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Sunday, 29 September 2019

Laporan Analisis Sidang Tahunan PBB 2019 Atas Masalah Papua Barat

Tuvalu Deputy Prime Minister, Vanuatu PM, and Solom Islands Addressed Gegeral Debated 74th session pic webUNTV

Kepada Yang Terhormat rakyat Papua Barat, Pejuang dan pendukung dimanapun diseluruh dunia. Kami dari organisasi OPM-TPNPB hendak melaporkan hasil analisa mengenai Isu Papua Barat di sidang umum PBB 2019.

Hal ini kami harus buat karena ratusan lebih rakyat yang telah menanyakan hasil Sidang Umum PBB soal Papua Barat kepada kami.

Maka kami sebagai organisasi induk perjuangan bangsa Papua memiliki tanggung jawab untuk menyatakan kebenaran informasi kepada seluruh rakyat Papua Barat.

Dalam hal ini kami telah mengikuti dinamika perkembangan Isu Papua Barat di dalam sidang tahunan 2019 bahwa: 

·        Tahun ini sedikitnya tiga negara yakni Vanuatu, Solomon Islands dan Tuvalu berpidato tentang Papua Barat jauh dari pada yang diharapkan oleh rakyat Papua Barat, yang  terutama negara-negara yang tergabung dalam Forum Kepulauan Pasifik. Kami salut dan bangga atas ketiga negara mengangkat persoalan. Kami menilai ketiga negara selalu aktif dalam menyuarakan penderitaan rakyat di forum-forum resmi regional dan internasional,  terutama isu-isu HAM. Kami mengaris bawahi pidato ketiga negara dan esensi dalam perjuangan hak Penentuan Nasib Sendiri dan pemenuhan pembangunan HAM, namun tidak signifikan;

·        Vanuatu: Vanuatu angkat persolan pelanggaran HAM, hak Penentuan Nasib Sendiri dan desak agar harus ada resolusi PBB tentang soal pengiriman komisioner HAM PBB masuk Ke Papua Barat. Namun Dalam Pidato tidak mengangkat dan mengungkapkan fakta kekejaman militer, konflik bersenjata di Ndugama termasuk krisis kemanusiaan, masalah rasisme dan agenda referendum atau internasional supervice vote. Perang di Ndugama dan Rasisme sesungguhnya adalah peluru yang ampuh membidik dukungan Majelis Umum PBB;

Major General Lekagak Telenggen: TPNPB-OPM Ready to Pay Back the Indonesian Military and Police Crimes Against Humanity in Ilaga Puncak Regency Papua

Evidence of the Indonesian Military and Police burning down Residents' homes in Ilaga, Puncak Papua Regencypic Supplaied of TPNPB-OPM on September 28th 2019

TPNPB-News: on Sunday at 6:00 Papua Time, TPNPB-OPM has carried out an attack on the Indonesian National Police and the Military troops in the Ilaga region of Puncak Papua Regency, and located in Kimak.

In the attack by TPNPB-OPM forces under the leadership of Bridgen Penny Murib, Bridgen Military Murib, and Major General Lekagak Telenggen had successfully shot two members of the Indonesian security Forces.

It was reported that the two members of the Indonesian Security Forces were in critical condition, and were temporarily hospitalized in Ilaga District Hospital, in the Highlands of West Papua. And there is no victim of TPNPB-OPM yet.

There are also houses that have been burnt down, namely residents' houses, stalls owned by non-Papuans as well as school buildings, as well as two office buildings owned by the Government of Puncak Papua Regency in ILAGA which have been burned to the grounded.

And the fighting has been going on since 6:00 a.m. and ending at 6:00 p.m. Papua time. How many people have been victims of this war, we are not sure.

Please follow the sound of the recording of Major General Lekagak Telenggen below: 

In this statement the TPNPB-OPM under the Commando of General Operations Commander Major General Lekagak Telenggen stated that we were not afraid of Indonesian Militarys and Polices troops are coming to the Ilaga region, and that we were ready for war against Indonesian invaders troops.

