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Armed Forces of the National Liberation Army of West Papuain the National Command 2012 (Army Members of Gen Goliath
Establishment History of TPNPB-OPM
National Command of the National Liberation Army of West Papua of Free Papua Organization Headquarters inform the public about the history of the TPN and later in commemoration of the anniversary of the National Liberation Army of West Papua to 43th (March 26rd 1973 March to 26rd 2016).
The first, the Basic Law of Establishment of the National Liberation Army of West Papua of the Free Papua Organization in the NATIONAL COMMAND 2012
Based on the Constitution or the Interim Constitution of the Republic of West Papua on July 1rd, 1971, consisting of VIII Chapters and 129 Articles, then in Chapter V On Defense and Security, and in Article 105, Paragraph 1, which states that the Establishment of Armed Forces West Papua will consist of voluntary military service and the military shall be established by Law, and in Section 2, which states that it is a Forces of the Republic of West Papua is the army, Navy and Air Forces.
Under Article 105, on the date March 26rd, 1973 have formed the National Liberation Army abbreviated TPN, which consists of the High Commander, Commander of Regional and staff as well as soldiers who still survive to this day in the headquarters of their respective areas.
Based on Chapter VIII On Rules, Transition, Amendment, Supplement and Cover, then on Article 121, which states, "As a result of the proclamation of July 1rd, 1971, the Government of the preceding legislation referred to in article 106 immediately formed an army for the liberation of the country with the President's decision ".
Based on Chapter VIII of Article 123 On Amended, then on Article 123 Paragraph 1, which states that "In order to change this Constitution should be clearly pointed letter, paragraph, article, paragraph or section which was about to be changed or added as well as informing the reasons for change in writing, and in Section 2, which states that "Amended draft Constitution submitted to senaat ever necessary senaat 2/3 the number of members present.
Based on Article 129 Paragraph 1, which states that "This Constitution shall come into force on" Independence Day "on July 1, 1971", and in Section 2, which states that "if and to the extent prior to the time referred to in paragraph (1) has been carried out action to establish a tool Republic of West Papua-tool equipment, the provisions apply retroactively to the day of the relevant actions performed.
From the above explanation it is evident that although the Agency Organization (Military Wing) West Papua National Liberation Army was formed, on March 26rd, 1973, but the reality of the military command of TPN West Papua throughout Papua is vastly different.
The difference is meant here is that too many people who claim themselves as the High Commander and leader of the military command of the local area, the lack of similarity hierarchy between the military command of TPN West Papua in all regions of Papua, there are many names regional commander as the commander and the commander in chief, lack equality rank, position area commanders there are generals, lieutenant generals, major generals and brigadier general, there is no similarity in the format of administrative paperwork military organization of TPN West Papua, and the absence of similarities in the numbering system registration number of both leaders and members of the TPN west Papua in all regions of Papua.
Because of these differences into consideration for young people of Papua to how to organize the military who have a unity of command hierarchy and management both military procedural organizational work in order to gain international recognition.
Thus, it should form an integral part of the National Command of the National Liberation Army of West Papua as an act of self-defense to resolve all military issues of TPN West Papua, as well as the creation of a military organization reform of TPN West Papua have one unified national command.
The Second, the implementation of the Basic Law on TPN-OPM summit 2012
National Command of the National Liberation Army of West Papua of Free Papua Organization Headquarters inform the public about the history of the TPN and later in commemoration of the anniversary of the National Liberation Army of West Papua to 43th (March 26rd 1973 March to 26rd 2016).
The first, the Basic Law of Establishment of the National Liberation Army of West Papua of the Free Papua Organization in the NATIONAL COMMAND 2012
Based on the Constitution or the Interim Constitution of the Republic of West Papua on July 1rd, 1971, consisting of VIII Chapters and 129 Articles, then in Chapter V On Defense and Security, and in Article 105, Paragraph 1, which states that the Establishment of Armed Forces West Papua will consist of voluntary military service and the military shall be established by Law, and in Section 2, which states that it is a Forces of the Republic of West Papua is the army, Navy and Air Forces.
