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Photo Ilustrated of West Papua Curches Leaders Unfaith to fight for God;s people |
To all the leaders of the Churches that is in all the lands of Papua, both the Reverend, Pastor, Bishop, Deacon, Klasis, Synod Where you Vote? Christians in kill points out of home, but you do not want to leave and helps.
You yourself teach us, "You shall love your fellow as yourself" but yourself and do not want not practicing helping God's People who have and while Indonesia Kill.
People who have God, they Will not be afraid to speak and Act Truth of what happens in Papua , but the reallity all the Pastors or reverend in Papua are fear of Indonesia and silened.
why the Religious Leaders not Unite? What
causes fear and Leaders faith to be Silent?
I want to Speak and Religious Leaders Unite to
Solve all human rights violations in Papua. Why you Patriarch Silence?
Written by KAMU.JA, Gapii Blacksweet Hagamo, in his Facebook wall on Sunday April 3rd, 2016.
Notes from Papua Indepndence Activis here:
1. All of the leaders of the Churches in Papua have to learn the history of the struggle of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in the United States;
2. Dr. Martin Luther King has been able to successfully treat black people in America of Racial Discrimination, state leaders of the Churches in Papua fear of Colonial Government of the Republic of Indonesia;
3. We want to see all churches leaders in Papua, led a massive demonstration as as possible to closing capital city of Jayapura-Papua, to split Papua Aboriginal rights;
4. If all the leaders of the Churches can not do the above poin tthree, then the message that we do not hypocritical, because God does not love hypocrites.
How did
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr has been to fight for the black people freedom from
the discrimination in America, please
visit or click on the links location below.
For 382 days, almost the entire African-American population of
Montgomery, Alabama, including leaders Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks,
refused to ride on segregated buses, a turning point in the American civil
rights movement.
So, thank you for your attention.
Translated and publishing by
Sebby Sambom
An Independence Activist of West Papua
(Former West Papuan Political Prisoner)
Translated and publishing by
Sebby Sambom
An Independence Activist of West Papua
(Former West Papuan Political Prisoner)
Politik Masuk Dalam Agama di
Papua: Aneh Tetapi Nyata
Kepada semua pemimpin Gereja yang ada di Seluruh tanah Papua,
baik itu Pendeta, Pastor, Uskup, Diakon,
Klasis, Sinode Dimanakah Suara Kalian? Umat Kristiani Di Bunuh Habis Depan Mata, Namun Kalian Tinggalkan Dan Tidak Mau
Engkau Sendiri Mengajarkan Kepada Kami, “Kasihilah Sesama mu
Manusia Seperti Dirimu Sendiri” Namun
Engkau Sendiri Tidak Mempraktekan Dan
Tidak Mau Menolong Umat Tuhan Yang Telah Dan Sedang Indonesia Bunuh.
Orang Yang Punya Tuhan Dia Tidak Akan Takut Bersuara Dan Bertindak Atas Kebenaran Yang Terjadi
Dipapua, Tetapi Keyataannya Semua Pendeta Di Papua Takut Indonesia Dan Diam.
Mengapa Pemimpin Agama Tidak Bersatu? Apa Yang Menyebabkan
Sehingga Pemimpin Agama Takut Dan Diam Jadi Mono?
Saya Mau Pemimpin Agama Harus Bersuara Dan Bersatu Untuk
Menyelesaikan Pelanggaran Ham Yang Terjadi Diseluru Papua. Kenapa Kamu Pemimpin Gereja Diam?
Ditulis oleh KAMU.JA, Gapii Blacksweet Hagamo,
dalam dinding Facebooknya
pada hari minggu tanggal 3 April 2016.
Catatan dari activis Papua Merdeka:
1. Semua Pemimipin Gereja di
Papua perlu pelajari sejarah perjuangan Marthen Luther King di Amerika Serikat;
2. Martheen Luther King telah
dapat berhasil bebaskan orang kulit hitam di America dari diskriminasi Ras,
namu pemimpin Gereja di Papua takut kepada Pemerintah Klonial Republik
3. Kami ingin menyaksikan semua
Pemimpin Gereja di Papua, pimpin demo besar-besaran tutup ibu kota Jayapura
Papua, guna membelah hak Orang Asli Papua;
4. Jika Semua pemimpin
Gereja tidak bisa lakukan hal poin tiga di atas, maka kami pesan bahwa jangan
munafik, karena Tuhan tidak senang orang munafik.
Demikian, terima kasih atas
perhatian anda.
Translated and publishing by
Sebby Sambom
An Independence Activist of West Papua
(Former West
Papuan Political Prisoner)
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