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Photo of Indonesian Military Operation in Ndugama, Papua 4 December 2018 to March 2019 |
This was reported directly by the TPNPB Kodap III Commander Bridgen Ekianus
Kogeya through the Operation Commander PEMNE KOGEYA to the TPNPBNEWS Media Crew
from Ndugama that today is March 5th, 2019.
In his report, the community in 4 districts was difficult to control because of the trauma of the 1996 DOM or Absorption of Military Operation Areas by Indonesian case in Mapnduma, where Kopasus (Indonesian Special Forces Command) was under the command of Prabowo Supianto, and Bombed in Mapenduma in 1996 after the hostage by TPNPB-OPM at that time.
Therefore, seeing the Indonesian Military and Police Military Operations in Ndugama Region was started from December 4th, 2019 to March 2019, the people have fled to the Forest.
With this code Bridgen EKIANUS KOGEYA AND PEMNE THE KOGEYA Together with
Members of the TPNPB Forces warned the Indonesian Military and Police that they should
not sit in the place of the Community's praise.
Why? Because this will have a negative impact on my community, said the PEMNE KOGEYA and remember that we are fighting with the Lord demanding the right of independence for the Papuan people.
Therefore, the Indonesian Military and Police if they want war must be clear on the target to where TPNPB is, do not pursue our helpless Society. Because we TPNPB-OPM are always ready for Indonesian Military and Police opponents.
The latest report on March 6th 2019, which was reported by the KOGEYA PEMNE an Operations
commander of TPNPB in Dugama Region that the Society is not
Therefore the International Humanitarian Evacuation Team must enter
Ndugama immediately. This was reported directly by the PEMNE KOGEYA from
Derakma District, Ndugama Papua.
Nduga Report Situation Today on Wednesday March 6th 2019 that some time ago counted since March 2th, 2019 to March 6th 2019 the war continued and casualties fell.
Furthermore, it was reported that the death toll from the Indonesian Military and Police 6 people in Mugi District and 1 person were swept away in the river between Jigi and Mugi Districts. Become a total of 7 Indonesian Military and Poliai Members was shoted by West Papua National Liberation Army.
The bodies of the military or Indonesian police cannot be taken because they are kept strict by TPNPB. Therefore, For Today's Information According To The Report Of The Capital Of The District Of Nduga.
That The Indonesian Military Commander Is To
The Capital District Of Nduga To Discuss With The Regional Government To Take
Steps In The Process Of Evacuating The Bodies Of Victims Being Guarded By TPNPB
in Nduga, Papua.
Such is the direct report from Derakma Ndugama Papua region which has been reported to the National Headquarters of KOMNAS TPNPB. And KOMNAS TPNPB Headquarters is responsible for this report.
Issued from KOMNAS TPNPB Headquarters and continued to distribution by TPNPB spokesman to all journalists and human rights workers around the world.
Edite and distribution by,
Sebby Sambom
Spokesman of TPNPB
Former West Papuan Political Prisoner
Spokesman of TPNPB
Former West Papuan Political Prisoner
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Photo of Nduga Civilians Community Fled in the Jungle because Brutaly Military Operation by Indonesian Security Forces |
Akibat Operasi Militer Indonesia Di Ndugama
Papua Masyarakat Lokal Ketakutan Dan Mengungsi Ke Hutan Karena Trauma Akut
ini dilaporkan langsung Oleh Panglima Kodap III TPNPB Bridgen Ekianus Kogeya melalui
Komadan Operasi PEMNE KOGEYA
Kepada Awak Media TPNPBNEWS dari Ndugama bahwa pada hari ini tanggal 5 Maret 2019.
laporannya menyebutkan bahwa Masyarakat di 4 Distrik sulit di kendalikan karena trauma dengan Kasus DOM tahun 1996 di Mapnduma, dimana
Kopasus dibawah Komando Prabowo Supianto Pernah Bombartir di Mapenduma tahun
1996 paska Penyanderaan ketika itu.
karena itu, begitu melihat Operasi Militer oleh Militer dan Polisi Indonesia di
Wilayah Ndugama dari sejak 4 Desember 2019 hingga Maret 2019, maka
masyakat sudah melarikan diri ke Hutan.
Dengan kodisi itu Bridgen EKIANUS KOGEYA
KOGEYA Bersama Anggota
Pasukan TPNPB memperingatkan kepada Militer
dan Polisi Indonesia bahwa jangan berlidung di tempat
persembujian Masyarakat.
Karena hal ini akan berdampak buruk pada Masyarakat Saya kata PEMNE KOGEYA, dan ingat bahwa kami perang dengan tuhuan menuntut Hak kemerdekaan bagi Bangsa Papua.
karena itu, Militer dan Polisi Indonesia kalau mau perang harus
jelas pada sasaran ke tempatnya TPNPB, Jangan kejar Masyarakat kami yang tidak berdaya. Sebab kami
TPNPB-OPM selalu siap untuk lawan Militer
dan Polisi Indonesia.
terbaru pada tanggal 6 Maret 2019, yang telah dilaporkan oleh Komandan operasi
PEMNE KOGEYA bahwa Masyarakat tidak aman. Oleh karena itu Tim Evakuasi
Kemanusiaan dari Pihak Internasional harus segera masuk di Ndugama. Hal ini
dilaporkan langsung oleh PEMNE KOGEYA dari Distrik Derakma, Ndugama Papua.
Laporan Situasi Nduga Hari
Ini Rabu 6 Maret 2019 bahwa beberapa waktu lalu terhitung dari sejak
2 Maret 2019-06 Maret 2019 Perang Berlanjut dan korban berjatuhan.
dilaporkan bahwa Korban tewas dari Pihak
Militer dan Polisi Indonesia 6 Orang di Distrik Mugi dan 1 orang
hanyut di Kali
Antara Distrik Jigi dan Mugi. Jadi Total 7 Anggota Militer dan Poliai Indonesia.
Pada Saat Peristiwa Awal
Kata Kapolda Papua Seorang Anggota Brimob Polda Papua Hanyut Di Kali, Ternyata Itu Bukan Hanyut Tetapi Di
Tembak Bersamaan Dengan Beberapa Rekan Anggota yang Melakukan Pengejaran
Terhadap Pimpinan TPNPB Atas Nama Bridgen
Ekinus Kogeya.
Jenazah Dari Pihak Militer ataupun
Polisi Indonesia Tidak Bisa Di Ambil Karena Dijaga
Ketat Oleh TPNPB. Oleh karena Itu, Untuk Informasi Hari Ini Menurut Laporan
Dari Kenyam Ibu Kota Kabupaten Nduga Bahwa Pangdam Papua Turun Ke Kenyam Ibu
Kota Kabupaten Nduga Untuk Membahas Bersama Pemerintah Daerah guna Mengambil Langkah Dalam Proses
Mengevakuasi Jenazah Korban Yang Sedang Dijaga Oleh Pihak TPNPB Di Nduga, Papua.
laporan langsung dari Derakma wilayah Ndugama Papua yang telah dilaporkan ke
Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB. Dan Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB bertanggungjawab atas
laporan ini.
dari Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB dan teruskan
Oleh Jubir TPNPB kepada Semua Journalist dan Pekerja HAM di Seluruh Dunia.
and distribution by,
Sebby Sambom
Spokesman of TPNPB
West Papuan Political Prisoner
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