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Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Urgent News: Indonesia Terror Papuan People Now

Indonesian Police Were Terror the People of West Papuan in the Central Highlands


Indonesia has and is doing excessive terror throughout the land of Papua, more specifically in region of the Central Highlands of West Papua.

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Establishment History of TPNPB-OPM

Armed Forces of the National Liberation Army of West Papuain the National Command 2012 (Army Members of Gen Goliath Tabuni)


Establishment History of TPNPB-OPM

National Command of the National Liberation Army of West Papua of Free Papua Organization Headquarters inform the public about the history of the TPN and later in commemoration of the anniversary of the National Liberation Army of West Papua to 43th (March 26rd 1973 March to 26rd 2016).

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

The appeal and the statements by TPNPB-OPM


Mayjend Terryanus Satto and Sebby Sambom
National Command of the National Liberation Army of West Papua-Free Papua Organization of the Central Headquarters issued an appeal and a statement, in commemoration of the anniversary of the National Liberation Army of West Papua to 43 (26 March 1973-26 March 2016).

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

The National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM) Rejected Indonesian Programmes In West Papua

The National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM) Rejected Indonesian Programmes In West Papua


West Papua National Liberation Army in the National command has refused all Indonesian government programs in West Papua, and states that can not be allowed to build trans roads or expansion of new districts or provinces in all regions of West Papua.

Gen.Goliath Tabuni statements Up on Civil Servants Demo in the Office of the Governor of Papua

Gen Goliath Naman Tabuni First from left with his Member of TPNPB-OPM in Tingginambut 2012 (Pic Doc YS)

Gen.Goliath Tabuni statements Upon Civil Servants Demo in the Office of the Governor of Papua

Addressing of the statement of Papua Province Governor along with the action of DEMO PNS at Governor office Dok II Jayapura, Papua on March 7th, 2016 on Special Autonomy for Papua returns to the Center Government of Republic of Indonesia then Gen. Goliath Tabuni responded by issuing an official statement.

The following Gen. Goliath Tabuni statements:

1. Yes I as the High Commander of the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM) that hold the suffering, the cold resistant, hungry resistant, mosquitoes resistant, pain resistant, and some others had been killed and dead in West Papua junggel judge that the Provincial Government under Leader Mr. Lukas Enembe S.Ip, MH, do not toying Papua to bring money and projects in West Papua.

2. Lukas own children sheath and the Papuan people who know exactly the conditions and general circumstances of Papua and especially in the region of Puncak Jaya, Yambi and threats surrounding us in the State.

3. Therefore, I reiterate that the Government of Papua do not play on the blood and bones. Currently we are the people of West Papuans are in humanitarian crisis condition and all the people in Jambi and Sinak still displaced, and there is no treatment and advocacy for displaced communities.

4. Do not ask projects with money and want to return the Special Autonomy reason that what ...? I as the High Commander of TPNPB-OPM did not know if coffin the SPECIAL AUTONOMY to Jakarta was long ago in 2005 that the Papuans had returned it.

5. If the Provincial Government felt deceived by the government of Jakarta with various daraf that the proposed means you missed the people of Papua in Jakarta's hand renewals officials STOP deceive the People of West Papuans. Now time for Self Determination for the people of West Papua or Referendum fate of their own, therefore it is no longer talk of autonomy which particular already carcass.

6. Whereas therefore, I, as Commander in Chief of the Nationl Liberation Army of West Papua (TPNPB) Gen.Goliat Naman Tabuni Appealing to all Government of Papua and West Papua Governor, Regent, Mayor, People's Deputy, Military / Police, Civil Servants , the sub-district and village officials as well as the whole of the people grass roots in the Land of Papua immediately and call support for Referendum which Civil strike in 2016.

7. We ask to open up space for the UN team immediately Handle Case Dropped for Papua Community Evacuation in Puncak Jaya regency in Jambi District and in Sinak Distric.

8. If Provincial Government of Papua and West Papua has always and sacrifice Papua People Suffering Papua above, after the nature of the court of the Lord GOD of West Papuans you will be Responsible for the People's Suffering.

9. I as the High Commander-OPM TPNPB along with my army was waiting for this appeal until there is no response. It Action Demo in Papua Governor's Office was just looking for attention of the Central Government So We will take over.

