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West Papuan in Genocide by Indonesian

Tuesday 3 March 2020

Major General Lekagak Telenggen Declared That TPNPB Responsible for the War of National Liberation in Tembagapura-Papua & Continue Will Do the Attacks

Lekagak Telenggen stand up  in center with the Morning Star Patterned of Papuan Traditional bag with West Papua National Liberation Army of OPM, photo taken on Desember 2016, pic doc TPNPB)

Official Press Release by the Central Headquarters Management of West Papua National Liberation Army on March 3th, 2020

The National Liberation War by the West Papua National Liberation Army will be counts and fight against Indonesian Rabbers or Thieves Forces throughout West Papua's territory, and the War will cease after Full Free Papua from the Illegal Occupation of the Indonesian Military on the ancestral lands of the Papuan people.

Central Headquarters Management of the West Papua National Liberation Army has received an official report from the TPNPB-OPM General Operations Commander Major General Lekagak Telenggen on Tuesday March 3th 2020, and in his report Major General Lekagak Telenggen said that they were responsible for attacks on the PT. Freeport Indonesia in Tembagapura, Papua (Freeport Mining Ares).

In the case of this attack, Major General Lekagak Telenggen said that the February 26th, 2020 shooting of 3 members of Indonesian Police in Tembagapura 1 died and 2 other people were injured as a result of being shot by a West Papua National Liberation Army Troops, and we know the enemy victims because we has shot them.

And this attack has been carried out by TPNPB-OPM forces under the leadership of Major General Lekagak Telengegn and Brigadier General Militer Murib.

Lekagak also said that now they are already in the area of ​​PT. Freeport Indonesia in Tembagapura, and they are ready to carry out attacks on the Indonesian Robber Troops located in Tembagapura, Papua at Freeport Mining areas.

So the shooting of the 3 members of the Indonesian Police had been carried out by the Leadership of  Major General Lekagak Telenggen and Bridgen Militer Murib, and they said that they were ready to take responsibility.

Major General Lekagak Telenggen also said that the War that had been fought by TPNPB on Monday 2st of March 2020 had shot a Police Patrol Car and attacked a Police Station in Tembagapura, and we had shot 7 members of Indonesian robber forces.

And currently, we have mastered the Tembagapura road to Timika by the TPNPB-OPM troops, in Utikinik Village, Tembagapura Papua.
Major General Lekagak Telenggen also reported that the TPNPB Troops from 33 Defense Regional Commands had already taken control of the world's largest gold mine, from Gresber to Prosait, we had gained control, and our weapons strength was sufficient.

Thus, the TPNPB is ready and will fight until Papua becomes free, then we will stop, therefore this National Liberation War Needs to be a concern by all parties.
Lekagak also added that from 26th of February 2020 until today 2st of March 2020 has killed 5 members of  Indonesian Police, and complete reports will send later.

In the case of this National Liberation War, the General Operations Commander of TPNPB throughout the Lands of Papua "Major General Lekagak Telenggen" hopes that all indigenous Papuans must support the National Liberation War for West Papua's Independence.

The following message is by Major General Lekagak Telenggen on behalf of the High Commander  in Chief General Goliath Naaman Tabuni and also on behalf of the Papuan Nation may follow below:

1. All West Papuans from Sorong to Samarai Immediately Ready and their respective responsibilities, namely to prepare the means of war as it is. What is meant is Prepare gasoline fuel, home bombs, arrows and bows, axes, machetes, spears and other war equipment. If it is ready, then real actions must be immediately carried out throughout the territory of West Papua, so that we must expel the Indonesian people who come to Papua as Robbers, Thieves and Criminals immediately and We are ready to stand as a sovereign nation as other nations in the whole World. Remember that they or Indonesians who came to Papua as Robbers and Thieves must be leave our ancestral lands by force, because we tried politely and asked the Indonesian Colonial Government for our independence right, but they did not want to recognize our rights, and still continue to commit crimes against humanity on the owner of the Paradise Lands. In this case, TPNPB reiterates that it burns all Cities throughout the lands of Papua, because TPNPB's dream has arrived and is ready, namely "We are TPNPB-OPM Leaders from 33 Regional Commands already in the area of ​​the world's largest gold mine in Tembagapura, Papua;
2. All TPNPB Leaders and Troops from 33 Regiona Commands immediately moved and adjusted the situation, namely opening the war for each Regional Commands to follow Ndugama Regional Command of TPNPB, Intanjaya Regional Command of TPNPB and Victoria Headquarters of TPNPB-OPM and Star Mount (Ngalum Kupel);
3. All Civil and Political Movement Organizations of the Free Papua Movement, namely KNPB, AMP National Parliament, and Student organizations as well as all Elements of Community movement unite and rise up against oppression by the savage Indonesian Colonial Government;
4. Based on points 1, 2 and 3 above, we submit that the TPNPB-OPM leadership, namely "High Commander in Chief General Goliath Naaman Tabuni and the General Operation Commander of TPNPB Major General Lekagak Telenggen along with all TPNPB Officers and Troops are ready to take responsibility for all the events of the war from the past, and the war that is taking place now and the war that will occur later.

I am Major General Lekagak Telenggen attach the audio recording please follow, and this audio as a truth statement, so if there are any Journalists who need proof of the audio recording of Major General Lekaga Telenggen, please contact the TPNPB Spokeman Mr Sebby Sambom.

Final notes of the TPNPB press release We enter to be known by all parties, please follow below:

TPNPB-OPM's leadership and troops have taken positions in the area of ​​World Large Coppers and Gold Mining (PT. Freeport Indonesia) in Tembagapura, and we are ready for war. Detail stand please follow….!!! Position point of area one under the leadership of Gusby Waker and Jhoni Beana, Position point area of two under the leadership of Jumando Waker, Pius Magai, Bridgen Peni Murib, Position point area of three under the leadership of the Bridgen Militer Murib and Major General Legagak Teleggen and Position point area of fours under the leadership of Sabinus Waker and General Goliath Naaman Tabuni. The Freeport Golds Mining areas is already surrounded by TPNPB-OPM forces, and is ready to fight against the Indonesian criminal and robber forces, namely the Indonesian Military and Police.

Please support and the prayers by the Papuan people in this war, and thank you for your support and good cooperation.

This is an Official Statement by the General Operation Commander in Chief of TPNPB-OPM Major General Lekagak Telenggen directly from Tembagapura, which was issued on March 2st, 2020, and according to the TPNPB Central Headquarters Management protocol, the TPNPB Spokesman Mr. Sebby Sambom has the right to publicly announce it to the public on Nationaly and also intentionally.

Your Sincerely,

Responsible for the National Liberation War, for Papuan Independence:

High Commander in Chief of TPNPB


General Goliath Naaman Tabuni
NRP. 73120000001

General Operations Commander of TPNPB-OPM


Major General Lekagak Telenggen
NRP. 73120000004
Thus, the press release of the Center Headquarters of  TPNPB-OPM in National Command, and Thank you for your attention and good cooperation.

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