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Friday, 29 January 2016

West Papua Freedom Fighters childrens are become victims of Human Rights

  The place were Wimane Sambom have to learning his study  every day

West Papua Freedom Fighters childrens are become victims of Human Rights

An English

West Papua Freedom Fighters children are become victims, because their parents are hunted by the enemy colonial. Who are them the Enemy Colonial? They are Indoneian. The children have lost their rights of Education and Health Care Services. Their lives move, either from one place to another, following their parents. They have lost their rights to education and health services.

It can be experienced also by Wimane Sambom, where Wimane was born when his father (Sebby Sambom) along one uncle (Buchtar Tabuni) in the prison of the Colonial Government of the Republic of Indonesia (Polda Papua police cells) in Jayapura on 20th December 2008.

Then Wimane with his father hid in the forest outskirts of the mountain of Cycloop started from January in 2010 until 4th December 2010.

After that, his father (Sebby Sambom) re-arrested against by the Indonesian security forces on 4th December 2010, when he were depatured at Sentani airport with the purpose of the Hong-Kong to attend the Workshop on Asian Human Rights Commission office and then Sebby haved imprison against by the Indoneian Autority.

Furthermore, his father hava released from the prison of Indoneia by the parole of law in July 2011. After that in the year of 2012, with his father Wimane move to Forest again, namely in the regional command headquarters of the TPNPB-OPM (Tabi region).

From the forests in the teritory of Tabi tribe, Wimane Sambom with his father Sebby Sambom leaved West Papua and moved in the eastern part of the island of New Guinea. Wimane with his parents remained in the forest, in the eastern part of the island of New Guinea.

From here we both continue to fighting at the Internaional level, which joined with the Mr. Benny Wenda and other West Papuan fighters.

Wimane stay in a place that does not exist School (away from the school), so that forced and Wimane must be learn on their own in the cottage where we have stayed. This is the loss of the right to education for children of the Free Papua fighters, hopefully this suffering will end as soon. we believe that all children of the Free Papua fighters experienced the same thing, as like what is experienced by wimane Sambom.

Arrested reports of his father (Sebby Sambom) along uncle of Wimane (Bucthar Tabuni) should learn the bottom of this.

Lampiran (Attachments):

Recognition in Release '' Urgent Appeal Programme '' by the Institute of Human Rights Based in Hong Kong (The Asian Human Rights Commission), pertaining to arrests Sebby Sambom by Indonesian National Police (Police Papua). The definition is:

UPDATE (Indonesia): Another activist arrested for holding a peaceful protest
Urgent Appeal Update: AHRC-UAU-071-2008

[RE: Re: AHRC-UAC-262-2008: INDONESIA: Rights activist Buktar Tabuni arrested after peaceful protests]
INDONESIA: Another activist arrested for holding a peaceful protest ISSUES: Human rights defenders; arbitrary arrest and detention; administration of justice

Dear friends,

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) regrets to inform you that another activist has been arrested and charged with subversion over his role in organizing a peaceful protest two months ago. His arrest took place as he and his colleagues had just concluded a press conference calling for the release of an activist whom the police had earlier arrested in connection with the protest.


As mentioned in our previous appeal (AHRC-UAC-262-2008), activist Mr. Buchtar Tabuni had been arrested on 3 December 2008. He has been charged with treason and his arrest was in connection with the peaceful protest he and his colleagues have helped organized two months ago, October 16.

A few days after Tabuni's arrest, activist Mr. Seblom Sambom, was also arrested at around 11:30am on 17 December 2008 in Sentani – Jayapura in the Theys Eluay Memorial park. At the time of his arrest, Sambom had just concluded a press conference they had conducted which calls for the release of Tabuni.

The arresting policemen, the Papuan Police Criminal Investigation Division (CID), had taken him into their custody without showing to him any arrest warrants. It was learned later though that he has been charge with subversion in connection with the October 16 protest.