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

ILAGA Emergency Situation-Air Strikes & Ground Attacks by the Indonesian Military Were Killed 7 Civilians People in Ilaga Papua

A young boy shot death by Indonesian Security Forces in Ilaga, Puncak Papua regency on September 17th 2019 while Massive Military Operation in the Region  (pic doc TPNPB Courier)

Today  September 18th 2019 KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM Headquarters have received reports that the Indonesian Military and Police Forces has carried out airstrikes using helicopters as well as ground attacks using two vehicles on  September 17th 2019 yesterday, and these attacks have destroyed villages and many fatalities.

The brutal attack was carried out in Mayugarik District, Puncak Papua Regency, by the Indonesian military and police.

Commander of the TPNPB-OPM Sinak Rgeion “Bridgen Militer Murib” has reported that this attack had been carried out while the community was preparing for tribal war peace in the region, and as a result the community fled to the forest and also there were many who had been victims of shooters by the Indonesian military and Police.

The audio recording of Sinak Region Commander  of TPNPB-OPM namely Bridgen Militer Murib may follow the below and please click here, 

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

The Decree Acceptance Ceremony of the Ndugama Defense Region III Command of TPNPB-OPM on September 11th 2019

The photo of the Decree Acceptance Ceremony of  the Ndugama Defense Region III Command  and Decree for Ndugama defense Region Commander of TPNPB-OPM on September 11th 2019 (pic doc of TPNPB Couriers)
TPNPBNEWS: Derakma, Ndugama Papua September 11th 2019

Submission of SK (Decree of KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM) for Ndugama Defense Region Command III and Regional Commander of  TPNPB NDUGAMA, procceded safely, after nine months of war.

The Decree ceremony has been conducted in unsafe conditions, where the Indonesian military and police are still carrying out large-scale military operations in the Ndugama Region of Papua.

In this case, even though there were Military Operations by Indonesian Forces, but the Commander of Ndugama Defense Region Command Bridgen EGIANUS KOGEYA, said that the TPNPB-OPM was brought by Region Commander Bridgen Egianus Kogeya would not stop the War. The war continues until Papua is fully independent from the hands of the colonial government of the republic of Indonesia. Videos statement click here, The Decree Acceptance Ceremony of the Ndugama Defense Region III Command of TPNPB OPM on September
The statement of the Commander of Ndugama Defense Region Command III of TPNPB-OPM in the ceremony for the acceptance of this decree is as follows:

1. I will not stop the war, I will continue the War until Papua is fully independent from the hands of the Colonial Government of the Republic of Indonesia;
2. Today I really submitted both Decree for Ndugama Defense Region Command III and Decree for Ndugama Defense region Commander of TPNPB-OPM;

3. Based on this points above, then we need to convey that the decree that we have been waiting for long and just has submitted to us by the Central Headquarters of  TPNPB-OPM Work Team, then we will continue the war against Indonesian invaders troops;
4. Here our own homelands, and also we are the higlanders and we believe that the ancestral God of the Papuan people will take care of us and will protect us, that is why we are not afraid of the Indonesian military, but still we will continue to fight against the Indonesian mIlitary and Police troops as our eternal enemies, even though they have the Armaments complete;
5. We firmly reject the West Papua Army (WPA) made by the TRWP and ULMWP groups, our position on the ground, if you make it against me Egianus Kogeya and My Forces, then we will see later;
6. Who on behalf of the Ndugama war and looking for food for their own interests, we give a strong warning to stop immediately, and whoever does not work arbitrarily, all media about the TPNPB-OPM War Against the Indonesian Military and the Police Forces must be managed by the Central Headquarters of the TPNPB-OPM, and all international and national medias journalists may receive from TPNPB-OPM itself or may have the copy@right from the TPNPB News account. In this case, anyone can republish its with the copy@right of TPNPB News sources;
7. Following is the statement of the Deputy Operation Commander of Ndugama Defense Region Command III of TPNPB-OPM  that from Keneyam to Wamena we TPNPB-OPM troops are ready to fight against the Indonesian Military and the Police Forces and our parents how many Generals have been killed by Indonesia in 1977, therefore we will be kill against the Indonesian invaders troops and the war continues to perfect Papua We get Independent;
8. The Deputy Operations Commander also added that Papu Golds, both in Nabire, in Enaro, in Yahukimo, in Nagarum, in Batu Merah, and generals generally in the territory of Papua, from Sorong to Samarai must be completely closed, must not open Gold mines before Papua get Independent;
9. We must carry out a revolution throughout the territory of Papua to end the suffering of the people, all at the end of the struggle must work hard, West Papuans CIVILIANS  inside the city and we TPNPB-OPM together with all components of the struggle, so that we get independence faster.
The photo of  the Decree Acceptance Ceremony of  the Ndugama Defense Region III Command  and also for the Ndugama Defense region Commander of TPNPB-OPM on September 11th 2019 (pic doc of TPNPB couriers)
Thus, the statement of the Ndugama Defense Region Command III Commanders of TPNPB-OPM was conveyed in order to be considered by all parties. By TPNPBNEWS Courier.

