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Tuesday, 18 June 2019

TPNPB-OPM Press Release On June 18th 2019 Regarding Young TPNPB-OPM Freedom Fighters

The photo of Younger Freedom Fighters of TPNPB-OPM in Tingginambut, Puncak Jaya, Highlands of West Papua

Dear All journalists throughout the world and also to All Human Rights Workers Around the World.

On this day, Tuesday, 18th June 2019, we from KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM Headquarters informed all viewers around the world that Members of the TPNPB-OPM are adults, young fighters classified as childrens and womens.

Why? Because we have never admitted to being Indonesian citizens, and the struggle of the OPM and TPNPB has started since 1960s.

And we are a group of people who do not want thieves to come to our ancestral lands, to rob and steal natural resources that are on our ancestral lands while killing us.

Because all the natural resources that exist on our land are the source of our lives, that is why we take a stand to reject Indonesia and fight to save all creatures that breathe on our land. The final aim is Papua free from oppression by the Indonesian Colonial government.

On the basis of our plausible argument, we also underline that all TPNPB-OPM
Younger Freedom Fighters of TPNPB-OPM
children born on their battlefields have no chance to participate in the development program activities that have been and are being carried out by the colonial government of the Republic of Indonesia in Papua.

And in the war against the Indonesian Colonial Security Foreces, if the public knows that there are TPNPB-OPM fighters to classified as young childrens, then that is because of the political situation due to the illegal occupation of Indonesia in the Papuans ancestral lands.

This means that TPNPB-OPM is not like a Terrorist organization that they always to recruit childrens to be used as shield or victimization, but all TPNPB-OPM fighters are born naturally according to the situation and also according to the background of the life of TPNPB-OPM who are always fighting in West Papua Jungle.

Therefore, we have answered the questions of the International Journalists from the AP media in accordance with the facts and experience of Our Papuan Natives who live under Indonesian colonialism. The same questions also we got received from RNZ Journalist MS, by the questions we understand clear about the Younger Freedom fighters of TPNPB-OPM.
And these young TPNPB-OPM fighters are not only in Ndugama, but in Puncak Jaya, Puncak Papua, Lani Jaya, Intan Jaya, Paniai, and other areas throughout the territory of West Papua.

This is not a new thing either, but we have gone through this situation from the time the OPM and its military wing TPNPB fought, from the 1960s.

And all children was born at OPM Headquarters, continue the struggle after they are crew up and youth. And all of this we do only to defend ourselves from extinction due to crimes of humanity that have been and are being carried out by the Indonesian Military in West Papua.

West Papuan Womens Freedom Fighters of TPNPB-OPM
To describe this situation, we also attach some photos of TPNPB-OPM members, all of which are Adult Men, Childrens and womens. You can Imagine by look at the photos we have attach. And will know how the situation is still happening on human live in West Papua.

We all fight under the umbrella of the TPNPB-OPM organization, a Papuan freedom fighter, who is Faithful and sacrifices for the sake of defending the Papuan nation and people.

Our Headquarters are in Forests, which are our villages. And Indonesia have no right to enter our villages. And they are (Indonesian) are thieves and robbers, There is no place for them in our ancestral lands. We will continue to fight until Indonesia have to leave our country, West Papua.

TPNPB-OPM fighters are voluntary fighters, and also not forced. This means that all TPNPB-OPM fighters are people who are committed to fighting for West Papua to be free from colonialism by Indonesian.

Thus, hopefully our answers can be understood by all parties. Thanks you for your attention.

By Sebby Sambom
Spokesman of WPNLA of OPM

The photo of West Papua National Liberation Army of OPM in the Highlands of West Papua onTPNPB Meeting  Dec 2016
 In Indonesian Malay as follow….!!!

Siaran Perss KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM Per 18 Juni 2019 Tentang Pejuang TPNPB-OPM Yang Tergolong Muda  

Kepada yang terhormat, Semua journalis di seluruh dunia dan juga kepada Semua Pekerja HAM di Seluruh Dunia. 

Pada hari ini Selasa Tanggal 18 June 2019 Kami dari Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM memberitahukan kepada semua pihat di seluruh dunia bahwa Anggota TPNPB-OPM adalah Orang-Orang Dewasa, Pejuang muda yang tergolong anak-Anak dan juga Perempuan. 

Mengapa? Karena Kami tidak pernah mengakui sebagai warga Negara Indonesia, dan perjuangan OPM dan TPNPB telah mulai dari sejak tahun 1960an.

Dan Kami adalah kelompok orang yang tidak mau pencuri datang ke tanah leluhur Kami, Untuk merampok dan mencuri sumber daya alam yang Ada di atas tanah leluhur Kami sambil membunuh kami.

