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West Papuan in Genocide by Indonesian

Friday, 28 February 2020

Five Papuan Civilians Were Shot by Indonesian Military in Keneyam Ndugama, And Egianus Kogeya Said That Ndugama TPNPB Will Do Retaliation

The photo of Papuan Civilian Mrs. Wislina Tabuni who were shot dead by Indonesian Security Forces on February 26th 2020, and her body has been buried today on February 28th 2020 (pic doc PIS TPNPB-OPM) taken on 26/02/2020

Press Release by Central Headquarters  of West Papua National Liberation Army on February 28th 2020

The Indonesian Security Forces have been and are carrying out brutal actions, which are conducting searches in Keneyam, the Capital Town of Nduga Regency, from the date of February 27th, 2020 to today, on February 28th, 2020 still in military operations.

Today on February 28th 2020, Central Headquarters Management of West Papua National Liberation Army has received a direct report from Keneyam, the Capital Town of Nduga Regency, which has been reported directly by the Ndugama operation Commander of TPNPB "Pemne Kogeya".

In its report Pemne Kogeya reported that the Indonesian Security Forces had shot five native Papuan civilians, from the Nduga Tribe, and one of them, Mrs. Wislina Tabuni, had died as a result of being shot by the Indonesian Security Forces Fire Bullets.

Regarding the shootout between the TPNPB Ndugama region and the Indonesian Security Forces in Keneyam, the Capital Town of Nduga Regency on February 26th 2020, then on February 27th 2020, the Indonesian Security Forces conducted military operations within the Town of Keneyam, the Capital of Nduga Regency.

In this Military Operation, the Indonesian Security Forces tortured dozens of Papuan Civilians and shot 5th people and one of them died while 4th others were still in critical condition.

The names of the victims in the table are as follows:

Name of Victims
Case Description of the Shooting
Wislina Tabuni
25th Years
Had Shot Dead
Kriantus Ubruangge
20th years old
Had Tortured and Critical at Hospital
Yosman Wasiangge
20 years old
Gunshot wound & Critical at Hospital
Inikianus Wumangge
26th years
Had Tortured and Critical at Hospital
Orumus Ubruangge
32th years old
Had Tortured and Critical at Hospital

The shells based on the above table are as follows:
1. Wislina Tabuni, a Papuan civilian from the Central Mbua District, was shot by Indonesian Military bullets in the neck during a shootout on Koteka Street on February 26th 2020 and finally died on February 27th 2020;
2. Kriantus Ubruangge who is a Papuan Civilian from Central Mbua District, was arrested and tortured, and was beaten inhumanely by using Weapons and to Critical Conditions so that he was being treated at the Mimika Regional General Hospital;
3. Yosman Wasiangge who is a Papuan civilian from Mbua District, has been shot by the Indonesian Military and hit by a bullet from behind punching penetrated into the stomach, and is in critical condition or still being treated at the Mimika Regional General Hospital;
4. Inikianus Wumangge is a Papuan civilian from Mapenduma District, and he is also the Status of the Village Head of JOE. Inikianus was arrested and tortured inhumanely by using a rifle butt by the Indonesian Security Forces;
5. Orumus Ubruangge who is a Papuan civilian from Central Mbua District, and he has been arrested and then tortured inhumanely by using a rifle butt by the Indonesian Security Forces.

The photo of  Papuan Civilian (Yosman Wasiangge) who has been shot by Indonesian Security Forces on February 26th 2020 in Keneyam, the Capital Town of Nduga Regency still Critical at Hospital (pic doc PIS of TPNPB-OPM)
Pemne Kogeya reports that all victims of this shooting were treated at the Mimika Regional General Hospital, in Timika Regency of Papua Province.

And Mrs. Wislina Tabuni, who was a Victim of Shooting by the Indonesian Security Forces, will be buried in Keneyam, the capital of Nduga Regency, today on February 28th 2020, in her hometown, Nduga Kulle.

