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Tuesday 29 October 2019

Warning to Persons Who Want to Form a New Provinces Expansion in the Land of Papua

The photo of West Papua National Liberation Army troops in Ndugama under leadership of Bridgen Egianus Kogeya

By Yanto Tabior Awerikon, Papuan Political Prisoner

To the Leaders of "Customary" Church, Prominent "Leaders, in Biak and Supiori Regencies and Serui and Its Surroundings, or Specifically in the SAIRERI Indigenous territories that:

1. We TPNPB-OPM Already Know Exactly the Persons "Who Want to Form the Province of Central Papua.

2. We, TPNPB-OPM, already know the elements of the "customary family head who wishes to surrender unilateral customary land without the knowledge of the tribes and clans inhabiting the Saireri Indigenous Territory.

Assertiveness needs to be known by the person "Family in the name of the Biak Tribe and Called That:

1. Before the End of December 31th, 2019 Apologizes as soon to All Papuans Who Occupied the Saireri Area before the TPNPB Intelligents Execution.

2. To the Head of Indigenous and Mananwir Region of Saireri Biak, Supiori, Serui, Etc., before 31th December 2019 immediately, revoke the unilateral release letter for to knowledge of Marga "or the family of the land owner.
From Padaido to Numfor From Serui to Rani Island and Its Surroundings it is not an empty lands, it does not belong to 1 clan, but it’s was collectives lands.

By: Yanto Dabior Awerkion
July 6, 1998 - Bloody Biak.

The photo of Yanto Dabior Awerikon a West Papuan Political Prisoner at Timika District Court House (pic supplied)

In Malay Indonesian

Peringatan Kepada Oknum-Oknum Yang Ingin Bentuk Pemekaran Provinsi Baru di Tanah Papua

Oleh Yanto Awerikon, Tahanan Politik Papua

Kepada Pimpinan Tokoh" Gereja,Tokoh" Adat, di Kabupaten Biak dan Supiori serta Serui dan SekitarNya, atau Khusus wilayah Adat SAIRERI Bahwa:

1. Kami TPNPB-OPM Sudah Tahu persis Oknum-Oknum" Yang Ingin Membentuk Provinsi Papua Tengah.

2. Kami TPNPB-OPM Sudah Tahu Oknum-Oknum" Keluarga Kepala adat yang Ingin menyerahkan Tanah adat Sepihak tanpa sepengetahuan Suku dan Marga yang mendiami Wilayah Adat saireri.

Ketegasan perlu diKetahui Oleh Oknum"Keluarga Yang mengatasnamakan Suku Biak dan Serui Bahwa:

1. Sebelum Akhir 31 Desember 2019 Segerah Meminta Maaf kepada Semua Orang Papua yang Mendiami Wilayah Saireri sebelum Intelejen TPNPB Eksekusi.

2. Kepada Kepala Adat dan Mananwir Wilayah Saireri Biak,Supiori,Serui Dll, Sebelum 31 Desember 2019 Segerah Mencabut kembali Surat pelepasan Sepihak Tampa Sepengetahuan Marga" Atau keluarga pemilik Tanah.

Dari Padaido sampai Numfor Dari Serui sampai Pulau Rani dan SekitarNya Bukan Tanah kosong, Bukan milik 1 Marga.


Oleh: Yanto Dabior Awerkion
6 Juli 1998-Biak Berdarah

Copyright@Yanto Dabior Awerikon FB Account

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