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Friday 21 December 2018



Number                :  Special
Subject                 :  An Open Letter & Official Statement by the West Papua National Liberation 
                                Army on December 19th 2018

Presented to the honorable,

1. Secretary General of the United Nations Mr. Antonius Quteres in New York USA;
2. Chairperson of the UN High Commission of  Human Rights Council in  Genewa Switzerland;
3. President of the United Nations Security Council in New York USA;
4. Chair of C24 De Colonization of the United Nations Mr.Walton Alfonso Webson in New York USA;
5. President of the United States (Mr. Donald Trum) in New York USA;
6. The Prime Minister of the Netherlands and his Cabinet in Deen Hag, Netherland;
7. President of the Republic of Indonesia Mr. Yoko Widodo and his Cabinet in Jakarta, Indonesia;
8. Ladies & Gentlemen of Melanesian Leaders and Pacific Leaders who join the Pacific Coalition   for   West Papua (PCWP) in their respective Countries;
9. Ladies & Gentlemen of ACP Countries Leaders that joined the Organization bodies in their respective countries;
10. Ladies and Gentlemen of TPNPB & OPM Diplomats Worldwide;
11. Ladies and Gentlemen  whom Supporting the Struggle of Free Papua throughout the world;
12. Ladies and Gentlemen of Indonesian National Media Journalists and Local Media Journalists in West Papua;
13. Ladies and Gentlemen of International Medias Journalists throughout the world;
14. The Papuan People and the People's Media  of KNPB and all Free Papua Fighters who fight in Papua and abroad.

With respect,
Based on the topics mentioned above, we are the military wing of the West Papua- National Liberation Army, in National Command, the Free Papua Organization formally from the Central Headquarters issued this "An Open Letter and Official Statement" in order to be of concern to all parties.

Tuesday 18 December 2018

Members of Indonesian Military and Police in Papua Are Human Beings with Wild Animal character

Photo of Indonesian Soldiers Killed West Papuan innocent civilian in West Papua


Why did we choose this title? Because it clearly killed civilians in the Nduga area but there was only a dispute in broad daylight. This reflects that members of the Indonesian Military and the Police serving in Papua are truly humans who have wild animal characteristics.

And they are the most TRAVELERS. Why are we saying coward? Because it clearly shot dead civilians in Mbua, Yigi, Dal and surrounding districts, you didn't dare to take responsibility. That is what is called a coward, dare to make it but do not dare to be responsible.