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The photo of Young West Papua National Liberation Army of OPM Personnel in Ndugama, Papua (pic doc TPNPB) |
Hi Sebby, How are you? I wanted to
ask you some questions about the TPNPB fighters in Nduga.
I have heard that many of them are
teenagers, aged 15-16 or younger.
What is your understanding of that situation and what is the
background to males of that age joining TPNPB and fighting?
2. Do they have parents or
other relatives who were involved in the conflict in the past?
For example.
3. Is there a history of
young males being involved in armed conflict against Indonesia in other parts
of West Papua?
Kind regards, SW
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The photo of West Papua national Liberation Army Personnel of OPM in Ndugama, West Papua led by Bridgen E. Kogeya |
In Indonesian Malay as
Hai Sebby apa
khabar? Saya hendak bertanya kepada anda beberapa pertanyaan tentang Pejuang
TPNPB di Nduga.
Saya telah mendengar bahwa banyak
pejuang dari mereka (TPNPB) adalah tergolong anak-anak muda, yang berumur
rata-rata 15 sempai 16 tahun atau tergolong usia muda?
Apa pemahaman anda dengan situasi itu
dan apa latar belakang dari pada pria-pria yang berumur muda itu bergabung
Dengan TPNPB dan berjuang?
3. Apakah
mereka memiliki orang tua atau saudara lain yang terlibat dalam konflik di masa
lalu? Sebagai contoh.
Apakah ada sejarah laki-laki
muda yang terlibat dalam konflik bersenjata melawan Indonesia di bagian lain
Papua Barat?
Hormat Saya,
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The photo of West Papua National liberation Army of OPM in Ndugama Papua, Led by Bridgen Ekianus Kogeya |
Sambom Answers on Associate Press Journalist Questions
Hi S, we are
fine. And these is an interesting Questions but hard to explain on the
situation. Anyways, I will trying to
answers with the my knowledge and experience that has been and is being faced
by Papuan people who struggle under the umbrella of OPM and TPNPB for over more
than fifty years.
TPNPB-OPM fighters are mostly young mans, and that is true. And this situation
applies in all of the Central Highlands of Papua, which are areas of war
conflict between the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNB-OPM) and the
Indonesian Security Forces, namely military and Indonesian Colonial Police;
2. My knowledge and experience is that more specifically we
in the war conflict area, in the highlands of West Papua, have bitter
experiences due to brutal military operations, which have been and are being
carried out by the Indonesian military and polices.
In this
case, we need to convey to the international community that areas of war
conflict such as Ndugama territory, Puncak Jaya, Puncak Papua, Intan Jaya,
Tembagapura, Lani Jaya, almost all childrens are not entitled to education. And
these young people are a family of members of the TPNPB-OPM. Therefore, if they
attend to education in Indonesian public schools, then Indonesian intelligence
will kidnap them and even if they can finally be arrested and even killed.
With this
experience so that all the childrens who are TPNPB-OPM families always live in
the forest with their families, and then they grow up and become an Papuan
freedom fighters, namely continuing the struggle of their parents.
So if you
hear the news about young West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) fighters
because of the situation, and also it has been and is being noted in the
history of our struggle.
Yes, these
young fighters have parents and relatives. Their parents are fighters for
Papuan independence and they are part of this struggle. So that these childrens
automatically become fighters and opponents of the Colonial Military of
For example, TPNPB Commander of Ndugama defense region Command Bridgen Ekianus
Kogeya. Ekianus Kogeya is the son of the TPNPB-OPM Commander in Ndugama region,
Highlands of West Papua, namely late General Silas Elmin Kogeya. And his son took over the commandos to continue the
struggle of the Papuan people to gain independence from the hands of colonial government
of Indonesia.
Yes, we have the same
experience throughout the territory of Papua, which is from Sorong to Merauke,
even in PNG in refugee camps. All children whose parents are Papuan independent
fighters, their children automatically become fighters and continue the struggle
for free Papua. And we have experienced this started since Indonesia entered in
Papua from May 1th, 1963 until now.
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The photo of West Papua National Liberation Army of OPM in Ndugama Papua led by Bridgen Ekianus Kogeya |
Note By Sebby Sambom You Can Follow the Below:
After receiving the questions of International journalists from the Media Associate Press (AP) dated June 12th, 2019, we need to convey to the public globally that West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM) fighters are people who do not recognize the illegal occupation of Indonesia in the lands of Papuans, and we are not Indonesian citizens .