10. War continues until Doomsday World. Said Gen. Goliat Tabuni through his mobile phone from the Central Headquarters of West Papua in Tingginambut Through Operations Comander Lekagak Telenggen and Military Murib.

Tingginambut March 7th , 2016


GEN NAMAN Goliath Tabuni
Direct reports from Walmanap From Puncak Jaya West Papua

Edited and translated by Sebby Sambom


Pernyataan Gen. Goliath Tabuni Atas Demo PNS di Kantor Gubernur Papua

Menjikapi pernyataan Gubernur Propinsi Papua beserta aksi DEMO PNS dikantor Gubernur Dok II Jayapura-Papua pada tanggal 7 Maret 2016 tentang pengembalian Otonomi Khusus Papua Kepada Pemerintah Pusat, maka Gen. Goliat Tabuni menanggapi dengan mengeluarkan pernyataan resmi.

Berikut pernyataan Gen. Goliat Tabuni:
1. Ya saya sebagai Panglima Tinggi Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat (TPNPB-OPM) yang tahan penderitaan, yaitu Tahan dingin, tahan lapar, tahan nyamuk, Tahan sakit dan sebagian lain sudah terbunuh dan mati di Rimbah Papua Barat menilai bahwa Pemerintah Propinsi Papua dibawah Pimpinan Tuan Lukas Enembe S.Ip,MH, jangan mempermainkan Papua untuk mendatangkan uang dan proyek di Tanah Papua Barat.

2. Lukas sendiri anak koteka dan orang Papua yang tau persis kondisi dan keadaan kami di Papua pada umumnya dan khususnya di Wilayah Puncak Jaya,Yambi dan sekitarnya kami dalam ancaman Negara.

3. Oleh karena itu, saya tegaskan bahwa Pemerintah Propinsi Papua jangan main-main di atas darah dan Tulang belulang. Saat ini kami rakyat Bangsa Papua Barat sedang dalam kodisi krisis kemanusiaan dan semua masyarakat di Jambi dan Sinak masih pengungsian, dan belum ada penanganan serta advokasi bagi masyarakat yang mengungsi.

4. Jangan mintah proyek dengan uang lalu alasan mau kembalikan Otonomi Khusus itu apa… ? saya sebagai Panglima Tinggi TPNPB-OPM tidak tahu menahu jika peti mayat OTONOMI KHUSUS Jakarta itu sudah lama tahun 2005 yang silam rakyat Papua sudah kembalikan itu.

5. Kalau Pemerintah Propinsi Papua merasa di tipu oleh Pemerintah Jakarta dengan berbagai daraf yang di ajukan tidak terjawab berarti kalian orang papua yang dalam hal pejabat perpajangan tangan Jakarta itu STOP menipu Rakyat Bangsa Papua Barat. Sekarang Rakyat bangsa Papua Barat waktunya Refreedum dan penentun nasip sendiri, oleh karena itu tidak lagi bicara otonomi khsus yang sudah bangkai itu.

6. Bahwa oleh karena itu, saya selaku Panglima Tinggi Tentara Pembebasan Nasionl Papua Barat (TPNPB) Gen.Goliat Naman Tabuni Menghimbau Kepada seluruh Pemerintahan Papua dan Papua Barat dari Gubernur, Bupati, Wali Kota, Wakil Rakyat, TNI/POLRI, Pegawai Negeri Sipil, Para Camat dan Aparat Kampung serta Seluruh Rakyat akar Rumput di Tanah Papua segera melakukan Mogok Sipil dan medukung Refreedum dalam Tahun 2016.

7. Kami mintah agar membuka Ruang bagi Tim PBB segera Turun Tangani Kasus Pengungsian Masyarakat Papua pada Kabupaten Puncak Jaya di Distrik Jambi dan Sinak.

8. Apabilah Pemerintahan Propinsi Papua dan Papua Barat selalu permainkan Tanah Papua diatas Penderitaan Rakyat Papua, setelah hakikat pengadilan TUHAN ALLAH Bangsa Papua Barat anda akan bertanggung Jawab atas Penderitaan Rakyat ini.

9. Saya selaku Panglima Tinggi TPNPB-OPM beserta Pasukannya menunggu himbauan ini sampai belum ada tanggapan. Hal Aksi Demo di Kantor Gubernur Papua itu hanya mencari Perhatian Pemerintah Pusat Maka Kami akan Ambilalih.

