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West Papuan in Genocide by Indonesian

Saturday, 25 January 2020

Major Gen. Lekagak Telenggen: A Papuan Civilian Shot Dead by Indonesian Police in Nabire is Not a Members of the TPNPB

The photo of  a Papuan as Indonesian Spy were shot death by Indonesian Police in Nabire, Papua (pic google supplied)

Press Release by West Papua National Liberation Army Management on January 25th, 2020

Opening Notes of TPNPB-OPM Press Release:
Central Headquarters Management of West Papua National Liberation Army just acive work, after two weeks of busy on emergency meetings to respond of the humanitarian crisis situation in Papua and the Armed War Conflict between the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) Forces and the Indonesian Security Forces.

Today on January 24th, 2020 at 8:15 am the General Operations Commander of West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) in Papua Land, namely Major General Lekagak Telenggen Refutes the Shooting of Civilians in Nabire with the initial NM.

This rebuttal was issued by the GENERAL OPERATIONAL COMMANDER of TPNPB, because information from the Indonesian Government through the TNI-POLRI circulated through various media, namely print medias and electronic medias that the TNI-POLRI Joint Forces were shot death or killed the Operation Commander of West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) of region 29, as the Papua Police Regional Chief Inspector General Paulus Waterpauw statement.

Actually NM is a Member of Indonesian Intelligent who has long been installed by the police to take weapons that were seized by the West Papua Nasional Liberation Army Troops led by Late Bridgen Ayub Waker in 2015. We have known the local agent Member for a long time, said Maj. Gen. Lekagak telenggen.

At the beginning of the agreement between the police with the initials NM in 2015 where the Indonesian Security Forces doctrine to NM that you will later seize the weapons that were seized by the TPNPB Troops in Ugimbah Tembagapura, and then return them to us (Indonesian Police).

For that every month you receive money from us in the amount of IDR 30 Millions, and if until 2020 you cannot succeed in returning the weapons, then we police will shoot you.

It was an agreement between the TNI-POLRI troops and the initials NM or the people guided by the TNI-Polri Apparatus. So NM is not a leader or a member of the TPNPB-OPM.

So Papua Police Chief Paulus Waterpau said the TPNPB leader was very untrue and was lying to the public, said Lekagak Telenggen from Intan Jaya via his cellphone to the TPNPBNEW Media Crew.

We knew that NM long time ago and with us TPNPB troops had no access at all. This NM we wanted to shoot dead first, but because he was afraid and had never appeared.

Lekagak had For this reason, I as the General Operations Commander of TPNPB throughout the Land of Papua convey the following matters to the police and military:
1. The initials NM is a Member of  the Indonesian Intelegent agent or BMP (Red and White Militias) which has long been funded by the police officers from 2015 to 2020 in accordance with a mutual agreement to receive IDR 30 Millions per month;
2. The initials NM did not have the slightest access to the TPNPB-OPM, so the murder of NM was in accordance with the cooperation contract between the TNI-POLRI forces and NM itself;
3. Brother Paulus Waterpau please kill your own people on behalf of the Republic of Indonesia according to your profession, but remember that you do not discriminate against our struggle. Because our struggle is for the national liberation of the Papuan people, and we will continue to fight for the full independence of Papua from the hands of the colonial government of the republic of Indonesia;
4. TPNPB appealed to all Papuans that everyone can remain restrained in relation to the situation that brother Paul Waterpau created, in which Paulus Waterpauw actively committed the killing of native Papuan civilians, which did not stop like animals in the name of the Republic of Indonesia State Law;
5. We West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) troops Can have shoot and wound will be delivered honestly to the Public through the Path that is being entrusted, namely the Management of TPNPB inNational Command;
6. All the People of West Papua Remain enthusiastic and struggle and support with Prayers for West apua national Liberation Army (TPNPB) who are at war in Ndugama and in Intan Jaya, Papua;
7. We are the West Papua National Libertaion Army (TPNPB) military leaders in Papua through the General Operations Commander of TPNPB Major General Lekagak Telenggen Send a Message to Mr. Paulus Waterpau as the Papua Police Chief and also as a native of Papua that we ask you to convey the truth that is happening to the public and open all the scam guards later Don't hide it and instead commit public fraud through the media, such as the Case of Shooting at Keneyam District Airport on January 11th, 2020, and also the rottenness of a Police member in the Ugimbah forest and the Hoak News spread by Brother Paul that the Raid Post TPNPB is currently in Intan Jaya, and now brother Paulus Warpauw is also spreading the news of the tree and making  propaganda that the initials NM is the Operational Commander of TPNPB, and the task of supplying weapons is a big mistake on the eyes of the living God;
8. As Physical Evidence, I as the general operations Commander of TPNPB throughout the Land of Papua, convey the Audio Records, please follow them.

