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Thursday, 27 June 2019

KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM Press Release Per June 26th 2019 Regarding Indonesian Military Operations and Raped Against a 11th Years old Girl in Sinak Papua

The West Papua National Liberation Army Troops at OPM Headquaters in Sinak Highlands of  Papua (pic Doc TPNPB)
TPNPBNEWS: KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM Headquarters has received a report on Tuesday June 25th, 2019 by the Commander of KODAP Sinak namely Bridgen Militer Murib through Courier, and in his report it was stated that the Indonesian Military Forces had raped an 11th years-old girl and her mother.

Please follow the full report below:

Today's official report on June 25, 2019 at 02:19 Early morning Papua time was reported by TPNPB SINAK Kodap Commander Bridgen Military Murib that TNI troops from Wamena were chasing TPNPB forces led by Lekagak Telenggen Komadan General Operations in Tanah Papua, and in this operation the Indonesian Military from Wamena through sinak it has arrived in Agadugume District, Puncak Papua Regency and from Lani Jaya has arrived in Nenggeyagin District.

The presence of the military in this large amount, so as a result of that the Refugee community is very difficult, said Military Murib to the TPNPB-OPM Courier via his cellphone from Puncak Papua.

Meanwhile the TPNPB courier tried to contact Lekagak Telenggen, but he could not contact the communication, because he was in a place where there was no Telkomsel network.

So Military Murib said the TPNPB forces had followed the arrival of the TNI troops in the Kuyawagi region from the Ndugama refugee area and from Puncak Jaya, and we did not fire at the TNI Forces. Because we TPNPB officially issued a Ultumatum that the Kuyawagi Region is a place for civilian Refugees if the TNI forces enter the area It means violating the Rights of Civilians and there will be a sacrifice of the people so we ask all parties to investigate this condition immediately.

We are ready to buy TPNPB fighters that the Indonesian government brings in through TNI forces in the Kuyawagi Region, the Military Murib said to the TPNPB-OPM Courier and can be reported to the KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM Headquarters.

Then the TPNPB Sinak KODAP Commander, Military Murib said that we were the TPNPB Military Leaders from Koyawagi, Sinak, Ilaga, Ndugama, Puncak Jaya. They agreed.

Regarding the report that we received about the rape of the 11-year-old or underage girl, we confirmed and underlined the public report here, because we could not deceive any reason.

Because we fought for the people and the independence of the Papuan people, we conveyed that the report on rape had indeed been carried out by the Indonesian military forces.

Note: TPNPB-OPM will publish video testimony of  the raped victims after interview as soon. Please wait.

This was a report from the TPNPB Sinak regional Commander,
Bridgen Militer Murib. And reported to the KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM Management by TPNPB-OPM Courier.

Forward to all Journalists and Human Rights Workers around the world, by Spokesman of KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM, Sebbby Sambom. 

Pimpinana Militer TPNPB-OPM di Wilayah Pegunungan Tengah Papua atau Dalam Acara Penyerahan SK KODAP 2016
Siaran Perss KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM Per 26 Juni 2019 Tentang Operasi Militer Indonesia dan Pemerkosaan Terhadap Anak Gadis 11 Tahun di Sinak Papua

TPNPBNEWS: Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM telah Terima laporan pada hari selasa Tanggal 25 June 2019 Oleh Panglima KODAP Sinak yaitu Bridgen Militer Murib melalui Kurir, dan dalam laporanya disampaikan bahwa Pasukan Militer Indonesia telah memperkosa seorang anak perempuan berusia 11 tahun dan ibunya.

Silakan ikuti laporan lengkap dibawah ini:
Laporan Resmi hari ini tanggal 25 Juni 2019 pukul 02:19 Waktu Papua dini hari di laporkan oleh TPNPB Panglima Kodap SINAK Bridgen Militer Murib bahwa Pasukan TNI dari Wamena mengejar pasukan TPNPB pimpinan Lekagak Telenggen Komadan Operasi umum se Tanah Papua, dan dalam operasi ini Militer Indonesia dari Wamena lewat sinak telah tibah di Distrik Agadugume Kabupaten Puncak Papua dan dari Lani Jaya telah tibah di Distrik Nenggeyagin.

Kehadiran military dalam jumlah besar ini, maka akibat dari itu warga masyarakat Pengungsi sangat kesulitan, Kata Militer Murib kepada Kurir TPNPB-OPM melalui telp selulernya dari Puncak Papua.

Sementara itu Kurir TPNPB berusaha menghubungi Lekagak Telenggen Namun belum bisa kontak komunikai, Karena beliau berada di tempt yang tidak ada jaringan Telkomsel.

Maka Militer Murib mengatakan Pasukan TPNPB sudah ikuti kedatangan pasuka TNI di Wilayah Kuyawagi daerah pengungsi Dari Ndugama Maupun dari puncak Jaya, dan kami tidak melakukan tembakan terhadap Pasukan TNI. Karena kami TPNPB secara resmi sudah mengeluarkan Ultumatum bahwa Daerah kuyawagi adalah tempat Pengungsi warga sipil apabilah pasukan TNI masuk di daerah tersebut Berarti melanggar Hak Warga sipil dan akan terjadi pengorbanan Rakyat maka kami mohon semua pihak Investigasi segera kodisi ini.

Kami pejuang TPNPB siap beli Jualan yg pemerintah RI bawa masuk melalui pasukan TNI di Wilayah kuyawagi kata Militer Murib kepada kepada Kurir TPNPB-OPM dan dapat dilaporkan ke Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM.

Selanjutnya Panglima KODAP TPNPB Sinak, Militer Murib sampaikan bahwa Kami Pimpinan Militer TPNPB dari Koyawagi, sinak, Ilaga, Ndugama, Puncak Jaya sudah sepakat Daerah Kuyawagi adalah Daerah Pengungsi Warga sipil namun Pasuk TNI masuk di daerah ini maka kami TPNPB siap menunggu reaksi TNI.

Terkait laporan yang Kami Terima tentang pemerkosaan terhadap gadis yang berusia 11 Tahun atau dibawah umur itu kami pastikan dan garisbawahai bahwa laporan masyarakat  disini, karena kami tidk bisa tipu menipu apapun alasannya.

Karena kami berjuang untuk rakyat dan kemerdekaan bangsa Papua, maka Kami sampaikan bahwa laporan tentang Pemerkosaan itu benar telah lakukan Oleh Pasukan Militer Indoesia.

Catatan: TPNPB-OPM akan segera mempublikasikan video kesaksian korban yang diperkosa oleh Militer Indonesia, setelah wawancara mereka nanti. tetaplah tunggu di Chanel kami. 
Teruskan ke semua Jurnalis dan Pekerja Hak Asasi Manusia di seluruh dunia, oleh Juru Bicara KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM, Sebbby Sambom.

Demikian laporan dari Panglima KODAP TPNPB Sinak, Bridgen Militer Murib. Dan dilaporkan kepada Manajemen KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM Oleh Kurir TPNPB-OPM. 

Publish by Admin

1 comment:

  1. Enenggali amag soho dag soho suruson ari o ahik Yada inilenggen hawag soho lahap isin nami.