10. Perang terus sampai Dunia Kiamat. Tutur Gen. Goliat Tabuni melalui telpon selulernya dari Markas Pusat Tingginambut Papua Barat Melalui Komadan Operasi Lekagak Telenggen dan Militer Murib.

Tingginambut 7 Maret 2016


Laporan Langsung dari Walmanap Puncak Jaya Papua Barat

The National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM) Claim Shooting Indonesian Workers in Papua

The National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM) Claim Shooting Indonesian Workers in Papua

Wednesday, March 16th, 2016,at 7:40 pm
Red: Fitriyan Zamzami

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PAPUA - Four road workers nationwide of Indonesian (Trans Papua) shot dead an armed group in Sinak District, the Peak District, on Tuesday (15th March 2016). The National Liberation Army of West Papua (TPNPB-OPM) claimed responsibility for the shooting.

The National Liberation Armyof West Papua (TPNPB-OPM) Fight for Free West Papua
"We are responsible for all the shootings. Now we are all one command, "said a spokesman of TPNPB Sebby Sambom, when contacted Republika.co.id, Wednesday (16th March 2016). Currently, the National Command of TPNPB led by Gen. Goaliath Tabuni as commander.

Earlier, as reported by Antara, the Papua Police revealed that four employees of the company in the village Agengeng Modern Group, Sinak district, was shot dead.

Papua Police Chief Inspector Paul Waterpau stated that temporary allegation, shootings carried out by a group Legagak Telenggen.

According to Paul Waterpau the incident happened at about 14:00 pm CEST, when the employee was carrying out work to build a connecting road between Sinak (Peak District) towards Mulia (Puncak Jaya), Papua.

Suddenly a group of people suspected of civil armed groups attacked and opened fire on the employees and set fire to two units of heavy vehicles belonging to the company.

The parties of the dead were Anis (leader), Andi (dozer operator), David (helper dozer) and David (the excavator operator). The bodies were evacuated to Jayapura, Papua on Wednesday (16 March 2016).

According Sebby, all armed groups currently operating in the mountainous region of Papua have been moved under a single command. The agreement was reached through the meeting they did November 2012 in Biak, Papua.

He said, during this TPNPB actually only targeting the army and police. Nevertheless, the workers were shot because there has been an order from the helm of the rebel groups to impede the construction of roads. "The Commander told 'do not get up the road!'," Said Sebby.

Moreover, according to him, the road crosses the base of the armed rebels are spread across the central highlands of Papua. The message they want to convey, he said, was the rejection of the government's development center in Papua because they value it as an act of colonization.

"We have to protect the land of Papua who have given us the same God," said Sebby who claimed are still hiding in the forest.

Additionally, Sebby said the shooting was a step called National Command of TPNPB as "Revolution Stage". These stages are the actions that they hope could lead to the next step, namely "TOTAL Revolution."

Regarding the retaliation which will be launched by TNI-Polri, Sebby expressed his troops were ready.

President Joko Widodo launched the construction of the Trans Papua at the end of 2015 ago. The project was officially signed workmanship in January 2016 at the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing in Jakarta.

The road plan would be stretched as far as 4,000 kilometers. The President expects, road construction could cut the price expensiveness in Papua and ultimately improve the economy of the region.

Please read original News in Indonesian below this!!!
The National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM) Claim Shooting Indonesian Workers in Papua 

Translated and Republishing by Sebby Sambom

Sunday, 6 March 2016

Urgent News: The Indonesian Security Forces has and being doing Military Operations Conduct in Puncak Jaya Papua


Urgent News: The Indonesian Security F orces has and being doing Military Operations Conduct in Puncak Jaya Papua

After attacked against at the Indonesian Police Station in Sinak Papua on December 26th, 2015 last year, resulted in four members of the Indonesian police were killed and six guns succeded in seized captured by the National Liberation Army of West Papua (TPNPB-OPM).

Then the security forces go after the perpetrators of the call OTK (unclear perpetrators), but the High Commander of TPNPB-OPM (Gen. Goliath Naman Tabuni) through Operations commander of TPNPB-OPM in Yambi area (Brigen LEKAGAK TELENGGEN) admitted responsibility for the deprivation of Indonesian owned police guns at Police post in Sinak, Papua.
As a result of this attack, the combined forces of the TNI / police chase TPNPB-OPM and they (officials Combined Indonesia) mastered Yambi District, Papua. After the occupation in the District of Yambi, Indonesian Security Forces using 18 emergency tarp in the yard at Yambi District office.