Another report that Pemne Kogeya conveyed to the Central Headquarters Management of the West Papua National Liberation Army is that the Indonesian Security Forces using 5th Trucks have taken a position first on the edge of the field     part of the Alguru Headquarters Village, and we (TPNPB Forces) are following the Indonesian Security Forces movement.

Today we, the Ndugama Defense Regional Command of TPNPB are appreciating the mother who was shot dead by the Indonesian Security Forces, so we are all in a state of sorrow.

And we will take revenge action for the shot of Papuan civilians by the Indonesian Security Forces, and we will shoot the Non-Papuan Civilians in the Capital Town of Keneyam, the Nduga Regency, Pemne said when he reported that incident happened via his satellite phone. 

According to him that the Indonesian Security Forces taught Papuan civilians to shot, then we would do the same thing to non-Papuans living in Keneyam, the Capital Town of Nduga Regency-Papua.

The following is the statement of the Commander of the Ndugama Regional Defense Command III of TPNPB Bridgen Egianus Kogeya, which is related to the shooting incident in  Keneyam, the Capital Town of Nduga Regency, which can be followed.
The photo of Ndugama Regional Commander of West Papua National Liberation Army Brofgen Egianus Kogeya with hid troops (pic document TPNPB-OPM)
And in the case of this incident, the party responsible for the Ndugama Regional War, namely the Commander of the Ndugama Defense Regional Command III of TPNPB, “ Bridgen Egianus Kogeya”, said that I had shot dead 4th members of the Indonesian Security Forces, so the Indonesian Government should immediately announce the death toll.

Commander Egianus Kogeya has also been sarcastically told the Indonesian government that the State is hiding or keeping the lives and lives of members of their Military that we shot dead, So maybe it was a wild pigs from Java Island who came to steal the results of the Papuan Gardens in Ndugama that we shot?

And the Indonesian Government considers that they are not Military and Police Forces, and instead are left like the Wild Pigs from Java Island that We shot dead.

And we shot them dead for the sake of the Indonesian state, but sorry for the families of the victims, they did not know their bodies were buried in the square where the Indonesian security forces died. The other corpse was carrying secretly, we already knew that.

The West Papua National Liberation Army Commander of Ndugama Region Brigadier General Egianus Kogeya also said that the National Liberation War by Us (TPNPB-OPM) in the Capital Town of Keneyam, Nduga Regency is a war to demand the Right of Independence for the Papuan Nation.

Therefore, if the Government of the Republic of Indonesia through President Jokowi immediately recognizes the National Liberation War that has been and is being carried out by West Papua National Liberation Army in Ndugama Region.

And remember that the Indonesian Security Forces that Mr. President Jokowi sent to this paradise islands we will continue to kill them until the end of the world, therefore Indonesian President Mr. Joko Widodo immediately gives recognition of our struggle and arranges steps to give the Right of Self-Determination to the People of Papua.

And the latest report on the situation of Keneyam, the Capital Town of Nduga Regency, that the situation is safe, but the Indonesian Security Forces are still operating on the edge of the Keneyam River to pursue the TPNPB Troops.

This was a direct report from the Ndugama Defense Regional Commander of the TPNPB Brigadier General Egianus Kogeya, and the Operations Commander of Ndugama TPNPB “Pemne Kogeya”.

Ndugama Defense Regional Commander of TPNPB
Brigadier Geeral EGIANUS KOGEYA
Ndugama Operation Commander of TPNPB


This report has been compiled by the Special Staff of the National Command of TPNPB, the Reporting and media distribution section, namely Mr. RTL directly from Ndugama Lands, Papua.

And forwarded to all Journalists from various media around the world, and also delivered to human rights workers around the world by West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) Spokesman Mr. Sebby Sambom.

Publish by Admin

1 comment:

  1. The world as a whole is extremely negligent when it comes to West Papua. The shocking and barborous treatment of West Papuans at the hands of the Indonesian military is a prime example. There are many other ongoing abuses of West Papua by Indonesia, including their brutal suppression of West Papuan citizens' rights in all areas. It is more than time the rest of the world confronted Indonesia about these abuses and demanded that they cease and desist. Free West Papua!