This was a direct report from the General Operations Commander of TPNPB in West Papua, which was received by the Central Headquarters Management of West Papua National Libertaion Army. Reported By TPNPBNEWS Media Crew.

Intan Jaya January 24th, 2020
Best regards,
General Operations Commander of TPNPB
Maj. Gen. Lekagak Telenggen

Such is the press release of TPNPB-OPM on January 25th, 2020, Thank you for your attention by all parties.

And forwarded to all journalists from various media around the world by Spokesman of West Papua National Liberation Army, Mr. Sebby Sambom.
Propagandas Murahan Oleh Pasukan Keamanan Indinesia di Papua, seakan-Alan senjata milik warga Papua yang ditembak Mati di Nabire, Dan ini adalah manipulasi dan rekayasa Paulus Waterpauw untuk cari Pangkat, supaya bisa jadi Kapolri.
Indonesian Malay as follow.....!!!!

Mayjen Lekagak Telenggen: Warga Civil Yang Ditembak Mati Oleh Polisi Indonesia Di Nabire Bukan Anggota TPNPB

Siaran Pers KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM Per 25 Januari 2020

Catatan Pembukaan Siaran Pers Komans TPNPB-OPM: Management Markas Pusat TPNPB baru aktif, setelah dua minggu sibuk dengan Pertemuan darurat guna sikapi situasi Krisis kemanusiaan di Papua dan Konflik Perang Bersenjata Antara Pasukan TPNPB dan Pasukan Kemanan Indonesia.
Hari ini tanggal 24  Januari 2020  pukul 8:15 pagi  Komadan Operasi Umum TPNPB se Tanah Papua  Mayjen Lekagak Telenggen  Membantah Penembakan Warga sipil di Nabire berinisial NM.

Bantahan ini dikeluarkan Oleh Komandan Operasi UMUM TPNPB Komando Nasional, karena informasi dari Pihak Pemerintah Indonesia melalui TNI-POLRI beredar melalui berbagai media, yaitu media cetak maupun media elektronik bahwa Pasukan Gabungan TNI-POLRI menewaskan Komadan Operasi TPNPB Kodap 29 adalah  Rekayasa Kapolda Papua Irjen Paulus Waterpau.

Sebenarnya  NM adalah Anggota Intel yang sudah lama di pasang oleh aparat kepolisian untuk mengambil senjata yang pernah di rampas oleh Pasukan TPNPB pimpinan Ayub Waker tahun 2015 yang lalu. Kami sudah lama Kenal oknum  Anggota Bin lokal tersebut, Kata Mayjen Lekagak telenggen.

Pada awal kesepakatan antara aparat kepolisian dengan berinisial  NM  tahun 2015 dimana Pihak Pasukan Keamanan Indonesia doktrin kepada NM bahwa kamu nanti Mabil senjata yang di rampas oleh Pasukan TPNPB di Ugimbah Tembagapura  itu, Dan kemudia kembalikan ke kami.

Untuk itu setiap Bulan kamu menerima uang dari Kami  sebesar Rp 30 Juta Rupiah, Dan apabila sampai tahun 2020 Kamu  tidak berhasil mengembalikan Senjata tersebut, maka Kami kepolisian akan  tembak Kamu.

Itu perjanjian antara pasukan TNI-POLRI dan berinisial  NM atau masyarakat Binaan Aparat TNI-Polri itu. Jadi NM itu bukan Pimpinan atau bukan anggota TPNPB-OPM.

Maka  saudara Kapolda Papua Paulus Waterpau mengatakan Pimpinan TPNPB itu sangat tidak benar dan pembohongan public, tutur Lekagak Telenggen dari Intan Jaya  melalui telepon selulernya kepada Awak Media TPNPBNEW.

