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Steven Itlay Court Trial at Indonesia Distric Court of Timika, Papua on Thursday 22th of September 2016 |
Timika-KNPBNEWS: The trial of alleged treason against Steven Itlay today on
September 22th 2016 at Indonesian state
court of Timika, Papua. The
Court held from 09:00am to 14:40pm Papua time and this has been done in closed conditions to the public.
Indonesian security forces (police and military) with a full arsenal oversee the trial and keep the gate of the district court of Timika, Papua.
Indonesian Security forces also restrict visitors, especially Activists of the National Committee of West Papua (KNPB). And the Indonesian Security Forces to allow only 15th investigators who are allowed entry to joined with Steven Itlay on the process of court in the court room of about 3 thousand sympathizers out there.
Indonesian security forces (police and military) with a full arsenal oversee the trial and keep the gate of the district court of Timika, Papua.
Indonesian Security forces also restrict visitors, especially Activists of the National Committee of West Papua (KNPB). And the Indonesian Security Forces to allow only 15th investigators who are allowed entry to joined with Steven Itlay on the process of court in the court room of about 3 thousand sympathizers out there.
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Indonesian Security Forces Strong Intervention on Steven Itlay Court Treal at Timika Distric Court |
when the Timika court office gate entry, Indonesia Security officers also
perform image capture (photo) is hidden.
Intelligence in espionage missions, putting Indonesian's security forces of shooting 15th people were told to go into the court room of the Court; This photo retrieval Indonesian Security forces did in secret.
While in the lobby of the court to the chambers infiltrated offices by a large part of the Indonesian Security Forces. Even outside in the Timikan court yard also in the parking vehicles areas with a variety of cars, and Indonesian Security forces (TNI/police) with a full arsenal so that residents in part afraid to go to the courthouse.
Intelligence in espionage missions, putting Indonesian's security forces of shooting 15th people were told to go into the court room of the Court; This photo retrieval Indonesian Security forces did in secret.
While in the lobby of the court to the chambers infiltrated offices by a large part of the Indonesian Security Forces. Even outside in the Timikan court yard also in the parking vehicles areas with a variety of cars, and Indonesian Security forces (TNI/police) with a full arsenal so that residents in part afraid to go to the courthouse.
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Steven Itlay Court Trial at Indonesia Distric Court of Timika, Papua on Thursday 22th of September 2016 |
this situation, the family is very disappointed because officers guarding the
entrance to Timika district court, also prohibits families or parents of Steven
Itlay to be present in court on the grounds the room is full. Whereas
the presence of parents in such a trial is a right that is given by the Law.
Similarly, churches leaders and pastors as well as several journalists in the no go, so the court looks closed to the public.
Churches leaders has asked to public prosecutors for to be able to talk to the Security Forces in the lobby at the court to let them enter to watch the trial of Steven Itlay, but yet Security officials did not give permission to enter the courtroom in the District Court of Timika, Papua. Finally the head of the Churches disappointed.
In the trial's first session, Parties Prosecutors consists of three people: two men and a woman presenting witnesses from the Indonesian police, who are seen they give false information by accusing Steven Itlay with that statements against the State.
And this is a false accusation. All the witnesses know that Seteven Itlay never issued a statement as to what the police suspect.
Similarly, churches leaders and pastors as well as several journalists in the no go, so the court looks closed to the public.
Churches leaders has asked to public prosecutors for to be able to talk to the Security Forces in the lobby at the court to let them enter to watch the trial of Steven Itlay, but yet Security officials did not give permission to enter the courtroom in the District Court of Timika, Papua. Finally the head of the Churches disappointed.
In the trial's first session, Parties Prosecutors consists of three people: two men and a woman presenting witnesses from the Indonesian police, who are seen they give false information by accusing Steven Itlay with that statements against the State.