At the time of his arrest, the Papuan Police CID arrived on the scene and had immediately proceeded to arrest Sambom. No explanation was given to him as to the nature of charges laid on him nor was he informed why he is being arrested. The police, too, did not provide him any answer to questions he and others have asked.

Sambom is a human rights activist and is also a member of the committee of International Parliamentarians for West Papua in Papua. He has since been an outspoken supporter of the Papuan's struggle for self determination and independence.

On October 16, 2008, both Tabuni and Sambom helped organize a peaceful demonstration supporting the International Parliamentarians for West Papua (IPWP) in London. He had organized the said protest in cooperation with Tabuni. After his arrest, Sambom was taken to the police headquarters. They had arrived there at about 1:20 pm.

He was immediately taken to the investigation room where he was subjected for questioning for more than four hours consecutively. The investigation of Sambom was closed to the public and the police as well had refused to answer any inquiries about the arrest.

They also did not disclose any information to any media organizations there. According to the information given by Sambom’s lawyers Iwan Niode and Latifah Anum Siregar, the arrest was due to his role in organizing the October 16 protest.


The International Parliamentarians for West Papua (IPWP) was launched at the Houses of Commons, London on 15 October 2008.  The event was a historical international gathering of Parliamentarians, in support of self determination for the native people of West Papua.

The launch in Parliament was co-hosted by Andrew Smith MP and Lord Harries. The aim of the group is to coordinate international parliamentary action on West Papua and to generate support for the self determination of the now Indonesian province.

The demonstration held in support of the IPWP on October 16 in Papua was peaceful, and in accordance with domestic Indonesian law Law No. 9/1998 on freedom of expression, nevertheless the Indonesian security forces had used the said occasion in filing questionable charges of treason and subversion against those who organized the protest. It eventually resulted to the arrest of the activists there.

Prior to the arrest of these two activists though, on October 17, 2008, an activist Yosias Syet has also been murdered in his own home in Waibron, Jayapura Regency, Papua. For further details please read: AHRC-UAC-261-2008. Indicators suggest that the perpetrators were from the Indonesian security forces.

The alleged involvement of the Indonesian security forces into arrest, harassment, murder and torture of activists in Papua has been taking place in a systematic and in an alarming scale. The arrests are sanctioned by domestic Indonesian law, which criminalizes any "attempt to bring the territory of the state wholly or partially under foreign domination or to separate part thereof" (from article 106 of the Indonesian Penal Code) In past cases of detention of rights activists in Papua, torture has been frequently used during interrogation and detention. It is hence plausible that Sambom could have had suffered from the same treatment during his current detention.


Please write a letter to the concerned authorities below requesting for their appropriate intervention promptly. These activists should be released unconditionally and that charges laid on them are withdrawn. The AHRC has also written to the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention and the Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders calling for intervention in this case.

To support this appeal, please click here:


Dear __________,
Re: INDONESIA: Another activist arrested for holdinga peaceful protest

Name of victim: Mr. Seblom Sambom, 30 years of age
Alleged perpetrators: Criminal Investigation Division of the Police in Papua
Date of incident: 17 December 2008 at 11:30am
Place of incident: Sentani, Jayapura, Papua

I am appalled to learn of the arrest of Mr. Seblom Sambom on 17 December 2008. According to the information that I have received, Sambom was taken into custody on charges of subversion. He was arrested by personnel from the Criminal Investigation Division of the Papuan police.

No arrest warrant was presented at the time of the arrest, and Sambom is currently being held in detention. Sambom is a devoted rights activist, and a member of the committee of International Parliamentarians for West Papua in Papua. In that capacity he has helped organize a demonstration in support of the International Parliamentarians for West Papua in London, on 16 October 2008.

The demonstration on October 16 was conducted in a peaceful manner, and was in accordance with the regulations found in domestic Indonesian law No. 9/1998 on freedom of expression. Despite this though, the said occasion had been used by the security forces of filing questionable charges of treason and subversion on activist which also resulted to Sambom arrest and detention since 17 December 2008.