NM itu kami sudah ketahui jauh-jauh sebelumnya dan dengan  kami pasukan TPNPB  tidak ada akses sama sekali. NM ini kami duluan mau tembak mati, namun karena dia takut belum pernah muncul tutur Lekagak.

Untuk itu saya sebagai Komandan Operasi umum TPNPB se Tanah Papua sampaikan beberapa hal kepada pihak aparat kepolisian maupun TNI sebagai berikut :

1.      Berinisal NM adalah Anggota Intel Indonesia atau BMP (Barisan Merah Putih) yang sudah lama  di biayai oleh Para aparat kepolisian  dari Tahun 2015 sampai 2020 sesuai dengan kesepakatan bersama menerima Uang sebesar Rp 30 Juta Rupiah perbulan;
2.      Berinisial NM sama sekali tidak ada akses sedikitpun dengan TPNPB-OPM, Jadi pembunuhan terhadap  NM adalah sesuai dengan kontrak kerja sama antara pasukan TNI-POLRI dengan NM sendiri;
3.      Saudara Paulus Waterpau silakan membunuh Rakyatmu sendiri atas Nama Negara Republik Indonesia sesuai Profesi Anda, tapi ingat bahwa anda jangan mendiskriminasi perjuangan Kami. Karena Perjuangan kami adalah untuk Pembebasan nasionalBangsa Papua, Dan kami akan berjuang terus sempai Papua Merdeka penuh dari tangan Pemerintah Kolonial republic Indonesia.
4.      TPNPB menghimbau kepada Seluruh Rakyat Papua bahwa Tetap menahan diri terkait situasi yang saudara Paulus Waterpau ciptakan, dimana Paulus Waterpauw dengan giat melakukan pembunuhan terhadap warga sipil orang Asli Papua, yang mana tidak henti-hentinya seperti binatang atas nama Hukum Negara Republik Indoneia;
5.      Kami pasukan TPNPB Dapat tembak maupun luka tetap akan sampaikan secara jujur kepada Publik melalui Jalur yang sedang di percayakan yaitu Manajemen KOMNAS TPNPB;
6.      Seluruh Rakyat Papua Barat Tetap semangat dan berjuang serta mendukung dengan Doa untuk TPNPB yang sedang perang di Ndugama maupun di  Intan Jaya, Papua;
7.      Kami Pimpinan militer TPNPB se Tanah Papua melalui Komadan Operasi Umum TPNPB Mayjen Lekagak Telenggen Mengirim Pesan kepada Tuan Paulus  Waterpau sebagai Kapolda Papua dan juga sebagai anak daerah asli Papua bahwa kami mohon Saudara Menjampaikan Kebenaran yang sedang terjadi kepada publik dan membuka semua Kedok Penipuan belakangan ini, jangan saudara sembunyikan dan justru melakukan Penipuan public melalui media-media, misalnya seperti Kasus Penembakan di Bandara Distrik Keneyam tanggal 11 Januari 2020dimana, Dan juga busuknya seorang anggota Polisi di hutan Ugimbah dan  Berita Hoak yang di sebarkan oleh Saudara Paulus bahwa bahwa Menggerebek Pos TPNPB saat ini di Intan Jaya, Dan kini saudara Paulus Warpauw sebarkan berita bohon dan Membuat Propaganda bahwa berinisial  NM   adalah Komadan Operasi TPNPB, Dan tugas nay pemasok Senjata adalah Salah besar di Di Depan Mata Tuhan Yang hidup;
8.      Sebagai Bukti Fisik saya  selaku Komadan Operasi umum TPNPB se-Tanah Papua sampaikan Rekaman Audio itu  silakan  ikuti.

Demikian laporan langsung dari Komandan Operasi umum TPNPB se Tanah Papua, yang diterima Manajemen Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM. Dilaporksn Oleh Awak Media TPNPBNEWS.

Intan Jaya 24 Januari 2020
Hormat Saya,
Komandan Operasi Umum TPNPB

Mayjen Lekagak Telenggen

Demikian Siaran Pers KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM Per 25 Januari 2020, Terima Kasih atas perhatian Oleh semua pihak.  

Dan Diteruskan kepada semua Journalis dari berbagai media di seluruh dunia Oleh Juru Bicara TPNPB-OPM Tuan Sebby Sambom. 

Publish by Admin

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