Combined the Indonesian authorities later damaged or destroyed, the church belongs to the Community in severe conditions, namely the Church are made Pos of Indonesian Joint Forces officers.

Since the events on the 26th December 2015 until three months ago People in Yambi District, and Sinak District still chose to flee and they left the villages.

Please see some photos which we attach a refugee residents, namely 1500 inhabitants of nine villages massive displacement and out in various areas such as Wamena, Ndugama, Puncak Jaya , Tolikara and Lani Jaya Papua.
West Papuan Indigenous people at Refugee Cam in Highland of West Papua (Pic Rambo TiruanL)

In this case the local government does not want to bother with the refugee communities while being in Mulia Town, Puncak Jaya, Papua. High Commander of the National Command, the National Liberation Army of West Papua (TPNPB) Gen. Goliath Tabuni said that responsible for the shooting and the confiscation of weapons from the armory at the District Police in Sinak, Puncak Jaya-Papua.

Confiscation of weapons occurred on December 27th 2015 at: 09:00 am CDT.
"We did not back down, remain opposed to the invaders whenever and wherever, I was responsible for the shooting of my members," said Gen. Goliath Tabuni, when informed of the crew of Komnas TPNPB early afternoon today.

Goliath Tabuni message to the Indonesian military is that the military and police that from these events, to attempt to retake the weapon which OPM-TPNPB took, not terror community or should not do the chase and shootings and torture against civilians.

High Commander of TPNPB-OPM (Gen. Naman Goliath Tabuni) requested that if the Indonesian military wanted the weapons that we seized the Indonesian military must come to the TPNPB-OPM headquarters camp, it is good he said.

"I hope that the indonesian military and the police do not torture people anymore, we TPNPB-OPM military taking the Indonesian military equipments, the military must be opposed by the military, not the society ", he said.
High Commander of TPNPB-OPM to convey this message, Indonesian military usually always torment the local community so he just had to deal with those who are armed TPNPB.

From interviews in Sinak, right justify deprivation of weapons carried by members of TPNPB. In this case Kodap Sinak (the Region Command of TPNPB-OPM in Sinak, Papua) is the region where the incident however, troops of regional command led Yambi brought High Commander Gen. Goliath Tabuni who plunder and firing local police officers.

Region Commander of TPNPB-OPM in Sinak, Papua justify the crime scene, "true weapons of police have been looted by TPNPB-OPM (forces of Yambi"), as Commander of the Army, Murib said via mobile phone to the crew of Komnas TPNPB.

Similar delivered by Yambi commander of regional command, "that's true of my members have taken six guns at police Warehouse in Sinak Distric", said Brigen Gombane Telenggen. Brigen Gombane Telenggen was the Commander of Regional of TPNPB-OPM in Yambi) under the leadership of the High Commander of TPNPB-OPM Gen. Goliath Tabuni.

He continued, "the weapons will not be returned to them (police) red, the seized weapons had belonged to us, we will counterattack the opponent with this weapon," he said.

According to information gathered from the field Crew Commission of TPNPB-OPM, on the night at: 09: 00 CET, member of TPNPB entered the police headquarters in Sinak precisely Armory.

TPNPB-OPM members managed to enter the warehouse area and took six guns in the warehouse. Weapons were looted Moser type two tops, two AK47 shoots and SS1 two shoots.

After successfully breaking the warehouse because police officers are trying to chase finally, TPNPB-OPM members could did return fire, the number of victims is unknown members of the Indonesian Police, and TPNPB-OPM no casualties he said.

No longer OTK or GPK (unknown petpetrators) who spoils the Indonesian police weapons, but purely by members of TPNPB-OPM. TPNPB-OPM is West Papua Liberation military, who maintain and defend the people of West Papua by the Indonesian occupation to for to self-determination, with the target of achieving an independent Papua as independent countries in the world.