Monday, 16 September 2019

Statement by Anti-Racism Post Students Throughout the Archipelago and Yahukimo Regency September 16th 2019

Melanesians People of West Papua in Yahukimo Protes against Racial Discrimination By Indonesianon Sept 16th 2019  and demands for West Papuans Right of Self Determination (Pic  doc EP were sent to Sebby Sambom)
This statement were issued by all University students and also high school  students from Yahukimo Regency on September 16th, 2019. Please follow the statement.

Decisive Statement:
1. Students who have returned to the Land of Birth of Yahukimo will not go or return to Java Island and any other Islands of Indonesian Archipelago;
2. The Government of Papua stops Selling People and Papuan Students to make projects for the benefit of enriching themselves;
3. Heal the wounds of the People by granting the Political Rights of Self Determination for the Papuan Nation;
4. Prioritize all Education activities throughout Papua, before the Racism problem is resolved;
5. Immediately determine and ratify that August 16th 2019 is a day of harassment of the rights and anti racism of the Papuan people;
6. The Government of Papua is requested to hold an open dialogue with the community, students, activists, churches leaders, Customery Council figures and TPNPB-OPM, KNPB, and elements of interest;
7. Monkeys cannot live with humans, so Humans who come in the forest of Yahukimo Monkey Immediately lift their feet;
8. All forms of any offer by the Colonial Government of the Republic of Indonesia, on behalf of the Papuan Nation We are the people of Papuans in the Regency of Yahukimo Reject;
9. The fake tribal chief over the scenario of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia yesterday to Jakarta We are the Papuan People in Yahukimo curse and reject the Name of God of the Papuan people, also again We convey that "Cursed THEM", up to Seven descendants;
10. We pray together to commemorate the anniversary of the Papuan nation as the Monkey Nation on August 16th , 2019.

Sunday, 15 September 2019

TPNPB-OPM Announces National Grief over the Death of Bridgen Ayub Waker

Photo of  Late Tembagapura Defense Region Commander of TPNPB-OPM Bridgen Ayub Waker  Left (pic Doc TPNPB)
Today Monday 16th of September 2019, the Management of the KOMNAS  TPNPB-OPM Headquarters officially announced that the Commander of KODAP VIII Region Commander of Kemabu, Tembagapura Papua  "Late Bridgen Ayub Waker had died on Friday, 13th of September 2019.

We have received an report by the TPNPB courier that Bridgen Ayub Waker has died due to an illness that has been suffering for last 5th months this year.

And before he died, the deceased gave a message to the TPNPB-OPM KODAP VIII Kemabu, Tembagapura that the struggle continued. TPNPB-OPM Lost a Leader, And is grieving. And TPNPB-OPM also announced National Grief today.

He also advised the TPNPB Soldiers that Mouth of Strom There were 10th  shoots that I left, Its could use the opponents of the Indonesian Military and Police of the Republic of Indonesia, and Papua would be independent.

It was the message of the deceased that had been reported to the Management of the KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM Headquarters.