Under Article 105, on the date March 26rd, 1973 have formed the National Liberation Army abbreviated TPN, which consists of the High Commander, Commander of Regional and staff as well as soldiers who still survive to this day in the headquarters of their respective areas.
Based on Chapter VIII On Rules, Transition, Amendment, Supplement and Cover, then on Article 121, which states, "As a result of the proclamation of July 1rd, 1971, the Government of the preceding legislation referred to in article 106 immediately formed an army for the liberation of the country with the President's decision ".
Based on Chapter VIII of Article 123 On Amended, then on Article 123 Paragraph 1, which states that "In order to change this Constitution should be clearly pointed letter, paragraph, article, paragraph or section which was about to be changed or added as well as informing the reasons for change in writing, and in Section 2, which states that "Amended draft Constitution submitted to senaat ever necessary senaat 2/3 the number of members present.
Based on Article 129 Paragraph 1, which states that "This Constitution shall come into force on" Independence Day "on July 1, 1971", and in Section 2, which states that "if and to the extent prior to the time referred to in paragraph (1) has been carried out action to establish a tool Republic of West Papua-tool equipment, the provisions apply retroactively to the day of the relevant actions performed.
From the above explanation it is evident that although the Agency Organization (Military Wing) West Papua National Liberation Army was formed, on March 26rd, 1973, but the reality of the military command of TPN West Papua throughout Papua is vastly different.
The difference is meant here is that too many people who claim themselves as the High Commander and leader of the military command of the local area, the lack of similarity hierarchy between the military command of TPN West Papua in all regions of Papua, there are many names regional commander as the commander and the commander in chief, lack equality rank, position area commanders there are generals, lieutenant generals, major generals and brigadier general, there is no similarity in the format of administrative paperwork military organization of TPN West Papua, and the absence of similarities in the numbering system registration number of both leaders and members of the TPN west Papua in all regions of Papua.
Because of these differences into consideration for young people of Papua to how to organize the military who have a unity of command hierarchy and management both military procedural organizational work in order to gain international recognition.
Thus, it should form an integral part of the National Command of the National Liberation Army of West Papua as an act of self-defense to resolve all military issues of TPN West Papua, as well as the creation of a military organization reform of TPN West Papua have one unified national command.
The Second, the implementation of the Basic Law on TPN-OPM summit 2012
The implementation of the Basic Law Summit of West Papua National Liberation Army in 2012 by:
1. Resolution Results of First Congress of the National Committee of West Papua (KNPB);
2. Recommendations that have been received KNPB Consolidation Working Group of the whole by Region Command of TPNPB from all over West Papua;
3. Recommendations that have been received Work Team by Regional Command Defense of TPN West Papua from all over West Papua;
4. Results of Pre-Summit of TPN-OPM in Maribu on February 15rd, 2012;
5. The First Congress of West Papua National Committee gave birth to five Resolutions, and the point 3rd urgent military defence to immediately unite and to make improvements in order to drive the agenda towards the referendum.
The following results of the Congress resolution I of West Papua National Committee:
First Congress
Numbay resolution, 22 November 2010
Program is the main of KNPB is status of West Papua
through political and legal process. To
encourage the settlement process legally and politically, nationally lowering on KNPB political program and organization.
KNPB Politics Program is the achievement of the ideals of the people of West
Papua, the Free Politics through the most democratic and dignified
through referendum.
the program is the KNPB as a media organization encourage the
formation of the West Papua National Council as a representative body, as well
as a symbol of unity in the struggle to drive the formation of interim
government after the referendum.
