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Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Night Attack by TPNPB Soldiers to Indonesian Military Post in Dal District Ndugama Papua

The photo of West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM) of Fve Regions Defense Command 2016 in Kwijawage

TPNPBNEWS: Night Attack by TPNPB Soldiers on Tuesday, February 26th, 2019 at 11:20 pm Ndugama Time. In this case there was armed contact in the Yal District of Nduga Regency, Papua between the TPNPB Soldiers and the Indonesian Military and Police.

The Gunfire between TPNPB and the Indonesian Military continues until the morning of February 27
th, 2019. This report was reported directly by the TPNPB KODAP III Ndugama Operations Commander Pemne Kogeya from the War Conflict area in Ndugama, Papua.

And the TPNPB KODAP III Ndugama Operation Commander Pemne Kogeya reported to KOMNAS TPNPB Headquarters that to this day 27th of February 2019, armed contact was underway, and this morning at 7:30 a,m.

He said that white hellicopter unit was entering the Yal District for the evacuation of victims of shooting members of the Indonesian Military and Police.
And then it was reported that the TPNPB did not yet know the number of victims from the Indonesian Military and Police, but had observed that the Indonesian Military and Police were busy on Victims Evacuating.

This is due to conditions in the War situation between the TPNPB
Soldiers and the Indonesian Military and Police, meaning that how many victims will be verified later.

This report is an initial report that is urgent. In this case the TPNPB will verify the full report in accordance with the development of the situation in the War
Conflic Region of Ndugama, Papua.

The complete chronology of the Night Attack by the TPNPB-OPM
Soldiers to the Indonesian Military and Police Post in Yal District, Nduga Regency, Papua follow the below.

After the three days of war
warning which were issued by the TPNPB Ndugama KODAP III Commander, Bridgen Ekianus Kogeya, including a Warning to the Indonesian Military and Police to lower the Indonesian flag from the villages of  the Ndugama Customary Lands of Papua, and also included a warning to non-Papuans to leave Ndugama area.

After that, it soon returned to the Indonesian Military and Police
by the TPNPB soldiers on Tuesday night next to the Kurigiuasa Elementary School in Yal and Nitkuri Districts of Ndgama, Papua.

The attack
by the TPNPB KODAP III Ndugama soldiers to the Indonesian Military and Police joint forces post took place in Yal District between Nitkuri District, on February 26th, 2019 at 11:20 pm  night Ndugama time, Papua.

The TPNPB attack occurred at night and the location of gunfire between the Indonesian Joint Forces and TPNPB occurred until the morning of February 27
th, 2019 in the Yal District trench village beside the Kurigi Elementary School (SD) building in Nitkuri District, the border area of Yal District.

When the Indonesian Military and Police Joint Forces were next to the Elementary School Building (SD), a sudden attack was carried out by TPNPB soldiers led directly by
TPNPB KODAP III Ndugama Commander, Bridgen Ekianus Kogeya and Pemne Kogeya as Field  Operatio commander of  TPNPB KODAP III Ndugama, Papua.

In gunfire that occurred on the night of 26
th February 2019, TPNPB did not yet know the number of victims for the Indonesian Military and Police.

Report directly from
TPNPB KODAP III Ndugama Commander Bridgen Ekianus Kogeya who was received by KOMNAS TPNPB Courier that on the side of the TPNPB soldiers there were no victims.

He added again that "We have attacked them night,
and war until morning. They or the Indonesian military and police have been shot and suffered victims ".

Warning by the
TPNPB KODAP III Ndugama Commander  Bridgen Ekianus Kogeya at the end of his message, he again gave a stern warning to non-Papuan civilians and the Indonesian Military Post in the Mbua District.

The warnings are as follows:

T commanders and members of the Indonesian Military Forces lowered the red and white flag in the near future, and non-Papuan civilians quickly left the territory of Nduga, before we do" the next attack.

Such is the report directly from the
TPNPB KODAP III Ndugama Commander via TPNPB courier. And need to know that the TPNPB Soldiers will not stop the Revolutionary War Stages, until it reaches the Total Revolution for the National Liberation of the West Papuan Nation and the Land of Paradise.

Forwarded to All Journalists and Human Rights Workers around the World by KOMNAS TPNPB Spokesperson Mr. Sebby Sambom.

Issued from KOMNAS TPNPB Headquarters on Wednesday 27
th February 2019. Copyright @ TPNPBNews.

Edited and Distribution by
Sebby Sambom
Spokesperson of KOMNAS TPNPB
Former West Papuan Political Prisoner
The photo of  Mbua District at the War Conflic area of Ndugama Papua
Into Malay Indonesian


Serangan Malam oleh Prajurit TPNPB pada hari Selasa tanggal 26 Februari 2019 pukul 11:20 malam Waktu Ndugama. dalam hal ini telah terjadi kontak senjata di Distrik  Yal Kabupaten Nduga, Papua antara Militer TPNPB dengan Militer dan Polisis Indonesia. 

Perang Kontak Senjata antara Militer TPNPB dan Militer Indonesia berlanjut hingga pagi tanggal 27 Februari 2019. 

