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West Papuan in Genocide by Indonesian

Tuesday, 18 December 2018

Members of Indonesian Military and Police in Papua Are Human Beings with Wild Animal character

Photo of Indonesian Soldiers Killed West Papuan innocent civilian in West Papua


Why did we choose this title? Because it clearly killed civilians in the Nduga area but there was only a dispute in broad daylight. This reflects that members of the Indonesian Military and the Police serving in Papua are truly humans who have wild animal characteristics.

And they are the most TRAVELERS. Why are we saying coward? Because it clearly shot dead civilians in Mbua, Yigi, Dal and surrounding districts, you didn't dare to take responsibility. That is what is called a coward, dare to make it but do not dare to be responsible.

We have direct reports from conflict areas in Ndugama, and we are always updated at all times. However, Indonesian Military & Indonesian Police always denied. For to find out, please follow the BBC Indonesia news broadcast. Please click on BBC Indonesia, TNI bantah tembaki dan mengebom warga sipil di Papua

Nduga Goverment Investigation Team have found victims of innocent civil society  
However, we believe that we are devil opponents who are truly devils. Therefore we will continue to fight until the Free Papua is full and sovereign as a civilized nation on the face of the earth.

In this case, the advocacy team from the District Government of  Nduga, Papua has already gone to the place of conflict to evacuated and report the results that there are victims on the part of civil society.

But there are only rebuttal by the Indonesian Military and the Police. A report from the Nduga Regional Government advocacy team which has been published by the Jubi Tabloid, ''the Nduga Regional Government evacuation team finds four bodies of civilians. Please click here, Tim evakuasi gabungan Pemda Nduga temukan empat jenazah warga sipil

We convey to the Indonesian people and international communities in all parts of the world that the crimes committed by members of the Indonesian and the Police in Nduga are truly barbaric, because they carried out sweeping operations and were carrying out shootings on civil society in Mbua, Yigi, Mbulmu Yalma, Ndal and its surroundings from December 4th, 2018 to the present until now.

Evacuation of the bodies of victims who were shot by the TNI
Therefore we ask the progressive Indonesian people and the international community, so that the UN Organization Agency must urgently send a humanitarian mission in the conflict area of ​​Nduga  District,  Papua Province.

Publish by Admin


Anggota TNI dan POLRI di Papua Adalah Manusia Yang Berwatak Binatang Buas


Mengapa kami pilih judul ini? Karena sudah jelas-jelas membunuh masyarakat sipil  di Wilayah Nduga tetapi ada saja membantah di siang bolong. Hal ini mencerminkan bahwa anggota TNI & POLRI yang bertugas di Papua adalah benar-benar manusia yang berwatak binatang buas. 

Dan mereka adalah yang paling PENGECUT. Mengapa kami katakana pengecut? Karena sudah jelas-jelas menembak mati masyarakat civil di distrik Mbua, Yigi, Dal dan sekitarnya, namu tidak berani bertanggung jawab. Itu yang namanya pengecut, berani buat tapi tidak berani bertanggung jawab.

Kami mempunya laporan langsung dari wilayah konflik di Ndugama, dan kami selalu update setiap saat. Namun TNI & POLRI Indonesia selalu saja menyanggal.  Untuk diketahuinya silakan ikuti siaran berita BBC Indonesia di link sebelah kanan ini. Silakan klik TNI bantah tembaki dan mengebom warga sipil di Papua.

Tetapi, kami percaya bahwa kami sedang lawan iblis yang benar-benar iblis. Oleh karena itu kami akan terus melakukan perlawanan sampai Papua Merdeka penuh dan berdaulat sebagai bangsa yang beradab di muka bumi. 

Dalam hal ini Tim advokasi dari Pemerintah Kabupaten Nduga,  Papua sudah ke tempat konflik untuk evakuasi dan laporkan hasil bahwa ada korban di pihak masyarakat civil. Namun ada saja bantahan oleh TNI & POLRI. Laporan tim advikasi Pemerintah Daerah Nduga yang telah di publikasikan oleh Tabloid Jubi, silakan klik disini, Tim evakuasi gabungan Pemda Nduga temukan empat jenazah warga sipil.

Photo Warga Civil Yang telah di Tembak mati oleh TNI di Yigi
Kami sampaikan kepada Masyarakat Indonesia dan masyarakat Internasionla di seluruh belahan dunia bahwa Kejahatan yang dilakukan oleh anggota TNI dan POLRI di Nduga adalah benar-benar biadab, karena mereka melakukan operasi penyisiran dan sedang melakukan penembakan terhadap masyarakat civil di Wilayah Mbua, Yigi, Mbulmu Yalma, Ndal dan sekitarnya dari sejak tanggal 4 Desember 2018 hingga kini. 

Oleh karena itu kami minta kepada Masyarakay Indonesia yang progresif dan masyarakat Internasional, agar segera desak Badan organisasi PBB harus segera kirim misi kemanusiaan di wilayah konflik Kabupaten Nduga Papua.  

Publish by Admin

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