and deepen the overall discussion in the congress, which was held on 19rd to 22rd November 2010 at the Kampung Harapan, Jayapura,
Papua, congressional forum I of West Papua National Committee [KNPB]
produce resolutions which is the unity of attitude and determination of the
entire delegation of Papuans the
committee's regions and representative organizations of struggle, namely:
Immediately resolve the political status of West Papua through the referendum
as the solution of the most democratic and dignified;
Immediately do internal strengthening of the struggle of people of West Papua
through the union and improvements in military defense, civil and International
diplomat in the political program and organizationof KNPB;
Referring to point 2, we urge the military defense to immediately unite and to
make improvements in order to drive the agenda towards the referendum;
Referring to point 2, all elements of the struggle immediately to encourage the
formation of the National Council as a symbol of national unity towards a
solution referendum in West Papua problem solving;
Referring to point 2, immediately stop the debate and mutual enmity among
foreign diplomats and immediately united in campaign work and diplomacy in
order to encourage the process of settlement through legal and political
this resolution was issued in an attempt to organize an internal struggle for
the ideals of the people of West Papua independence of West Papua.
SET: PORT Numbay
DATE: NOVEMBER 22rd 2010
MEMBERS: Damaris
KNPB has successfully mediating the West Papua
National Liberation Army, of the Free Papua Movement to do
Reorganization of the Military Wing of Papua via TPNPB Conference in Biak 2012.
are people media organization, and haved been successful
mediation the National Liberation
Army (TPNPB-OPM) united in one command. Therefore,
Indonesia should not be allergic to KNPB struggle.
can also be mediationbetween
the Indonesian Government and the TPNPB-OPM, in order to the negotiating
table for the sake of the completion of the political status of West Papua
issue is resolved.
Papua National Liberation Army has
been to united, and are now
all in one Command under Chief Gen. Goliath Tabuni.
ready always to protect people and Estate Papua native in the land of Paradise,
in whatever condition TPNPB-OPM ready.
Papuans who fought under the umbrella of "the West Papua National
Liberation Army" is "Splitters of ” West Papuan Human Rights Defenders". Wants
.... do not want .... like it or not .... Indonesia should acknowledge this.
a brief history of the founding of the West Papua National Liberation Army. Hopefully
this brief history can be beneficial to all parties. Thank you for the good cooperation in terms of splitting the Political
Rights of West Papuans. God
bless us all. Free West Papua. Amen.
Wraited and Translated by,
Sebby Sambom
An Independence
Activist of West Papua
West Papuan Political Prisoner
(Spokesman of TPNPB-OPM)
Sejarah Berdirinya TPNPB-OPM
Komando Nasional-Tentara Pembebasan Nasional
Papua Barat-Organisasi Papua Merdeka dari Markas memberitahukan kepada publik
tentang sejarah berdirinya TPN dan kemudian dalam rangka memperingati hari
jadinya Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat yang ke 43 (26 Maret 1973-26
Maret 2016).
Pertaman, Dasar Hukum Berdirinya Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat-Organisasi Papua Merdeka KOMANDO NASIONAL 2012
Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Dasar atau
Konstitusi Sementara Negara Republik Papua Barat pada tanggal 1 Juli 1971, yang
terdiri dari VIII Bab dan 129 Pasal, maka pada Bab V Tentang Pertahanan dan
Keamanan, dan pada Pasal 105, Ayat 1 yang menyatakan bahwa Pembentukan Angkatan
Perang Republik West Papua akan terdiri dari militer sukarela dan militer wajib
ditetapkan dengan Undang-Undang, dan pada Ayat 2 yang menyatakan bahwa yang dimaksud dengan Angkatan Republik
West Papua adalah Army, Navy dan Air Force.
Berdasarkan Pasal 105 maka pada tanggal
26 Maret 1973 telah dibentuk Tentara Pembebasan Nasional yang disingkat TPN,
yang terdiri dari Panglima Tinggi, Panglima Daerah dan Staf serta prajurit yang
sampai hari ini masih bertahan di markas daerah masing-masing.
Berdasarkan Bab VIII Tentang Peraturan,
Peralihan, Perobahan, Tambahan dan Penutup, maka pada Pasal 121 yang
menyatakan, “Sebagai akibat dari pada Proklamasi 1 Juli 1971, maka Pemerintah
dengan mendahului Undang-undang yang dimaksud dalam artikel 106 segera
membentuk satu tentara untuk pembebasan negara
dengan keputusan President”.