First, I urge you to ensure that Sambom be immediately and unconditionally released from custody. I am deeply concerned that unless he is released and charges withdrawn, there is likelihood that he would be subjected to torture. Further, the charges against him should be dropped, since he was acting in accordance with domestic Indonesian law when organizing the demonstration on October 16, 2008.

Further I want to draw your attention to the pressing need for a reform of the Indonesian Penal Code, especially with regards to article 106. This article is clearly conflicting with fundamental freedoms of the individual, such as the freedom of expression. Additionally, the article is in contradiction with domestic Indonesian law.

Voicing one's political opinion is a fundamental freedom, but one which is frequently denied the indigenous population of Papua. This is a very serious concern, which I trust that you take seriously.

More information about Sebby Sambom click here, http://www.papuansbehindbars.org/?prisoner_profile=sebby-sambom&lang=en

Yours sincerely;

An Indonesian

Anak-anak Pejuang Papua Merdeka selalu menjadi korban HAM
Anak-anak Pejuang Papua Merdeka selalu menjadi korban, karena orang tua mereka diburuh musuh Kolonial. Siapakah mereka musuh kolonial? Mereka adalah orang Indonesia. Hidup mereka berpindah-pindah, baik dari satu tempat ke tempat yang lain, mengikuti orang tua mereka. Mereka mengalami kehilangan hak-hak mereka untuk mendapatkan pendidikan dan pelayanan kesehatan.

Hal ini dapat di alami juga oleh Wimane Sambom, dimana Wimane lahir ketika ayahnya (Sebby Sambom) bersama salah satu omnya (Buchtar Tabuni) di Tahanan Pemerintah Colonial republik indonesia (sel Polda Papua) di Jayapura pada tanggal 20 December 2008.

Kemudian Wimane bersama ayahnya sembunyi di hutan pinggiran gunung cycloop dari Bulan Januari 2010 hingga 4 December 2010.

Setelah itu, Ayahnya Wimane Sambom di tangkap lagi oleh aparat keamanan Indonesia pada tanggal 4 December 2010, ketika naik peawat di Bandara Sentani dengan tujuan Hong-Kong untuk mengikuti Workshop di kantor AHRC dan di penjara lagi oleh aparat Pemerintah kolonial Indoneia.

Selanjutnya, ayahnya Wimane Sambom bebas syarat pada bulan Juli tahun 2011. Setelah itu dalam tahun 2012, Wimane dengan ayahnya pintah di Hutan lagi, yaitu di Markas Kodap satu TPNPB-OPM (wilayah TABI).

Dari hutan di wilayah TABI, Wimane Sambom dengan ayahnya Sebby Sambom tinggalkan Papua Barat dan pindah di bagian Timur Pulau New Guinea. Dan Wimane bersama orang tuannya masih bertahan di hutan, di wilayah bagian Timur pulau New guinea.

Dari sini kami berdua melanjutkan berjuangan di tingkat Internaional, dimana bergabung dengan tuan Benny Wenda dan pejuang-pejuang lain.

Wimane tinggal di tempat yang tidak ada Sekolah (jauh dari Sekolah), sehingga terpaksa Wimane harus belajar sendiri di pondok tempat dimana kami tinggal. Inilah kehilangan hak pendidikan bagi anak-anak pejuang Papua Merdeka, semoga penderitaan ini akan segera berakhir.

Saya percaya bahwa semua anak-anak pejuang Papua Merdeka mengalami hal yang sama, seperti apa yang di alami oleh wimane Sambom.

Laporan Penangkapan ayahnya Wimane Sambom (Sebby Sambom) bersama omnya Wimane (Bucthar Tabuni) boleh pelajari bagian bawah ini.

Writed and published by Ssambom.org Publishing

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