And this is a false accusation. All the witnesses know that Seteven Itlay never issued a statement as to what the police suspect.
were Steven Itlay just asked that Papuans people and Leaders of Churches pray for
ULMWP meeting in London on April 6th 2016 and did not say that, Ache
also want Independence, Maluku also want Independence, also Kalimantan and Bali
and Sunda.
Steven Itlay said that We Respect Soekarno and Hatta for Indonesia establish from Sabang to Amboina and Papua not. He should talk about it and this is not a statement against the State according to residents.
Steven Itlay said that We Respect Soekarno and Hatta for Indonesia establish from Sabang to Amboina and Papua not. He should talk about it and this is not a statement against the State according to residents.
Then the second session after lunch, the hearing in open and three judges
conduct an examination of Sem Ukago, Yanto Arwakion, and Yus Wenda as a witness
of Steven Itlay.
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Three Witness of Steven Itlay Sem Ukago, Yanto Arwakion and Nus Wenda on on Steven Itlay Court Treal |
Court treal, the Judge not only to explain the law, but take some Scripture as
a reference to broaden the witness.
the judge also using God's Word in the World, after the water Bah ie
derivatives Noah was Shem, Ham and Japheth.
explanatory statement the judge regarding blacks descended from Ham who is
black, and the judge has said that blacks are cursed offspring. Why? Due
attention "Aurat Noah" Noah drunk when the ship Ark.
to the assessment of residents who attend the court hearings witnessed of Steven
Itlay that this statement is racist statements by Indonesian judges in a trial
over alleged cases of Makar.
judge explaned so as to put the Papuan people who are miserable is the result
of the sin of Ham as the World on water covered, Bah. Even
pure putting the witness statement and the Papuan people as a nation cursed.
Papuans who were present witnessed this
on Steven Itlay court treal hearings
disappointed with the example explanation of human differences, which have been
submitted by the judges of this a Ambon man. Reports thus KNBP-PRD Timika,
Translated, Edited, and Republishing by
Sebby Sambom
West Papuan Human Rights Defender
(Former West Papuan Political
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Steven Itlay Court Trial at Indonesia Distric Court of Timika, Papua on Thursday 22th of September 2016 |
Steven Itlay Disidangkan di Pengadilan Negeri Timika Papua:
Intervensi Pasukan Keamanan Indonesia di Pengadilan Timika District
Timika-KNPBNEWS: Sidang dugaan makar terhadap Steven Itlay di
langsungkan hari ini tanggal 22 September 2016 di pengadilan negeri Timika,
Papua. Sidang yang berlangsung dari pukul 09:00 sampai 14:40 waktu Papua ini telah
dilakukan dalam kondisi terttutup untuk publik.
Aparat Keamanan Indonesia (Polisi dan TNI) dengan persenjataan
lengkap mengawal sidang ini dan menjaga pintu gerbang pengadilan negeri Timika.
Aparat Kemanan Indonesia juga membatasi pengunjung, terutama
activis KNPB. Dan Aparat Keamanan Indonesia mengijinkan hanya 15 orang
simpatisan Steven yang di perbolehkan masuk ikut proses dalam ruangan sidang
dari sekitar 3 ribu simpatisan.
Kemudian saat masuk gerbang kantor pengadilan Timika, Aparat
Keamanan Indonesia juga melakukan pengambilan gambar (photo) secara tersembunyi.
Dalam misi spionase intelegen, menempatkan Aparat Keamanan Indonesia untuk
memotret 15 orang yang di suruh masuk ke ruang sidang Pengadilan; Pengambilan
photo ini Aparat Kemanan Indonesia lakukan secara sembunyi.
Sedangkan di dalam lobi pengadilan negeri hingga ruangan-ruangan
kantor dinyusupi oleh sebagaian besar Aparat Keamanan Indonesia. Bahkan diluar di halaman pengadilan negeri
Timika juga di parkiran kendaran dengan berbagai mobil, Aparat Kemanan
Indonesia ( TNI/POLRI) dengan persenjataan lengkap sehingga sebagaian warga
takut masuk ke kantor pengadilan.
