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West Papuan in Genocide by Indonesian

Monday, 10 February 2020

Sending Indonesian Security Forces in the Star Mountains Continues to Evacuate the Indonesian Army Helicopter Crashed Victims

The photo of the Indonesian Security Forces who have arrived at the Oksibil, the capital Town of the Star Mountains Regency, in the Highlands of West Papua,( Pic Doc Papua Intellegents Services of TPNPB) were taken on 11/02/2020

Press Release by the Central Headquarters Management of  West Papaua National Liberation Army on February 11th 2020

On this day the Management of the West Papua National Liberation Army Headquarters, the Free Papua Movement received a direct report from the Star Mountains that the Indonesian Security Forces drop was continuing to the Star Mountains Regency from Jayapura, West Papua.

This was reported by Special Staff of the West Papua National Liberation Army, directly from the Ngalum Kupel Regional Command Headquarters to the Management of the West Papua National Liberation Army Headquarters on Tuesday, February 11th 2020.

And in this report said that the Indonesian Security Forces using helicopters had successfully arrived at the crashed site of the helicopter, but the helicopters could not land so they sent down the troops using a Selling Wire Rope.

There is another report we have received by Papua Intelligents Services saying that the Indonesian Military and Police Leaders in collaboration with the Regent of Star Mountains Regency are still negotiating with Indigenous Elders from Oksibil, the Star Mountains for bidding to the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) under the leadership of Bridgen Lamek A Taplo.

The PIS report also mentions that the aim of the negotiations is for the West Papua National Liberation Army not to resist, because they want the Freedom of Papua struggle to go through peace through the Indigenous Forum at the UN or WPIA.

And after the coordination, We, the West Papua National Liberation Army rejected the efforts of the Regent of the Star Mountains Regency together with community leaders from the West Papua Iindigenous Association (WPIA) Group in Oksibil.

In this matter also officially the West Papua National Liberation Army, the Free Papua Organization states that the "War of  National Liberation" which has been and is being fought by the West Papua National Liberation Army will not cease, but the National Liberation War will continue until the full Papuan independence from the Hand of the Colonial Government of the Republic of Indonesia

Thus the report on the situation of the Indonesian Security Forces Dropping and Evacuation Processes of the Indonesian Army Helicopter clashed victims in the Star Mountains regency of Papua, and West Papua National Liberation Army Headquarters is responsible for this report. Thank you for your attention and the good cooperation.

Forward to all journalists from various media throughout the world by the Spokesman of the West Papua National Liberation Army "Mr. Sebby Sambom".
The Location of Indonesian Military Helicopter were crashed on June 28th 2019 at Oksop Disrict (pic google supplied)
In Malay Indonesian as follow....!!! 

Pengiriman Pasukan Keamanan Indonesia di Pegunungan Bintang Terus Dilakukan Untuk Evakuasi Korban Heli Jatuh

Siaran Pers KOMNAS TPNPB Per 11 January 2020

Pada hari ini Manajemen Markas Pusat Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat, Organisasi Papua Merdeka terima laporan langsung dari Pegunungan Bintang bahwa pendropan Pasukan Kemanan Indonesia terus berlangsung ke Kabupaten Pegunungan Bintang dari Jayapura, Papua. 

Hal ini dilaporkan oleh staff Khusus Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat, langsung dari Markas Komando Daerah Pertahanan Ngalum Kupel kepada Manajemen Markas Pusat Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat pada hari Selasa Tanggal 11 Februari 2020. 

Dan dalam lapaoran ini mengatakan bahwa Pasukan Kemanan Indonesia menggunakan Helikopter telah berhasil tiba di tempat jatuhnya helicopter, tetapi Helikopter tidak bisa mendarat sehingga mereka turunkan Pasukan menggunakan Tali Kawat Siling. 

Ada laporan lain oleh Papua Intelligents Services mengatakan bahwa Pimpinan Militer dan Polisi Indonesia kerja sama Bupati Kabupaten Pegunungan Bintang masih melakukan negoisasi dengan Para Tua-Tuan Adat dari Oksibil, Pegunungan Bintang guna lakuakn penawaran Kepada Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat (TPNPB) dibawah Pimpinan Bridgen Lamek A Taplo. 

Laporan PIS ini juga menyebutkan bahwa tujuan negoisasi adalah supaya Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat jangan lakukan perlawanan, karena mereka mau Perjuangan Papua Merdeka harus lewat damai melalui Indigenous Forum di PBB atau WPIA. 
Civillians hecopters Using for Evacuation in Oksibil 11/02/2020
Dan setelah koordinasi, Kami Tenatara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat secara resmi menolak usaha Bupati Kabupaten Pegunungan Bintang bersama tokoh-tokoh masyarakat dari Kelompok West Papua Iindigenous Association (WPIA) di Oksibil. 

Dalam hal ini cecara resmi pula Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat, Organisasi Papua Merdeka menyatakan bahwa “Perang Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat” yang telah dan sedang diperjuangkan oleh Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat tidak akan berhenti, namun Perang pembebasan Nasional akan berlanjut terus sempai Papua merdeka Penuh dari Tangan Pemerintah Koolonial Republik Indonesia. 

Demikian laporan tentang situasi Pendropan Pasukan Keamanan Indonesia dan Proses Evakuasi Korban Heli Jatu di Kabupaten Pegunungan Bintang-Papua, dan Markas Pusat Tentara  Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat bertanggungjawab atas laporan ini. Terima Kasih atas Perhatian serta kerja sama yang baik.

Diteruskan kepada semua Journalis dari berbagai Media di seluruh dunia oleh Juru Bicara Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat “Tuan Sebby Sambom”. 

Publish by Admin

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