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West Papuan in Genocide by Indonesian

Monday 25 February 2019

Arms Contact between TPNPB and the Indonesian Military in Mapenduma District is Underway

The Indonesian Military Attack TPNPB OPM area by Helicopters airtrikes in Mapenduma District Ndugama, West Papua

TPNPBNEWS: War between the West Papua National Liberation and the Indonesian Military is taking place in the District of Mapenduma, Nduga Regency of Papua Province, were started from February 23st, 2019 to February 25st, 2019.

Attack with the action of gunfire between the West Papua national Liberation Army (TPNPB) and the Indonesian Military from morning to evening for two days in the Mapenduma District, namely the 23rd to the 24th of February 2019.

This Arms Contact between the
West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) and the Indonesian Military was reported directly by the Commander of the KODAP III Ndugama to the TPNPB Crew via the Satellite Phone today on February 25th, 2019.

In this report, on February 23
th, 2019 TPNPB was shot the Indonesian Military-Owned Helicopters and hit on the Helicopter Bodies, namely two bullets of TPNPB hit the Indonesian helicopter's body which carried out air strikes on the TPNPB defense area, but escaped from Mapenduma District.

And the war continues until the morning of February 24th, 2019 and continues to 2 pm, reported directly by the Regional Commander of KODAP III Ndugama Bridgen Ekianus Kogeya.
According to him, all of his troops were safe, but the Indonesian Military (KOPASUS) was shot in the Mapnduma District by TPNPB-OPM.

And today, February 25
th, 2019 Indonesian Military special forces from Wamena using 6 strada cars heading to Mount Kabo, and the Indonesian Military Special Forces have arrived in the Nitkuri District, kurigi Village.

And also 2 helicopters belonging to the Indonesian Military Army (TNI AD) have carried out the Indonesian Military Forces piloting by air in Yigi District, Nduga Regency, Papua.

According to TPNPB intelligence reported that the Indonesian Military-Owned Helicopter had landed on Yigi
Heliper carrying additional Indonesian Military forces.

And the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) has taken a position in the field of defense and is ready to fight for opponents of the Indonesian Colonial Military and Police in
the region.

Therefore, the Regional Commander of the KODA
PIII  TPNPB Ndugama Bridgen Ekianus Kogeya appealed to the Community that not panic, but remain calm.

Because we started the war starting today on February 25
th, 2019 until the Indonesian Election activities in 32 Districts, in the District of Nduga we will boycott.

And also we appeal to all people from the Ndugama Tribe to immediately support our war
 of TPNPB, because this war is the National Liberation War for the Papuan nation to determine the right of Self Determination or Papua Merdeka.

This was said directly by the Kodap III Ndugama Commander Bridgen Ekianus Kogeya to the TPNPB News Crew via the satellite cellphone this morning,
 on February 25th, 2019.

This is the report of the Regional Commander of Kodap III Ndugama Bridgen Ekianus Kogeya from Mapenduma District, Nduga Papua Regency.

Forwarded to all Journalists and Human Rights Workers around the World by TPNPB-OPM spokesman Mr. Sebby Sambom.

Edited and Translated by
Sebby Sambom
Spokesperson of TPNPB-OPM
Former West Papuan Political Prisoner

The photo of Ndugama Trans Haighway between Habema Lake and Mbua District or the ares of Armed Conflict
 Into Malay Indonesian

Kontak Senjata Antara TPNPB dan Militer Indonesia di Mapenduma Sedang Berlangsung

TPNPBNEWS: Perang anatar Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat dengan Militer Indonesia sedang berlansung di Distrik Mapenduma, Kabupaten Nduga Papua dari sejak tanggal 23 Pebruari 2019 hingga tanggal 25 Februari 2019. 

Penyerangan dengan aksi kontak senjata antara TPNPB dan Militer Indonesia dari pagi hingga sore selama dua hari di Distrik Mapenduma, selama dua hari yaitu tanggal 23 sampai dengan tanggal 24 Februari 2019. 

Kontak Senjata antara TPNPB dan Militer Indonesia ini dilaporkan langsung oleh Panglima KODAP III Ndugama kepada Kru TPNPB melalui HP Satelite pada hari ini tanggal 25 Februari 2019. 

Dalam laporan ini menyebutkan bahwa pada tanggal 23 Februari 2019 TPNPB sempat tembak Helikopter Milik Militer Indonesia dan terkena Bodi Helikopter, yaitu dua peluru kena body helikopter yang melakukan serangan udara ke wilayah pertahanan TPNPB, namun helicopter tersebut lolos keluar dari Mapenduma

Dan perang berlanjut hingga pagi tanggal 24 Februari 2019 dan berlanjut terus sampai pukul 2 siang, dilaporkan langsung oleh Panglima Daerah KODAP III Ndugama Bridgen Ekianus Kogeya.

Menurutnya, bawah pasukannya semua aman, namun pihak Militer Indonesia (KOPASUS) 1 orang korban tertembak di Distrik Mapnduma.
Dan hari ini tanggal 25 Februari 2019 pasukan khusus Militer Indonesia dari Wamena dengan menggunakan 6 mobil strada menuju ke Gunung Kabo, dan Pasukan Khusus Militer Indonesia itu sudah tiba di Distrik Nitkuri kampung kurigi.

Dan juga 2 helikopter milik Militer Indonesia angkatan Darat (TNI AD) telah melakukan pandoropan Pasukan Militer Indonesia melalui udara di Distrik Yigi, Kabupaten Nduga, Papua.

Menurut laporan intelegen TPNPB melaporkan bahwa Helikopter Milik Militer Indonesia telah mendarat di Lapter Yigi membawa pasukan tambahan Militer Indonesia. 

Dan Tentara Pembebasan nasional Papua Barat (TPNPB) sudah ambil posisi di medan pereang dan siap tempur untuk lawan Militer dan Polisi Kolonial Indonesia di Wilaya itu. 

Oleh karena itu, Panglima Daerah KODAP TPNPB Ndugama Bridgen Ekianus Kogeya menghimbau kepada Masyarakat bahwa jangan panik, tapi tetap tenang. 

Sebab kami perang mulai hari ini tanggal 25 Februari 2019 sampai aktivitas Pemilu Indonesia di 32 Distrik, di Wilayah Kabupaten Nduga akan kami Boikot

Dan juga kami menghimbau kepada semua orang yang berasal dari Suku Ndugama segera medukung perang kami TPNPB, karena perang ini adalah Perang Pembebasan Nasional bagi bangsa Papua untuk menentukan Nasib Sendiri (Self Determination) atau papua Merdeka

Hal ini dikatan langsung oleh Panglima Kodap III Ndugama Bridgen Ekianus Kogeya kepada Kru TPNPB News melalui Hp satellite pagi ini tangga 25 Februari 2019. 

Demikian laporan Panglima Daerah Kodap III Ndugama Bridgen Ekianus Kogeya dari Distrik Mapenduma, Kabupaten Nduga Papua. 

Diteruskan kepada semua Journalists dan Pekerja HAM di seluruh Dunia oleh Jubir TPNPB-OPM Tuan Sebby Sambom. 

Edited dan Translated by
Sebby Sambom
Spokesperson of TPNPB-OPM
Former West Papuan Political Prisoner

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