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West Papuan in Genocide by Indonesian

Saturday 29 February 2020

TPNPB-OPM VICTORIA Headquarters Successfully Shots 3 Members of Indonesian Military In Kibai-Kerom-Papua

The Indonesian Military Truck were shot by West Papua National Liberationa Army on February 29th 2020 in Kerom Regency Papua and three Indonesian soldiers are has been shot on this incident, (pic google supllied)

Press Release by TPNPB-OPM Headquarters on February 29th 2020

The National Liberation War by the West Papua National Liberation Army will be countinues and fight against Indonesian Rabbers or Thieves Forces throughout West Papua's territory, and the War will cease after Full Free Papua from the Illegal Occupation of the Indonesian Military on the ancestral lands of the Papuan people.

West Papua National Liberation Army Headquarters Management has received a report from the OPM and TPNPB Headquarters of Victoria that on February 29th 2020, the West Papua National Liberation Army successfully shot three TNI members in Kibai Village, Kerom Regency or in the Border Region of Papua New Guinea.

On this incident the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB), Victoria Headquarters Chief Commander Lieutenant General Yikwanak Orelek And commander of Operation Elyas Bomay along with their troops this morning at 09:16am,  were successfully shot three TNI members, who were heading for Kibai via Kampung Yeti, in the KEROM region bordering between West Papua and Papua New Guinea.

TNI troops carrying these trucks have long been targeted by TPNPB troops, and today is the right moment to shot these three members of the Military of Indonesian.
Then the victims of the three members of the Indonesian Military who had been shot by the TPNPB Forces were evacuated using trucks belonging to the TNI, and the evacuation process was witnessed by the local community and the Village Chief of Kibai. And this was reported by PIS to the OPM and TPNPB Headquarters in Victoria.

The Operations Commander of the TPNPB from the Headquarters of OPM Victoria reported to us by telephone after firing the three TNI members, and TPNPB-OPM Victoria Headquarters said that this War was a war of West Papua's National Liberation.

Therefore our OPM-TPNPB in Victoria Headquarters are responsible for this shooting, and we will continue to fight against Indonesian Rabbers dan Thieves Forces until Indonesia and the international world recognize the sovereignty right of the Papuan people.

Thus a brief report to be known by all at once. National Greetings from the People of  Papua “ONE PEOPLE ONE SOUL”. Reported from OPM-TPNPB Victoria Headquarters.

And forwarded to all Journalists from various media by the spokesman for the West Papua National Liberation Army Mr. Sebby Sambom.
Ilustration Photo, the Indonesian Military were evacuated their soldiers has been shot by West Papua National Liberation Army in kerom-Papua in 2019, (pic google supplied)
In Malay Indonesian as follow...!!!

TPNPB-OPM Markas Besar VICTORIA Berhasil Tembak 3 Anggota TNI Di Kibai-Kerom Papua

Siaran Pers Markas Besar TPNPB-OPM Pers 29 Februari 2020

Perang Pembebasan Nasional Oleh Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat akan dilakukan di seluruh territory Papua  Barat, dan Perang akan berhenti setelah Papua Merdeka Penuh dari Pendudukan Ilegal  Militer Indonesia di atas tanah leluhur bangsa Papua.

Management Markas Pusat Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat telah terima laporan dari Markas Besar OPM dan TPNPB yaitu Markas Victoria bahwa pada tanggal 29 February 2020, Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat telah berhasil tembak tiga anggota TNI di Kampung Kibai, Kabupaten Kerom di Wilayah Perbatasan Papua New Guinea.

Pasukan Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat (TPNPB), Markas Besar OPM Victoria Pimpinan Panglima LetJen Yikwanak Orelek Dan komandan Operasi Elyas Bomay bersama pasukannya pagi ini pada pukul 09:16, waktu Papua berhasil menembak tiga anggota TNI, yang sedang menuju Kibai melalui Kampung Yeti, diwilayah KEROM Perbatasan West Papua dan Papua New Guinea.

Pasukan TNI yang menumpangi Truk ini telah lama menjadi target pasukan TPNPB, dan pada hari ini momen yang tepat untuk melakukan penembakan terhadap Ketiga anggota Militer ini.
Kemudian korban ketiga anggota Militer Indonesia yang telah ditembak Oleh Pasukan TPNPB ini telah dievakuasi menggunakan Truk milik TNI, dan proses evakuasi ini telah disaksikan oleh masyarakat setempat dan Kepala Kampung Kibai. Hal ini dilaporkan oleh PIS kepada Markas Besar OPM dan TPNPB di Victoria.

Komandan Operasi TPNPB markas Besar OPM Victoria melaporkan kepada kami melalui telephone nya setelah tembak Ketiga anoota TNI ini, dan TPNPB-OPM Markas Victoria mengatakan bahwa Perang ini adalah perang Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat.

Oleh karena itu kami markas Besar OPM-TPNPB Victoria bertanggung jawab atas penembakan ini, dan kami akan terus perang Hingga Indonesia Dan dunia international mengakui kedaulatan bangsa Papua.

Demikian laporan singkat untuk diketahui oleh kalayak sekalian. Salam National Bangsa Papua ONE PEOPLE ONE SOUL. Dilaporkan Dari markas Besar OPM-TPNPB Victoria.

Dan diteruskan kepada semua Journalis dari berbagai media Oleh Juru Bicara Tentara Pemebasan Nasional Papua Barat Tuan Sebby Sambom.

 Publish by Admin


  1. epakuasi seluruh masyarakan NKRI. dari daerah rawan KKB sebelum pengejaran KKB. supaya tidak banyak korban. persenjatai TNI lengkap dengan rompi anti peluru. saatnya TNI unjuk kekuatan.

  2. kami bersihkan akar rumput duri yang ada halaman rumah..?