It should be noted by all parties that Bridgen Ayub Waker is the Commander of KODAP VIII TPNPB-OPM in Kemabu, Tembagapura Papua. During his life he only served in the struggle of the Papuan people for independence completely from the hands of the Indonesian invaders.

The deceased also led the Guerrilla War against the Indonesian Colonial Thief Forces, namely the TNI/Polri in Tembagapura, West Papua so far. He is a Faithful and sincere leader.

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Pernyataan Tegas TPNPB-OPM Kepada Pemerintah Indonesia dan PBB Per 9 September 2019

Pasukan Gabungan TPNPB-OPM yaitu West Papua dan PNG Yang siap untuk Mendukung Revolusi Total Bagi Papua Merdeka, 9 September 2019 di Sepik Perbatasan PNG (pic doc TPNPB-OPM)
Atas Nama Bangsa Papua

Pada hari ini tanggal 9 September 2019, TPNPB-OPM secara resmi mengeluarkan Pernyataan yang ditunjukan kepada Pemerintah Indonesia dan PBB. 

Pernyataan ini dapat dikeluarkan berdasarkan situasi Krisis Kemanusiaan di Papua, akibat dari aksi Protes Rasisme terhadap Orang Asli Papua oleh Orang Indonesia yang tidak bertanggungjawab. 

Dan Pernyataan ini Kami keluarkan agar dapat diketahui Oleh semua pihak di seluruh dunia. Video pernyataan TPNPB-OPM boleh click disini, Urgent Statement to Indonesian Government and to the UN by TPNPB-OPM on Sept 9th 2019


1.     Perlu ketahui Oleh semua pihak bahwa Masalah Papua adalah Masalah Hak Politik Penentuan Nasib Sendiri, yang telah dilanggar atau dibaikan oleh PBB, Pemerintah Amerika Serikat, Pemerintah Belanda dan Pemerintah Kolonial Republik Indonesai;
2.     Berdasarkan Poin kesatu (1) di atas, maka Kami Perlu sampaikan bahwa Pemerintah Kolonial Republik Indonesia, Pemerintah Amerika Serikat, Pemerintah Belanda dan PBB telah melanggar Hak Orang Melanesia di Papua Barat melalui New York Agreement 15 Agustus 1962, dan juga Melalui Invasi Militer Indonesia di Papua pada 1 Mei 1963, dan yang benar-benar telah dilanggar nyata adalah Pelaksanaan PEPERA 1969 yang tidak democratic dan cacat secara hukum dan cacat moral;
3.     Bahwa oleh karena itu PBB segera Review Pelaksanaan PEPERA 1969 di Papua Barat, dan dengan segera pula mediasi Bangsa Papua guna duduk di meja Perundingan dengan Pemerintah Kolonial Republik Indonesia untuk membicarakan hak Politik Kemerdekaan Bangsa Papua;
4.     Kami TPNPB-OPM Tegaskan bahwa Perjuangan orang Melanesia di Papua Barat adalah tidak untuk menuntut Pembangunan atau kesejahteraan oleh Pemerintah Kolonial Republik Indonesia, melainkan sepenuhnya berjuang hanya untuk menuntut hak kedaulatan penuh atau Kemerdekaan Penuh bagi bangsa Papua;
5.     Bahwa Oleh karena itu, Kami sampaikan kepada Masyarakat Indonesia dan juga kepada Masyarakat Internasional bahwa Orang Melanesia di Papua Barat mempunya hak untuk Merdeka Punuh dan berdaulat sebagai bangsa-bangsa lain dimuka bumi;
6.     Berdasarkan Kelima poin di atas, maka Kami TPNPB-OPM minta kepada Pemerintah Kolonial Republik Indonesia agar segera hentikan Pengalihan isu dengan berbagai Propaganda murahan;
7.     Bahwa Kami juga mendesak kepada Pemerintah Kolonial Republik Indonesia agar segera hentikan pengiriman Militer yang berlebihan di Papua, karena hal ini merupakan tindak teror mental dan psikologis bagi masyarakat civil orang Asli Papua oleh Negara;

Urgent Statement to Indonesian Government and to the United Nations by TPNPB-OPM

West Papua National Liberation Army Troops in Victoria Headquaters the lands of Paradise on September 9th 2019, Papua New Guineans are was joined with  WPNLA  (pic doc TPNPB-OPM)

On Behalf of the Nation of Papua

On today September 9th 2019, the West Papua National Liberation Army of OPM officially issued a Statement addressed to the Government of Indonesia and to the United Nations.

