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Announced the Bougainville Referendum Result on December 11th 2019 in Buka Island of Bougainville (pic Bougainville Care Foundation inc) |
World History,
Melanesian History and Pacific history. The New Country was born, Bougainville
in the Melanesian territory.
Today, December 11th, 2019, the Bougainville referendum committee announced its results, and in its declaration stated that 79% of the votes could vote for the Independent option.
Thus, starting today December 11th, 2019 the Bougainville Nation has become fully independent and has become a member of the United Nations.
On the results of this victory, we OPM, TPNPB and KNPB on behalf of the people of Papua convey to Congratulation to Bougainvilleans. God bless the people of Bougainvillea.
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The West Papuans delegation Mr. Agustinus Aud and Mr. Jeffrey Bomanak Witnessed the Bougainville Referendum Result Announced on December 11th 2019 in Buka Island of Bougainville (Pic Agustinus Aud) |
The Free Papua Organization with its military wing, TPNPB, has sent a delegation led directly by OPM chairman Mr. Jeffrey Bomanak, according to an official invitation by the BRA leadership.
The OPM has sent an official delegation on behalf of the Papuan people, so in the delegation there is an official delegated from the West Papua National Committee (KNPB).
And the West Papua National Committee (KNPB) delegate deserves to witness the Bougainville Referendum, because they are an organization based in the People of Papua.
And West Papua National Committee (KNPB) also stands as a people's media, which has been and is being mediated the people of the Papuan Nation to continue to fight for the right of the Political Independence (self determination) as like Bougainvilleans.
The Chairperson of the Papuan Official Delegation, Mr. Jeffrey Bomanak, reported that on December 12th, 2019, they will travel to Arawa in the Main Lands in Bougainville, because on Friday December 13th, 2019 PNG PM James Marape would arrive at Arawa to officially announce the results of the Bougainville Referendum Victory.
The Bougainville Referendum victory is our victory for Melanesians in world history, which is winning by 97% which is a big victory in world history on refrendum.
Therefore, we respect and appreciate the people and leaders of the Bougainvilleans Nation, and this is also inseparable from the goodness of the PNG Government that truly respects the human rights and democratic rights of the people who want independence.
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The Bougainville referendum Commission were Announced the result of Bougainville Referendum on December 11th 2019 |
With this experience, we hope that the Colonial Government of the Republic of Indonesia must learn by the PNG Government, which has the courage to give the Bougainvilleans People to choice the determine of their own destiny through an referendum.
That was the report on the outcome of the Bougainville referendum victory, which had been reported directly from Buka Island by the Papuan Delegation, OPM Chairperson Mr. Jeffrey Bomanak and West Papua National Committee (KNPB) Representative Mr. Agustinus Aud.
And forward to all journalists around the world, and also delivered to human rights workers around the world by West Papua National Liberation Army of OPM Spokesman Mr. Sebby Sambom.
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The photo of at Bougainville Referendum Result Announced place in Buka Island of Bougainville on December 11th 2019 (Pic Documentation of Agutinus Aud, West Papuan delegation) |
In Malay Indonesian as follow....!!!
OPM Dan TPNPB atas Nama
Bangsa Papua Ucapkan Selamat Kepada Bangsa Bougainville atas Kemenangan
Sejarah Dunia, Sejarah Melanesia dan sejarah Pasifik.
Negara Baru telah lahir yaitu Bougainville di territory Melanesia.
Pada hari ini Tanggal 11 Desember 2019 Panitia referendum Bougainville
(Bougainville Referendum Commission) mengumumkan hasil nya, Dan dalam
deklarasinya menyatakan bahwa 79% suara dapat memilih opsi Merdeka.
Dengan demikian, maka mulai hari ini Tanggal 11 Desember 2019
Bangsa Bougainville telah merdeka Penuh dan menjadi Negara anggota PBB.
Atas hasil kemenangan ini, maka Kami OPM, TPNPB dan KNPB atas
nama bangsa Papua sampaikan ucapan Selamat. Tuhan memberkati bangsa Bougainvillea.
Untuk diketahui nya bahwa laporan hasil Kemenangan ini telah Kami
Terima langsung dari Buka Island Oleh Delegasi OPM-TPNPB dan KNPB yang berada
di Buka, ibu Kota Otonom Bougainville atau tempat perhitungan suara hasil
Organisasi Papua Merdeka dengan sayap Militernya yaitu TPNPB telah
mengirim delegasi yang dipimpinan langsung Oleh ketua OPM Tuan Jeffrey Bomanak,
sesuai undangan resmi Oleh Pimpinan BRA.
OPM telah Kirim Delegasi secara resmi atas nama bangsa Papua,
maka dalam delegasi itu Ada Utusan Resmi dari KNPB.
Dan Utusan KNPB layak menyaksikan Referendum Bougainville,
karena mereka adalah organisasi yang berbasis di Rakyat Bangsa Papua.
Dan KNPB juga berdiri sebagai media rakyat, yang mana telah
dan sedang mediasi rakyat Bangsa Papua untuk terus berjuang hak Politik
Ketua Delegasi Resmi bangsa
Papua yaitu Tuan Jeffrey Bomanak melaporkan bahwa hari Kami Tanggal 12 Desember
2019 Mereka ke Arawa di Main Lands
(tanah Besar) di Bougainville, karena pada hari Jumat Tanggal 13 Desember 2019
PM PNG James Marape akan Tiba di Arawa untuk mengumumkan secara resmi hasil
Kemenangan Referendum Bougainville.
Kemenangan Referendum Bougainville adalah Kemenangan kita orang-orang
Melanesia dalam sejarah dunia, yaitu memenangkan dengan angka 97% yang
merupakan kemenangan besar dalam sejarah dunia.
Oleh karena itu Kami hormati dan apresiasi kepada Rakyat dan
Pimpinan Bangsa Bougainville, Dan ini juga tidak lepas dari kebaikan Pemerintah
PNG yang benar-benar menghormati hak asasi Manusia dan Hak Demokrasi Rakyat
yang ingin merdeka.
Dengan pengalaman ini, maka Kami harap bahwa Pemerintah
Kolonial Republik Indonesia harus belajar dari Pemerintah PNG, yang mana berani
memberikan kesempatan kepada Bangsa Bougainville untuk menentukan nasib sendiri
melalui referendum.
Demikian laporan hasil kemenangan referendum Bougainville, yang
telah dilaporkan langsung dari Buka Island Oleh Delegasi Bangsa Papua yaitu Ketua
OPM Tuan Jeffrey Bomanak dan Utusan KNPB Tuan Agustinus Aud.
Dan dilanjutkan kepada semua journalis di seluruh dunia, Dan
juga disampaikan kepada para pekerja HAM di seluruh dunia Oleh Jubir TPNPB-OPM
Tuan Sebby Sambom.
Publish by Admin
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