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West Papuan in Genocide by Indonesian

Sunday 24 February 2019

Statement by Ndugama Defense Regional Commander III of TPNPB-OPM Bridgen Ekianus Kogeya

Photo of Bridgen Ekianus Kogoya di Ndugama )Photot document TPNPB 2018
TPNPB NEWS: Commander of the Regional Defense Command (Kodap) III Ndugama Brigadier General Ekianus Kogeya on today 23th February 2019, has officially issued a Statement of Attitude which is a warning to all parties.

The statement in question may follow below:

1.     The open guerrilla war that our TPNPB-OPM Kodap III Ndugama did was only for the sake of demanding the independence of the West Papuan Nation for its own fate;
2. Our West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM) will never stop the war and we will continue the war until the recognition of independence for the Papuan Nation by the United Nations and Indonesia;
3. We TPNPB convey to the Indonesian Colonial Government that we will embrace the demands for recognition of Papuan independence only through armed contact;
4. We TPNPB-OPM do not ask for the construction and procurement of food ingredients by the Government of Indonesia for all communities who domi
cile in 32st Districts in Nduga Regency, Papua, but we ask for only one, namely the Political Rights of West Papua Independence;
5. We TPNPB emphasize that throughout the customary land area of Ndugama both from end to end whose name is Straight Hair and brown skin color is the main enemy of the TPNPB Kodap III Ndugama, because many Military members and Indonesian Police are both men and women who during this disguised as Teacher's Womens, Womens Nourse and Mans and also Builders even our taxi driver would shoot, because they all are spies for the Indonesian military and police;
6. We hope that the Indonesian Military and Police Posts serving in the Mbua District
of Ndugama Regency will immediately stop the Military operations in community housing;
7. TPNPB-OPM Kodap III Ndugama Bridgen Ekianus Kogeya instructs that from this Statement, all non-Papuan civilians immediately vacate the area of ​​Nduga Regency. And if you do not follow this Statement and are still in the Customary Land of Ndugama, then we will not compromise
then even we will shoot and kill.

us the statement of TPNPB-OPM by Ndugama Regional Command III Commander Bridgen Ekianus Kogeya which has received by TPNPBnews Crew via SMS on February 23th, 2019. Copyright @ Admin-PNPBnews

Issued and Forwarded to all Journalists and Human Rights Workers around the world by the KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM spokesperson (Mr. Sebby Sambom) from the Headquarters.

Edited and Translated by Sebby Sambom
Spokesperson of TPNPB-OPM
Former West Papuan Political Prisoner
Satelite Pic of the TPNPB and Indonesia Military Armed Conflic are in Ndugama Territory Highlands of West Papua
Into Malay Indonesian Below

Pernyataan PANGKODAP III Ndugama Bridgen Ekianus Kogeya
TPNPB NEWS: Panglima Komando Daerah Pertahanan (Kodap) III Ndugama Brigadir Jenderal Ekianus Kogeya pada hari ini tanggal 23 Februari 2019, secara resmi telah mengeluarkan Pernyataan Sikap yang merupakan peringatan terhadap semua pihak. 

Adapun Pernyataan yang dimaksud boleh ikuti dibawah ini:

1.     Perang Gerilya terbuka yang kami TPNPB-OPM Kodap III Ndugama lakukan adalah hanya demi tuntut Kemerdekaan Bangsa Papua Barat  untuk Penentuan Nasip sendiri;
2.     Kami Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat (TPNPB-OPM) tidak akan pernah untuk berhenti perang dan kami akan perang terus sampai pengakuan kemerdekaan bagi Bangsa Papua oleh PBB dan Indonesia; 
3.     Kami TPNPB sampaikan kepada Pemerintah Kolonial Indonesia bahwa tuntutan pengakuan kemerdekaan Papua akan kami tempu hanya melalui  kontak senjata;
4.     Kami TPNPB-OPM tidak minta pembangunan dan pengadaan bahan makanan oleh Pemerintah Indonesia bagi seluruh masyarakat yang berdomisi di 32 Distrik di Kabupaten Nduga, Papua, namun kami minta hanya satu yaitu Hak Politik Kemerdekaan Papua Barat;
5.     Kami TPNPB tegaskan bahwa di seluruh wilayah Tanah adat Ndugama baik dari ujung sampai ujung yang Namanya manusia Rambut Lurus dan Warna kulit sawo matang adalah musuh utama TPNPB Kodap III Ndugama, karena banyak anggota Miiter dan Polisi Indoneia baik itu adalah pria maupun wanita yang selama ini menyamar sebagai ibu Guru, perawat suster dan Mantri dan juga tukang Bangunan bahkan sopir taxi kami akan tembak;
6.     Kami harap Pos Militer dan Polisi Indonesia yang bertugas di Distrik Mbua segera hentikan operasi Militer di perkampungn masyarakat;
7.     TPNPB-OPM Kodap III Ndugama Bridgen Ekianus Kogeya instruksikan bahwa dari sejaka Pernyataaan ini di keluarkan, semua warga sipil non Papua segera kosongkan dearah Kabupaten Nduga. Dan kalau tidak menindahkan Pernyataan ini dan masih ada di wilayah Tanah Adat Ndugama, maka kami tidak akan kompromi  dan akan tembak.
Demikian pernyataan TPNPB-OPM oleh PANGKODAP III  Bridgen Ekianus Kogeya yang diterima TPNPBnews via SMS pada tanggal 23 Februari 2019.

Di keluarkan dan Teruskan kepada semua Journalists serta Pekerja HAM di Seluruh dunia oleh Jubir KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM ( Tuan Sebby Sambom) dari Markas Pusat.

Edited and Translated by Sebby Sambom
Spokesperson of TPNPB-OPM
Former West Papuan Political Prisoner

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