Melihat siatuasi ini, pihak keluarga sangat kecewa karena aparat
yang menjaga pintu masuk pengadilan negeri Timika ini juga melarang keluarga
atau orang tua dari Steven Itlay untuk hadir dalam persidangan dengan alasan
ruangan penuh. Padahal kehadiran orang tua dalam sidang demikian adalah hak yang
di berikan oleh Hukum.
Demikian juga pimpinan gereja dan para pendeta serta beberapa
wartawan di larang masuk, sehingga pengadilan ini terlihat tertutup untuk
Pimpinan Gereja memintah Jaksa agar bisa bicara dengan pihak Aparat
Keamanan di dalam ruang lobi pengadilan agar mengijinkan mereka masuk untuk menyaksikan
sidang Steven Itlay, namun namun Aparat Kemanan tidak memberi ijin untuk masuk
ke ruangan sidang di Pengadilan Negeri Timika, Papua. Akhirnya Pimpinan Gereja
Dalam persidangan sesi pertama, Pihak Jaksa Penuntut Umum yang
terdiri dari 3 orang yaitu dua pria dan seorang wanita menghadirkan saksi dari
pihak kepolisian Indonesia, yang yang terlihat mereka memberikan keterangan
palsu dengan menuduh Steven dengan bahwa pernyataan melawan Negara.
Dan ini adalah tuduhan palsu. Semua orang saksi mengetahui bahwa
Seteven Itlay tidak pernah mengeluarkan pernyataan seperti apa yang polisi
Dimana Steven hanya memitah warga Papua dan Pimpinan Gereja-Gereja
mendoakan pertemuan ULMWP di London tanggal 6 April 2016 dan tidak mengatakan
bahwa, Ache juga mau Merdeka, Maluku Juga mau Merdeka, Kalimantan juga dan Bali
serta Sunda.
Steven katakana Kita Menghormati Soekarno dan Hatta karena
mendirikan Indonesia dari sabang hingga Amboina dan untuk Papua harus di
bicarakan lagi dan pernyataan ini bukan melawan Negara menurut warga.
Kemudian sesi kedua setelah makan siang, sidang di buka dan tiga
hakim melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap Sem Ukago,Yanto Arwakion, dan Yus Wenda
sebagai saksi.
Dalam ruangan siding Pengadilan, Hakim bukan hanya memberi
penjelasan hokum, namun mengambil beberapa ayat Firman Tuhan sebagai referensi
untuk membuka wawasan saksi.
Dan Hakim juga menggunakan Firman Tuhan tentang Dunia, setelah
air Bah yaitu turunan Nuh yang adalah Sem Ham dan Yafet.
Pernyataan penjelasan hakim mengenai orang kulit hitam berasal
dari keturunan Ham yang berkulit hitam, dan hakim telah mengatakan bahwa orang
kulit hitam adalah keturunan terkutuk. Menapa? Karena memperhatikan “Aurat Nuh”
saat Nuh mabuk dalam kapal Bahtera.
Menurut penilaian warga yang hadir menyaksikan siding Pengadilan
Steven Itlay bahwa penyataan ini adalah pernyataan rasis oleh hakim Indonesia dalam
sebuah sidang pengadilan atas dugaan kasus Makar.
Sehingga penjelsan Hakim ini seakan menempatkan orang Papua yang
sengsara adalah akibat Dosa dari Ham saat Dunia di liputi air Bah. Bahkan
pernyatan murni menempatkan saksi dan orang Papua sebagai bangsa terkutuk.
15 orang Papua yang hadir menyaksikan siding Pengadilan Steven
Itlay ini kecewa dengan contoh penjelasan mengenai perbedaan manusia, yang telah disampaikan oleh hakim yang orang
ambon ini. Demikian Laporan KNBP-PRD TIMIKA,
Translated, Edited, and Republishing by
Sebby Sambom
West Papuan Human Rights Defender
(Former West Papuan Political
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