Reports Directly From Yambi Puncak Jaya Papua Barat
Reporting and Author: Rambo Nduga Tiruan
-------------------------------------------------- ------
Editing and publishing by:
Sebby Sambom,
an Independence Activist of West Papua



Urgent News: Aparat Keamanan Indonesia Telah dan Sedang Melakukan Operasi Militer di PUNCAK JAYA Papua


Setelah terjadi serangan  terhadap Pos Polisi di Sinak Papua pada tanggal 26 Desember 2015 yang lalu, mengakibatkan 4 anggota Polsek sinak tewas dan enam pucuk senjata berhasil dirampas oleh pihak Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat (TPNPB-OPM).

Kemudian pihak aparat keamanan mengejar para pelaku yang di sebut OTK, namun Panglima Tinggi Gen. Goliath Naman Tabuni melalui komandan operasi wilayah Yambi LEKAGAK TELENGGEN mengakui bertanggung jawab atas perampasan senjata milik  polisi Indonesia di pos Polisi Sinak, Papua tersebut.

Akibat dari penyerangan ini, maka aparat Gabungan TNI/Polri mengejar TPNPB-OPM dan mereka (Aparat Gabungan Indonesia) kuasai Distrik Yambi, Papua. Setelah pendudukan di Distrik Yambi, Aparat Keamanan menggunakan 18 terpal darurat di halaman kantor Distrik Yambi.

Kemudian Aparat Gabungan Indonesia telah merusak atau menghancurkan, Gereja milik Masyarakat dalam kondisi parah, yaitu Gereja dijadikan Pos Pasukan Aparat Gabungan Indonesia. 
Sejak terjadi peristiwa pada tanggal 26 Dember 2015 yang lalu hingga tiga bulan Masyarakat di Distrik Yambi, di Distrik Sinak masih memilih mengungsi dan mereka tinggalkan kampung.

Silakan simak beberapa Foto warga pengungsian yang kami lampirkan, yaitu
1500 jiwa dari sembilan kampung pengungsian besar-besaran dan keluar di berbagai daerah seperti Wamena, Ndugama, Puncak Jaya dan, Tolikara serta Lani Jaya.

Masyarakat Asli Papua di tempat Pengungsian di Pegunungan Tengah Papua Barat (Pic Rambo TiruanL)
Dalam kasus ini Pemerintah setempat tidak mau pusing dengan pengungsian Masyarakat yang sementara berada di Mulia Kota, Kabupaten Puncak jaya-Papua.

Panglima Tinggi Komando Nasional, Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat (TPNPB) Gen. Goliath Tabuni mengatakan bertanggungjawab, atas penembakan serta perampasan senjata dari gudang senjata Polsek Sinak di Distrik Sinak Kabupaten Puncak Jaya Papua. Perampasan senjata terjadi pada tanggal 27 Desember 2015 pada pukul: 09:00am WIT.

Kami tidak mundur, tetap lawan penjajah kapan pun dan dimana pun, saya bertanggungjawab penembakan itu adalah dari anggota saya”, kata Gen. Goliath Tabuni, ketika dihubungi dari crew Komnas TPNPB sore dini hari.

Goliath Tabuni pesan kepada aparat militer Indonesia yaitu TNI dan Polri bahwa dari peristiwa ini, untuk upaya merebut kembali senjata yang TPNPB-OPM ambil, jangan teror masyarakat atau tidak boleh lakukan pengejaran dan penembakan serta penyiksaan terhadap masyarakat sipil.

Panglima Tinggi TPNPB-OPM (Gen. Goliath Naman Tabuni) minta bahwa jika militer Indonesia ingin senjata yang kami rampas, alangkah baiknya militer Indonesia harus ke Markas TPNPB, “saya harap TNI Polri jangan siksa masyarakat lagi, kami militer TPNPB-OPM yang ambil peralatan militer Indonesia, maka militer harus lawan dengan militer, jangan dengan masyarakat”, tegasnya.

Panglima Tinggi sampaikan pesan ini karena, biasanya militer indonesia selalu siksa masyarakat setempat maka dia harap mesti berhadapan dengan mereka yang bersenjata adalah TPNPB.

Dari hasil wawancara di sinak, membenarkan betul perampasan senjata dilakukan oleh anggota TPNPB. Dalam hal ini KODAP Sinak adalah wilayah tempat kejadian namun, pasukan dari KODAP Yambi yang dibawa pimpinan Panglima Tinggi Gen. Goliath Tabuni yang melakukan perampasan serta penembakan aparat Polisi setempat.