This statement can be issued based on the situation of the Humanitarian Crisis in Papua, as a result of the actions on Protest Racism Against Papuans by irresponsible Indonesians.
And we release this Statement so that it can be known by all  parties throughout the world.
Watch the video click here, Urgent Statement to Indonesian Government and to the UN by TPNPB-OPM on Sept 9th 2019
1. Need to know by all parties that the Papua Problems is the  Problems of the Political Rights of Self-Determined, which has been violated or ignored by the United Nations, and by the Government of  the United States of America, and also by the Government of Netherlands and the Colonial Government of the Republic of Indonesia;
2. Based on point one (1) above, we need to convey that the Colonial Government of the Republic of Indonesia, and the Government of the United States of America, and the Government of the Netherlands and the United Nations violated the Rights of Melanesians people in West Papua through the New York Agreement on August 15th, 1962, and also through Indonesian Military Invasion in Papua on May 1st, 1963, and what was really violated is when the Implementation of  An Act of Free Choice in 1969, will colled that “An Act of No Choice” which was not democratic and legally
 defect and also morally defective;
3. That therefore the United Nations immediately reviewing the Implementation of  An Act of Free Choice in 1969 in West Papua, and immediately also mediated the Papuan Nation to sit at the negotiating table with the Colonial Government of the Republic of Indonesia to discuss the political rights of Papuan Independence;
4. We TPNPB-OPM Affirm that the MelanesianPeople  Struggle in West Papua is not to demand of Development or prosperity by the Colonial Government of the Republic of Indonesia, but to fully struggle only to demand full sovereignty rights or Full Independence for the Papua people;
5. Whereas, we convey to the Indonesian people and also to the international community that Melanesians people in West Papua have the right to be full free and be sovereign as other nations in the World;
6. Based on the five points above, we TPNPB-OPM ask to the Colonial Government of the Republic of Indonesia
in order to stop the diversion of issues immediately with various poor propaganda;

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Two PNG State Governors Lead Demo to Protests of Racism & Murders of Papuans People by the Indonesian Government

The photo of  PNG Government and People are protest against on Indonesian Killing and harassment to Melanesians people of West Papua, Chairman of OPM Mr. Jeffrey Bomanak left side of  Oro  Province Governor Hon. Garry Jufa, sentre Governor Garry Jufa, right side of Garry Jufa is NCD Governor of Port Moresby Hon. Lowes Parkop (pic Kenn Mondia)

On today, September 10th, 2019, the Government and People of the State of Papua New Guinea (PNG) conduct long March and occupy the Main Stadium Field in the capital city of the State of PNG, namely in Port Moresby.

This protest was led directly by two Governors, namely the Governor of the Oro Province Hon. Garry Jufa MP and Governor of the Capital City of Port Moresby (NCD Governor Hon. Powes Parkop MP).

 The report that we received directly by OPM Chairman Mr. Jeffrey Bomanak that Port Moresby was totally paralyzed, because all parties, both the Government and also the people, had joined in the protest.
It was also reported that more than 10,000 people were at the Jhon Guise soccer stadium. please watch video on the protest here, Two PNG State Governors Lead Demo to Protests of Racism & Murders of Papuans People by the Indonesia

This protest is a follow-up to the previous racism, where protests have been carried out throughout the world by Papuans and also by all those who support the struggle for the West Papuan to be Free from the Indonesian occupiers.

And today  September 10th 2019, the People and Government of Papua New Guinea show their support for the Papuan Nation, which is their own brothers and sisters.

And It needs to be known by the Indonesian community and also by the international community that the Papuan nation is one descendant, or an ancestor that cannot be separated by humans with any interests.