In this case, we have never admitted to being Indonesian citizens, because the struggle of the OPM and TPNPB has started from the 1960s. And we are a group that does not want thieves to come to our ancestral lands, to rob and steal natural resources on our lands.
On the basis of our plausible argument, we also underline that all West Papua National Liberation (TPNPB-OPM) childrens who was born on their battlefields have no chance to participate in the development program activities that have been and are being carried out by the colonial government of the Republic of Indonesia in Papua.
And in the war against the Indonesian Colonial Combatants, if the public knows that there are TPNPB-OPM fighters belonging to young children, that is because of the political situation due to Indonesia's illegal occupation of the Papuan ancestral lands.
This means that TPNPB-OPM is not like a Terrorist organization that can have to recruit childrens to be used as dameng, but all TPNPB-OPM fighters are was born naturally according to the situation and also according to the background of the life of TPNPB-OPM who are always fighting in West Papua Forests.
Therefore, we have answered the questions of the International Journalists from the AP media in accordance with the facts and experience of Our Papuan Natives who live under Indonesian colonialism.
Thus, hopefully our answers can be understood by all parties. Thanks you for your attention.
After receiving the questions of International journalists from the Media Associate Press (AP) dated June 12th, 2019, we need to convey to the public globally that West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB-OPM) fighters are people who do not recognize the illegal occupation of Indonesia in the lands of Papuans, and we are not Indonesian citizens .
In this case, we have never admitted to being Indonesian citizens, because the struggle of the OPM and TPNPB has started from the 1960s. And we are a group that does not want thieves to come to our ancestral lands, to rob and steal natural resources on our lands.
On the basis of our plausible argument, we also underline that all West Papua National Liberation (TPNPB-OPM) childrens who was born on their battlefields have no chance to participate in the development program activities that have been and are being carried out by the colonial government of the Republic of Indonesia in Papua.
And in the war against the Indonesian Colonial Combatants, if the public knows that there are TPNPB-OPM fighters belonging to young children, that is because of the political situation due to Indonesia's illegal occupation of the Papuan ancestral lands.
This means that TPNPB-OPM is not like a Terrorist organization that can have to recruit childrens to be used as dameng, but all TPNPB-OPM fighters are was born naturally according to the situation and also according to the background of the life of TPNPB-OPM who are always fighting in West Papua Forests.
Therefore, we have answered the questions of the International Journalists from the AP media in accordance with the facts and experience of Our Papuan Natives who live under Indonesian colonialism.
Thus, hopefully our answers can be understood by all parties. Thanks you for your attention.
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The photo of West Papua National Liberation Army Personnel of OPM in Ndugama, Papua Led by Bridgen Ekianus Kogeya |
In Indonesian Malay as
Sebby Sambom Menjawab
Pertanyaan Wartawan
Hai S, kami baik-baik saja. Dan ini adalah pertanyaan yang menarik dan sulit untuk dijelaskan tentang situasinya. Tetapi saya akan menjawab dengan pengetahuan dan pengalaman yang telah dan sedang hadapi Oleh orang asli Papua yang berjuang dibawah payung organisasi OPM dan TPNPB selama lima puluh tahun lebih.
Hai S, kami baik-baik saja. Dan ini adalah pertanyaan yang menarik dan sulit untuk dijelaskan tentang situasinya. Tetapi saya akan menjawab dengan pengetahuan dan pengalaman yang telah dan sedang hadapi Oleh orang asli Papua yang berjuang dibawah payung organisasi OPM dan TPNPB selama lima puluh tahun lebih.
1. Ya, pejuang
TPNPB-OPM adalah kebanyakan pria-pria muda, dan hal itu benar. Dan situasi ini
berlaku di seluruh Pegunungan Tengah Papua, yang merupakan daerah konflik
perang Antara TPNB-OPM dan Pasukan Keamanan Indonesia, yaitu military dan
Polisi Kolonial Indonesia;
2. Pengetahuan dan pengalaman saya adalah bahwa lebih khusus kita di daerah
konflik perang, di Pegunungan Tengah Papua Barat, memiliki pengalaman pahit karena operasi militer yang brutal,
yang telah dan sedang dilakukan oleh militer dan Polisi Indonesia.