Laporan ini telah dilaporkan langsung oleh Komandan Operasi TPNPB  KODAP III Ndugama Pemne Kogeya dari Wilayah Konflik Perang di Ndugama, dan Komandan Operasi  TPNPB KODAP III Ndugama Pemne Kogeya melaporkan ke Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB bahwa sampai hari ini tanggal 27 Februari 2019 kontak senjata sedang berlangsung, dan pagi ini pukul 7:30 satu  unit hellikopter berwarna putih sedang masuk ke Distrik Yal untuk Evakuasi korban penembakan anggota Militer dan Polisis Indonesia.  

Dan selanjutnya dilaporkan bahwa TPNPB belum ketahui jumlah korban dari pihak Militer dan Polisi Indonesia, namun telah mengamati bahwa Militer dan Polisi Indonesia sibuk Evakuasi Korban. 

Hal ini disebabkan karena kondisi dalam keadaan Perang antara Militer TPNPB dan Militer serta Polisi Indonesia, artinya bahwa berapa banyak korban akan di verifikasi kemudian.

Laporan ini merupakan laporan awal yang bersifat urgent. Dalam hal ini TPNPB akan Verifikasi laporan lengkap sesuai dengan perkembangan situasi di Daerah Konflik Perang, di wilayah Ndugama, Papua. 

Kronologis lengkap tentang Serangan Malam oleh Militer TPNPB-OPM ke Pos Militer dan Polisi Indonesia di Distrik Yal, Kabupaten Nduga, Papua.

Setelah tiga hari Ultimati Perang yang telah dikeluarkan oleh Panglima KODAP III TPNPB Ndugama, Bridgen Ekianus Kogeya termasuk Peringatan kepada Militer dan Polisi Indonesua untuk menurunkan bendera Indonesia dari perkampungan di seluruh wilayah Tanah Adat Ndugama, Papua, dan juga termasuk peringatan bagi masyarakat non Papua untuk tinggalkan wilayah Ndugama.

Setelah itu, tidak lama kemudian kembali melakukan serangan malam  kepada Militer dan Polisi Indonesia dari Prajurit TPNPB pada hari Selasa malam di samping Sekolah Dasar Kurigiuasa Distrik Yal dan Nitkuri.

Serangan prajurit TPNPB KODAP III Ndugama ke Pos pasukan gabungan Militer dan Polisi Indonesia terjadi di Distrik Yal antara Distrik Nitkuri, pada tanggal 26 Februari  2019 pukul 11:20 malam waktu Ndugama, Papua.

Serangan TPNPB terjadi pada malam hari  dan lokasi kontak senjata antara Pasukan Gabungan Indonesia dan TPNPB terjadi sampai pagi hari tanggal 27 Februari 2019 di Kampung parit Distrik Yal di samping gedung Sekolah Dasar (SD) Kurigi Distrik Nitkuri, wilayah perbatasan dengan Distrik Yal.

Saat Pasukan gabungan Militer dan Polisi Indonesia berada di samping Gedung Sekolah Dasar (SD), serangan tiba-tiba dilakukan oleh prajurit TPNPB yang dipimpin langsung oleh Panglima KODAP III Ndugama, Bridgen Egianus Kogeya dan Pemne Kogeya selaku komandan Operasi KODAP III Ndugama, Papua.

Dalam kontak senjata yang terjadi pada malam 26 Februari 2019, TPNPB belum mengetahui jumlah korban untuk Militer dan Polisi Indonesia.

Laporan langsung dari Panglima KODAP III TPNPB Ndugama Bridgen  Ekianus Kogeya  yang telah di terima oleh Kurir KOMNAS TPNPB bahwa di pihak prajurit TPNPB belum ada korban.

Dia menambhkan lagi bahwa “Kami sudah serang mereka malam, perang sampai pagi. Pihak mereka  atau militer dan Polisi Indonesia ada yang kena tembak dan mengalami korban.

Peringatan oleh Panglima KODAP III TPNPB Ndugama Bridgen Ekianus Kogeya di akhir pesannya, ia kembali memberikan peringatan tegas kepada warga sipil non Papua dan Pos Militer Indonesia di Distrik Mbua.

Peringatnnya sebagai berikut:

“Komandan POS dan  Anggota menurunkan bendera merah putih dalam waktu dekat, dan warga sipil non Papua cepat meninggalkan wilayah Nduga, sebelum kami melakukan”, serangan selanjutnya.

Demikian laporan langsung dari Panglima KODAP III TPNPB Ndugama melalui kurir TPNPB. Dan perlu ketahui bahwa Militer TPNPB tidak akan berhenti Perang Revolusi Tahapan, sampai menuju Revolusi Total guna Pembebasan Nasional Bangsa Papua Barat dan Negeri Paradise.

Diteruskan kepada Semua Journalists dan Pekerja HAM di seluruh Dunia oleh Jubir KOMNAS TPNPB Tuan Sebby Sambom.
Dikeluarkan dari Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB pada Hari Hari Rabu tanggal 27 Februari 2019. Copyright@TPNPBNews.

Edited and Distribution by
Sebby Sambom
Spokesperson of KOMNAS TPNPB
Former West Papuan Political Prisoner

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