Why? Because God created the Papuan Nation only One, namely from Sorong to Samarai is One Island and One nation.

And every person who born in the Lands of Papua has the same rights over their ancestral Lands, therefore the Papuan Nation is now starting to become aware and opposed to the illegal occupation of the Indonesian military in West Papua.

And this struggle will continue, until West Papua is fully independent from the illegal occupation by the Indonesian military in the western part of Papua Islands (Islands of Paradise).

Friday, 6 September 2019

Vanuatu Protests on Mention of Monkeys Against Melanesians People in West Papua

Vanuatu PM Stand on Protest of Racial Discrimination against Melanesian People of West Papuans by Indonesian (pic Pastor Rambel SP)

No More Calling Us Monkeys, We Are Melanesians.....!!!
On this day, September 6th, 2019, the Government and People of Vanuatu have held a protest against racial discrimination that has been and is being carried out by Indonesians against Melanesians people in West Papua.

In this protest, the Government and People of Vanuatu denounced acts of racial discrimination that were always carried out by the Government and the People of Indonesian against Melanesians people in West Papua.

In this protest also the Government and People of Vanuatu said that "don't call us Monkey anymore.

And the other demands they conveyed are that Indonesia must leave the MSG membership, because the Government and Indonesians people are racists towards us Melanesians.
Vanuatu Polices Leads the Protest of Racial Discrimination against West Papusns by Indonesians  (pic doc Jean Luch Tuha)
And they also said that We are not Monkeys, We Are Melanesians. We are also human, the same as other humans in this world.

Thursday, 5 September 2019

The Indonesian Government is Terrorizing Journalists Through Social Medias

The Logo of AJI Indonesia (pic google supplaied)

Is it true? Please follow the media alerts below ... !!!

YOGYAKARTA, KABARMAPEGAA.com-News related to the recent riots in Papua has affected the safety of the journalists who wrote them. One of them, Febriana Firdaus, Aljazeera journalist, who is also a member of the Jakarta Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI), became a victim of violence in the form of harassment on social media and was threatened by text messages.

Aside from being bullied, Febriana was also
get psychological terror or called doxing. Doxing is tracking and dismantling the identity of journalists who write not in accordance with the political aspirations of the perpetrators, then spreading them to social media for negative purposes.

Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts @maklambeturah spread Febriana's personal account related to reporting on victims of riots in Papua. The account owner doubts the number of victims written by Febriana because it is different from the government version. While the author has confirmed to the Deiyai Deputy Regent Mr. Hengky Pigai  and the local church leader.

After the account was spread, Febriana received many messages threatening on social medias. One of them is from the owner of the Twitter account @ ilhamAziz31. The message warned that intelligence had overseen Febriana's activities and asked for constructive narratives to be built.

Tuesday, 3 September 2019

The 7 Indonesian Immigrants as Illegal Gold Miners in Korowai, Papua were killed by Papuans Lands Owner on September 1st 2019

The Map of Korowai, the Illegal Mining Operations by Indonesian Immigrants (pic Google supplied)
Papuans were killed 7 Indonesian Immogrants as an Ilelagal Gold Mine in Kroway, Papua on September 1st 2019, because Indonesian immigrants came to Papuans lands and stole the gold from a group of indigenous Papuans lands.

And this killing was a form of warning and refusing Indonesian robberies and killings in Papua. We accept this report before this news is published in Indonesian media, it’s we have received on September 1st 2019.

The reason for this killed is clear, namely the form of refusing the illegal gold theft in the territory of the customers customary lands of the Papuans Nation.

Therefore we give a strong warning to the Government of Indonesia and also to Indonesian immigrants who come to Papua and carry out the illegal gold theft, so that they immediately stop the activities of illegal mining on the ancestral lands of the Papuan Nation.

And here is the report that we received from Yahukimo, and the attackers are indigenous Papuans who own the rights to wealth resource in the region.

This is the attitude of indigenous Papuans who defend their natural resources, because natural wealth is a source of life for the people of indigenous Papuaans.