Panglima KODAP Sinak membenarkan kejadian peristiwa itu, “betul senjata milik polisi sudah di rampas TPNPB-OPM (pasukan dari Yambi”), kata Militer Murib selaku Panglima KODAP Sinak via telp seluler kepada crew komnas TPNPB.

Hal senada disampaikan Panglima KODAP Yambi, “itu betul anggota saya sudah ambil 6 senjata di Gudang Polsek Sinak”, kata Brigen Gombane Telenggen. Brigen Gombane Telenggen adalah Panglima Tingkat Daerah 9khusus Yambi) dibawah Pimpinan Panglima Tinggi Gen. Goliath Tabuni. Lanjut dia, “senjata tidak akan kami kembalikan ke mereka (Polisi) red, senjata yang dirampas sudah milik kami, kami akan balik lawan dengan senjata ini”, tegasnya.

Menurut keterangan yang dihimpun Crew Komnas TPNPB dari lapangan, pada malam pukul:09:00 WIT, anggota TPNPB memasuki markas Polsek Sinak tepatnya Gudang Senjata.

Anggota TPNPB berhasil memasuki area Gudang dan mengambil 6 senjata yang ada di gudang. Senjata yang di rampas Jenis Moser dua pucuk, AK47 dua pucuk dan SS1 dua pucuk.

Setelah berhasil bobol gudang karena aparat Polisi berusaha melakukan pengejaran akhirnya, anggota TPNPB sempat lakukan tembakan balasan, belum diketahui jumlah korban anggota Polisi Indonesia, dan TPNPB tidak ada korban.

Tidak lagi OTK atau GPK yang melakukan rampasan senjata Polisi Indonesia, tetapi murni oleh anggota TPNPB-OPM. TPNPB adalah militer West Papua, yang mempertahankan dan membela rakyat dari penjajahan Indonesia untuk penentuan nasib sendiri, dengan target mencapai Papua yang merdeka dan berdaulat seperti negara-negara merdeka lain di dunia.


Laporan Langsung Dari Yambi Puncak Jaya Papua Barat

Pelapor dan Penulis: Rambo Nduga Tiruan
Editing and publishing by: Sebby Sambom, an Independence Activist of West Papua

Friday, 4 March 2016

Fiji Do not Want Interference Issues matter of Free Papua

Fiji Do not Want Interference Issues matter of Free Papua

By zonnadamai on 4 March 2016

Ratu Seremaia Tuinausori Cavuilati (third from left)

SURABAYA - ZONADAMAI.COM: Indonesia has joined the group of countries of Melanesia in the Pacific Ocean that is Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) in mid 2015. Indonesia's involvement in MSG, especially as concerns the issue of Papuan independence. Indonesia rated wants to use approach to reach out to other countries that have a population of Melanesian race.

Related to that, Fiji as one of the members of the MSG, through its ambassador to Indonesia, Ratu Seremaia Tuinausori Cavuilati, confirms Papua Indonesia is a domestic issue. Therefore, Fiji fully handed the matter to the Indonesian government to resolve due respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Indonesia.

"It is a matter within Indonesia, so let Indonesia the finish, especially since the beginning of the administration of President Jokowi," said Cavuilati Wednesday (03/02/2016) night, in a special interview with the SP during a visit to the University and the School Citra Berkat Ciputra Surabaya.

Fiji and Indonesia have in common in terms of the Melanesian race. Fiji has a population race with residents in eastern Indonesia such as Maluku, Nusa Tenggara, and Papua.

On the other hand, Cavuilati said MSG group was very pleased with the inclusion of Indonesia as a member. Both parties could encourage cooperation, especially trade to make it more intense. "Moreover, the distance between eastern Indonesia such as Papua to countries MSG is not too far and not as expensive as the cost of shipping goods from other countries," he said.

Cavuilati also appreciates Indonesia program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Education and Culture through the implementation of the Melanesian Cultural Festival in October 2015 ago. He also encouraged Indonesian businessmen to invest in Fiji as a very strategic position as the shaft (hub) among other countries in the Pacific region, such as Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu. [Http://www.beritasatu.com] Original News please visit Indonesian on Link here....Source: http://zonadamai.com/2016/03/04/fiji-tidak-mau-campur-tangan-soal-isu-papua-merdeka/

Translated and republishing by 

Sebby Sambom
An Independence Activist of West Papua