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West Papuan in Genocide by Indonesian

Monday 2 March 2020

The Shootout Between TPNPB Forces and Indonesian Robbers Forces Has Occurred in Tembagapura-Papuat Today

The photo of Indonesian Patrol Car were shot by  West Papua NationalLiberation Army Troops in Tembagapura, at Freeport Mining areas on March 2st 2020 (photo sent by PIS of TPNPB) 
The Official Press Release by West Papua National Liberation Army on March 2st, 2020

The National Liberation War by the West Papua National Liberation Army will be countinues and fight against Indonesian Rabbers or Thieves Forces throughout West Papua's territory, and the War will cease after Full Free Papua from the Illegal Occupation of the Indonesian Military on the ancestral lands of the Papuan people.

Central Headquarters Management of West Papua National Liberation Army of the Free Papua Movement has received a report today on Monday March 2st, 2020 that "A shootout between the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) troops vs Indonesian Security Forces or what we called  Indonesian Robbers and criminal forces") has taken place in Tembagapura, Papua in the old Utikini village, around 8:30 am still at war.

PIS of West Papua National Liberation Army reported that a Police Patrol car in Tembagapura had been shot by the West Papua National Liberation Army Forces, and the victims of 8 Police personnel suffered gunshot wounds, and how many deaths were unknown.

And at Mile 69 in Tembagapura area there has also been a shootout between the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) forces and the Indonesian Robbers Forces, and the victims in the shootout incident at Mile 69 are not yet known or a full report later on the war Commander Yumando waker and Ombakambo Magai with their troops will report later.

In the War Between the West Papua National Liberation Army Troops and the Indonesian Robbers Troops, the community took possession and also the Employees and their families worked at mile 66 in the direction of the Town of Timica road, because Tembagapura was reduced by the TPNPB-OPM Forces.
The National Command of the West Papua National Liberation Army under the Commander in Chief "General Goliath Naaman Tabuni and General Operations Commander of TPNPB Major General Lekagak Telenggen", were responsible for the attack on Tembagapura on Monday 2st of  March 2020.

And remember that the War that has been and is being carried out by the National Liberation Army of West Papua, the Free Papua Organization in Tembagapura or even in the whole of Papua is only for the rights of the Papuan Nation to Independence.

Indonesian Rabbers Soldiers are were kidnapped and killed a Papuan Civilians in the name of Jance Magai in Tembagapura, Papua on February 26th 2020.

The photo of Jance Magai who were Indonesian kidnaped
There is another information about JANCE MAGAI or a Papuan Civilian in Nahangia where gold panning area in Tembagapura river was kidnapped by Indonesian Robbers Forces on Wednesday 26th of  February 2020 at 08:40 am, and later found dead.

For 5 days the victim's family searched and was not found, but just found on Sunday, March 1st, 2020.

JANCE MAGAI was found dead in his yard, with wounds all over his body, and a knee and left leg through a bullet from the Indonesian Military.

This report was formally issued by Central Headquarters Management of West Papua National Liberation Army, and forwarded to all Journalists from various media throughout the World by TPNPB Spokesman "Mr. Sebby Sambom.

Thus, the press release of the West Papua National Liberation Army, and thank you for the good cooperation.
The photo of Indonesian Police Patrol Car were shot by West Papua National Liberation Army Troops in Tembagapura at Freeport Mining Area on March 2st 2020 (pic sent by PIS of TPNPB-OPM)
In Malay Indonesian as follow....!!!

Baku Tembak Antara Pasukan TPNPB Dengan Pasukan Perampok Indonesia Telah Terjadi Di Tembagapura-Papua

Siaran Pers Resmi Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat Per 2 Maret 2020

The National Liberation War by the West Papua National Liberation Army will be countinues and fight against Indonesian Rabbers or Thieves Forces throughout West Papua's territory, and the War will cease after Full Free Papua from the Illegal Occupation of the Indonesian Military on the ancestral lands of the Papuan people.

Management Markas Pusat Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat, Organisasi Papua Merdeka telah Terima laporan pada hari ini Senin Tanggal 2 Maret 2020 bahwa “Baku tembak antara Pasukan TPNPB vs Pasukan Keamanan Indonesia atau yang Kami sebut pasukan Perampok dan criminal Indonesia”) telah terjadi di Tembagapura, Papua di Kampung Utikini lama, sekitar puku; 08:30 sampai sekarang masih perang.

PIS Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat melaporkan bahwa satu mobil Patroli Milik Polisi di Tembagapura telah ditembak Oleh Pasukan Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat, dan korban 8 personil  Polisi mengalami luka tembak,  berapa tewas belum diketahui. 

Dan mile 69 di Tembagapura juga telah terjadi Baku tembak Antara Pasukan TPNPB dan Pasukan Perampok Indonesia, dan korban dalam insiden Baku tembak di Mile 69 belum diketahui atau laporan lengkap nanti pimpinan perang Yumando waker dan Ombakambo Magai dengan pasukan akan laporkan kemudian. 

Dalam Perang Antara Pasukan TPNPN dan Pasuka Perampok Indonesia ini masyarakat mengusi dan juga Karyawan serta keluarga karyawan  mengusi di mile 66 arah jalan timika  kota, karena Tembagapura dikurun oleh Pasukan TPNPB-OPM.

Komando Nasional, Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat dibawah Pimpinan Panglima Tinggi “General Goliath Naaman Tabuni dan Komandan Operasi Umum Major General Lekagak Telenggen”, bertanggungjawab atas serangan di Tembagapura pada hari Senin Tanggal 2 Maret 2020. 

Dan ingat bahwa Perangan yang telah dan sedang dilakukan olepaga Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat, Orgamisasi Papua Merdeka di Tembagapura atau pun di seluruh Tanah Papua adalah Hanya untuk hak Kemerdekaan Bangsa Papua. 

Ada lain adalah JANCE  MAGAI atau masyarakat sipil di Nahangia tempat pendulangan Emas di kali kabur Tembagapura telah diculik oleh  Pasukan Perampok Indonessia pada hari rabu tanggal 26 Februari 2020  pukul  08:40 pagi, dan kemudian ditemukan  tewas.

Selama 5 hari kelurga Korban cari dan belum ditemukan, namun baru ditemukan pada hari Minggu  tanggal 01 Maret 2020. 

JANCE  MAGAI ditemukan tewas  di halaman rumahnya  dengan luka luka diseluruh tubuh, dan   lutut serta  kaki kiri tembus peluru Militer Indonesia.  

Laporan ini dikeluarkan secara resmi Oleh Manajemen Markas Pusat, Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat, dan diteruskan kepada semua Journalis dari berbagai media di Seluruh Dunia Oleh Juru Bicara TPNPB “Tuan Sebby Sambom. 

Demikian siaran Pers Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat, dan terimakasih atas kerja sama yang baik.

Publish by Admin 

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