Berdasarkan Bab VIII Pasal 123 Tentang
Perobahan, maka pada Pasal 123 Ayat 1 yang menyatakan bahwa “Untuk perobahan
Konstitusi ini harus dengan jelas, menunjuk huruf, ajat, artikel, paragraph
atau bagian jang hendak dirobah atau ditambah serta memberitahukan
alasan-alasan perobahan secara tertulis, dan pada Ayat 2 yang menyatakan bahwa
“Perobahan rancangan
Perobahan Konstitusi yang diajukan kepada senaat senantiasa diperlukan 2/3 jumlah
anggota senaat yang hadir.
Berdasarkan Pasal 129 Ayat 1 yang
menyatakan bahwa “Konstitusi ini mulai berlaku pada “Hari Proklamasi” tanggal 1
Juli 1971”, dan pada Ayat 2 yang menyatakan bahwa “jika dan sejauh sebelum saat yang tersebut dalam ajat (1) sudah
dilakukan tindakan untuk membentuk alat-alat perlengkapan Republik West Papua
maka ketentuan-ketentuan ini berlaku surut sampai pada hari tindakan-tindakan
bersangkutan dilakukan.
Dari penjelasan diatas terbukti bahwa
meskipun Badan Organisasi (Sayap Militer) Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua
Barat telah dibentuk, pada tanggal 26 Maret 1973, namun realita komando militer
TPN Papua Barat di seluruh Tanah Papua sangat berbeda jauh.
Perbedaan yang dimaksudkan disini
adalah terlalu banyak orang yang mengaku diri sebagai Panglima Tinggi dan
pemimpin komando militer daerah setempat, tidak adanya kesamaan hirarki antara
komando militer TPN Papua Barat di seluruh wilayah Tanah Papua, ada banyak
sebutan panglima daerah sebagai panglima tinggi dan panglima tertinggi, ketidak
samaan pangkat,
jabatan panglima daerah ada yang
jenderal, letnan jenderal, mayor jenderal, dan brigadir jenderal, tidak ada kesamaan dalam format administrasi
surat-surat organisasi militer TPN Papua Barat, dan tidak adanya kesamaan dalam
system penomoran nomor registrasi baik pemimpin maupun anggota TPN Papua Barat
di seluruh wilayah Tanah Papua.
Perbedaan-perbedaan inilah yang menjadi
pertimbangan bagi kaum muda Papua untuk bagaimana mengatur militer yang
memiliki satu kesatuan komando baik hirarki maupun manajemen kerja organisasi
militer yang prosedural guna mendapat pengakuan internasional.
Dengan demikian, maka harus membentuk
satu kesatuan Komando Nasional Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat sebagai
tindakan pembelaan diri untuk menyelesaikan semua persoalan militer TPN Papua
Barat, serta terciptanya reformasi organisasi militer TPN Papua Barat yang
memiliki satu kesatuan komando nasional.
Kedua, Dasar Hukum Pelaksanaan TTT
TPN OPM 2012
Dasar Hukum Pelaksanaan KTT Tentara
Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat 2012 berdasarkan:
Hasil Resolusi Kongres I Komite Nasional Papua Barat;
Rekomendasi yang telah diterima Tim Kerja Konsolidasi KNPB
dari seluruh Kodap TPNPB se-tanah Papua;
Rekomendasi yang telah diterima Tim Kerja dari Komando
Daerah Pertahanan TPN Papua Barat se-tanah Papua;
Hasil Pra-KTT TPN-OPM di Maribu 15 Februari 2015;
Kongres I Komite Nasional Papua Barat melahirkan 5 Resolusi,
dan pada point ke-3 mendesak pertahanan militer untuk segera bersatu dan
melakukan pembenahan guna mendorong agenda menuju referendum.
Berikut Hasil Resolusi Kongres I Komite Nasional Papua Barat :
Kongres I KOMITE
Port Numbay, 22 November 2010
Program KNPB yang utama adalah menyelesaian status Papua Barat melalui proses
politik dan hukum. Untuk mendorong
proses penyelesaian secara hukum dan politik, KNPB secara nasional menurunkan
program politik dan organisasi.