Dalam hal ini, Kami perlu sampaikan kepada masyarakat Internasional
bahwa Wilayah konflik perang seperti wilaya Ndugama, Puncak Jaya, Puncak Papua,
Intan jaya, Tembagapura, Lani Jaya hampir semua anak-Anak tidak memperoleh hak
untuk mendapatkan pendidikan. Dan anak-anak muda ini adalah keluarga dari
anggota TPNPB-OPM, Oleh Karena itu jika mereka ikuti pendidikan di
sekolah-sekolah Indonesia, maka intelejen Indonesia akan mengintai mereka dan
bahkaa akhirnya mereka dapat tangkap dan bahkan dibunuh. Dengan pengalaman ini
sehingga semua anak-Anak yang merupakan keluarga TPNPB-OPM selalu tinggal di
hutan Bersama keluarga mereka, dan kemudian mereka besar dan menjadi pejuang
kemerdekaan Papua, yaitu melanjutkan perjuangan orang tua mereka.
Jadi kalau anda mendengar berita tentang pejuang-pejuang TPNPB yang
berusia muda ini Karena demikian situainya, dan juga itu telah dan sedang di
catat dalam sejarah perjuangan kami;
3. Ya, pejuang-pejuang muda ini mereka mempunyai orang tua dan kerabat.
Orang-orang Tua mereka adalah pejuang kemerdekaan Papua dan mereka bagian
daripada perjuangan ini. Sehingga otomatis anak-Anak ini menjadi pejuang dan
lawan Militer Kolonial Indonesia.
Contohnya, Panglima KODA III TPNPB Ndugama Bridgen Ekianus Kogeya. Ekianus Kogeya
adalah anak seorang Panglima TPNPB OPM Wilayah III Ndugama Papua, yaitu almarhum
Jenderal Silas Elmin Kogeya.
Dan anaknya mengambil alih tongkat Komando untuk lanjutkan perjuangan
bangsa Papua guna memperoleh kemerdekaan dari tangan Pemerintah colonial
4. Ya, Kami mempunyai pengalaman yang sama di seluruh territory tanah
Papua, yaitu dari sorong sampai Merauke, bahkan di PNG di tempat-tempat
Semua anak-Anak yang orang tua mereka adalah pejuang Papua merdeka, maka
anak-anak mereka secara otomatis menjadi pejuang dan lanjutkan perjuangan untuk
Papua merdeka. Dan hal ini telah Kami Alami dari sejak Indonesia masuk di Papua
terhitung 1 Mei 1963 hingga kini.
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The photo of West Papua National Liberation Army Personnel in Ndugama, Papua led by Bridgen Ekianus Kogeya |
Catatan Oleh Sebby Sambom Boleh Ikuti Dibawah
Setelah menerima pertanyaan
wartawan Internasional dari Media Associate Press (AP) tertanggal 12 Juni 2019,
maka Kami perlu sampaikan kepada public secara global bahwa Pejuang TPNPB-OPM
adalah orang-orang yang tidak mengakui pendudukan illegal Indonesia di Tanah Papua,
dan Kami bukan warga Negara Indonesia.
Dalam hal ini Kami tidak pernah
mengakui sebagai warga Negara Indonesia, Karena perjuangan OPM dan TPNPB telah
mulai dari sejak tahun 1960an. Dan Kami adalah kelompok yang tidak mau pencuri datang
ke tanah leluhur Kami, Untuk merampok dan mencuri sumberdaya alam yang Ada di
atas tanah Kami.
Dengan dasar argument Kami
yang masuk akal ini, maka Kami juga mengarisbawahi
bahwa semua anak-anak TPNPB-OPM yang lahir di medan perang mereka tidak punya
kesempatan untuk ikut activitas program pembagunan yang telah dan sedang
dilakukan Oleh pemerintah Kolonial Republik Indoneia di Tanah Papua.
Dan dalam perang melawan
Sertadu Kolonial Indonesia, jika public mengetahui bahwa ada pejuang-pejuang
TPNPB-OPM yang terkolong anak-anak berusia muda, maka itu Karena factor situasi
politik akibat pendudukan illegal Indoneia di Tanah leluhur bangsa Papua.
Artinya bahwa TPNPB-OPM tidak
seperti oragnisasi Teroris yang suka rekrut anak-anak untuk dijadikan sebagai
dameng, namun semua pejuang TPNPB-OPM adalah lahir secara alamiah sesuai dengan
situasi dan juga sesuai latar belakang kehidupan TPNPB-OPM yang selalu berjuang
di Hutan-Hutan Papua Barat.
Oleh Karena itu, Kami telah
mejawab pertanyaan Wartawan Internasional dari media AP ini sesuai dengan fakta
dan pengalaman Kami Orang Asli Papua yang hidup dibawah kolonialisme Indonesia.
Demikian, semoga jawaban Kami
ini dapat dipahami Oleh semua pihak. Treima Kasih atas perhatian anda.
By Sebby Sambom
Published by Admin
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