Karena semua kekayaan alam yang Ada di atas tanah Kami adalah sumber kehidupan Kami, Oleh Karen itu Kami mengambil sikap menolak Indonesia dan berjuang untuk selamatkan semua mahluk yang bernafas di atas tanah Kami. Tijuana akhir adalah Papua bebas dari penindasan Oleh bangsa Kolonial Indonesia.   
The photo  Five Regions Commanders of TPNPB-OPM were Recipient the Decree  Letter (SK)  in the Highlands of West Papua on December 2016 (pic Documents  KOMANS TPNPB-OPM)
Dengan dasar argument Kami yang masuk akal ini, maka Kami juga   mengarisbawahi bahwa semua anak-anak TPNPB-OPM yang lahir di medan perang mereka tidak punya kesempatan untuk ikut activitas program pembagunan yang telah dan sedang dilakukan Oleh pemerintah Kolonial Republik Indoneia di Tanah Papua.

Dan dalam perang melawan Sertadu Kolonial Indonesia, jika public mengetahui bahwa ada pejuang-pejuang TPNPB-OPM yang tergolong anak-anak berusia muda, maka itu Karena factor situasi politik akibat pendudukan illegal Indoneia di Tanah leluhur bangsa Papua.

Artinya bahwa TPNPB-OPM tidak seperti oragnisasi Teroris yang suka rekrut anak-anak untuk dijadikan sebagai dameng, namun semua pejuang TPNPB-OPM adalah lahir secara alamiah sesuai dengan situasi dan juga sesuai latar belakang kehidupan TPNPB-OPM yang selalu berjuang di Hutan-Hutan Papua Barat.
The photo of A TPNPB-OPM Personnel Maintain the decree Letters or SK Submission agenda for the five Region  Commanders of TPNPB-OPM in the Highlands of West Papua December 2016  (pic Document KOMNAS TPNPB )
Oleh Karena itu, Kami telah mejawab pertanyaan Wartawan Internasional dari media AP ini sesuai dengan fakta dan pengalaman Kami Orang Asli Papua yang hidup dibawah kolonialisme Indonesia.

Dan pejuang-pejuang TPNPB-OPM yang berusia muda ini bukan di Ndugama saja, melainkan di Puncak Jaya, Puncak Papua, Lani Jaya, Intan Jaya, Paniai, Dan Dearah lain di seluruh territory Papua Barat.

Hal ini juga bukan merupakan hal yang baru, namun situasi ini telah Kami lalui dari sejak OPM dan sayap militernya TPNPB berjuang, dari sejak taahun 1960 an.

Dan Semua anak-Anak yang lahir di Markas-Markas OPM, melanjutkan perjuangan setelah mereka besar. Dan semua ini Kami lakukan hanya untuk membela diri dari kepunahan akibat kejahatan kemanusiaan yang telah dan sedang dilakukan Oleh Militer Indonesia di Papua Barat.

Untuk deskripsikan situasi ini Kami juga lampirkan beberapa photos anggota TPNPB-OPM, yang semuanya adalah Pria Dewasa, Anak-Anak dan perempuan.
The Photos of West Papua National Liberation Army in the Highlands of West Papua on December 2016 (pic Doc TPNPB)
Kami Semuayang berjuang dibawah payung organisasi TPNPB-OPM adalah pejuang kemerdekaan Papua, yang Setia dan berkorban Demi membela Negeri dan Rakyat bangsa Papua. Markas Kami di Hutan-Hutan, yang merupakan kampung Kami. Dan Indonesia tidak punya hak untuk memsuki kampung-kampung Kami.

Pejuang TPNPB-OPM adalah pejuang sukarela, dan juga tidak dipaksa. Artinya bahwa semua Pejuang TPNPB-OPM adalah orang-orang yang berkomitmen untuk berjuang Papua merdeka dari Penjajahan Oleh Indonesia.

Demikian, semoga jawaban Kami ini dapat dipahami Oleh semua pihak. Terima Kasih atas perhatian anda.

By Sebby Sambom
Spokesman of WPNLA of OPM
The WPNLA Leaders from Right to Left Gen Goliath Tabuni High Commander of TPNPB and Major General Lekagak Telenggen general Operation Commander of TPNPB-OPM on December 2012  (pic Document KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM)
 Published by Admin


  1. everyday, i look at the people of west papua and feel so sorry for them. i've made a donation to the federal state republic of west papua but i feel that it isn't enough. is there a way for me, a foreigner, to help the west papuans in their struggle?

  2. Semoga kami merdeka demi tuhan