Pertama, Program Politik KNPB adalah
tercapainya cita-cita bangsa Papua Barat, yaitu Merdeka secara Politik melalui
jalur yang paling demokratis dan bermartabat melalui Referendum.
program Organisasi yaitu KNPB sebagai media mendorong terbentuknya Dewan
Nasional Papua Barat sebagai badan representative, sekaligus sebagai simbol
persatuan dalam mengendarai perjuangan hingga terbentuknya Pemerintahan
sementara pasca referendum.
dan mendalami keseluruhan pembahasan dalam kongres yang diadakan pada tanggal
19-22 November 2010 di Kampung Harapan, Jayapura-Papua, forum kongres I Komite
Nasional Papua Barat [KNPB] menghasilkan resolusi-resolusi yang merupakan
kesatuan sikap dan kebulatan tekad dari seluruh delegasi rakyat Papua dari
komite wilayah-wilayah maupun perwakilan-perwakilan organisasi perjuangan,
selesaikan status politik Papua Barat melalui jalur referendum sebagai solusi
yang paling demokratis dan bermartabat;
lakukan penguatan internal perjuangan bangsa Papua Barat melalui persatuan dan
pembenahan di pertahanan militer, sipil dan diplomat Internasional dalam
program politik dan organisasi KNPB;
poin 2, kami mendesak pertahanan militer untuk segera bersatu dan melakukan
pembenahan guna mendorong agenda menuju referendum;
poin 2, seluruh elemen perjuangan segera mendorong terbentuknya Dewan Nasional
sebagai simbol persatuan nasional menuju solusi referendum dalam penyelesaian
masalah Papua Barat;
poin 2, segera hentikan perdebatan dan saling pertentangan antar diplomat luar
negeri dan segera bersatu dalam kerja-kerja kampanye dan diplomasi guna
mendorong proses penyelesaian melalui jalur hukum dan politik.
Demikian resolusi ini dikeluarkan dalam upaya menata
internal perjuangan menuju cita-cita bangsa Papua Barat yakni kemerdekaan
bangsa Papua Barat.
22 NOVEMBER 2010
KNPB telah berhasil mediasi Tentara Pembebasan Nasional
Papua Barat, Organisasi Papua Merdeka untuk melakukan Reorganisasi Sayap
Militer Papua melalui Konferensi TPNPB di Biak pada 2012.
KNPB adalah media rakyat, dan telah berhasil mediasi
TPNPB-OPM bersatu dalam satu Komando. Oleh karena itu, Indonesia jangan alergi dengan
perjuangan KNPB.
KNPB juga bisa dapat mediasi Indonesia dan TPNPB-OPM,
guna ke meja perundingan demi menjelesaikan masalah status Politik Papua Barat
yang tuntas.
Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat telag bersatu,
dan kini semua dalam satu Komando dibawah Pimpinana Gen. Goliath Tabuni.
TPNPB-OPM siap selalu untuk melindungi Rakyat dan Tanah
Milik Orang Asli Papua di Negeri Paradise, dalam kondisi apa pun TPNPB-OPM
Semua orang Papua yang berjuang dibawah payung “Tentara
Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat” adalah “Pembelah HAM PAPUA (West Papuan Human
Rights Defenders)”. Mau....tidak mau....suka atau tidak suka....Indonesia harus
mengakui hal ini.
Demikian, sejarah singkat tentang berdirinya Tentara
Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat. Semoga sejarah singkat ini dapat bermanfaat
bagi semua pihak.
Terima kasih atas kerja sama yang baik dalam hal membelah
Hak Politik Bangsa Papua Barat. Tuhan memberkati kita semua. Papua Merdeka. Amen.
Wraited and Translated by,
Sebby Sambom
An Independence
Activist of West Papua
West Papuan Political Prisoner
(Spokesman of TPNPB-OPM)
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