonesia for the referendum for the indigenous people of West Papua", he stressed.

The West Papuan National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM) on the principle that WAR will not cease, but the War will continue until it reaches the Papuan independence goal, through the bid of a previously-issued agreement. Copy@right-Admin-Komnas-tpnpbnews.

Translated, edited and republished by,
Sebby Sambom
Spokesperson of TPNPB
West Papuan Human Rights Defender
Former West Papuan Political Prisoner

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